"Transfer money to a secure account through an ATM. We will send a taxi for you".


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The other day, my grandmother received a call allegedly from the security service of her bank. They said that someone had just tried to steal money from her card. They blocked the operation, but the money must be urgently transferred to some secure account so that thieves do not get to them again. They asked her if she knew how to use an Internet bank or a mobile application. Grandma didn’t know how. Then they said that they would send a taxi for her and take her to the nearest ATM to transfer money through it. They were rushing her very much.
The grandmother told them the address, literally 15 minutes later an ordinary taxi arrived for her. The grandmother called them back from the ATM, they dictated the account number to her and instructed what to do. As a result, she threw everything she had there. And just before that, she received her pension.
I found out about this only when she asked me in the evening what to do next and how to get the money back. Together with her they called the bank, found out that they were swindlers. Now the grandmother cries almost all the time. Can the bank be required to return the stolen goods?

Financial Culture Expert:
Fraudsters are inventing new ways to defraud people. Olga's grandmother came across a method designed specifically for the elderly. The cybercriminals know that older people usually do not use the Internet, but they will be able to “dictate” money transfers through an ATM. And the delivery of the client to the ATM by taxi will allow you to do everything quickly.

Banks do not compensate for money that a person voluntarily transferred to fraudsters. In order not to lose your savings, you always need to follow the basic safety rules:
  • If you are supposedly called from a bank and they are afraid that your money is about to be stolen, you need to hang up and call the bank yourself. The hotline phone number can be found on the back of any bank card. The number must be dialed manually. You cannot call back on the phone from which you have just been called. In this case, you will again be taken to the same scammers.
  • Do not hurry. If the bank detects a suspicious transaction, it suspends it for two days. You have time not only to call the bank back, but also to walk to the branch and find out everything there. Attackers demand to do everything as soon as possible so as not to give you time to calmly think it over and suspect deception.
  • Do not follow any instructions of strangers: do not transfer money to the accounts indicated by them, do not follow links from messages "from the bank", do not install mobile applications at their request.
  • Do not tell anyone personal data, card details and secret information: CVC / CVV-code (three digits on the back of the card), transaction confirmation codes from SMS, PIN-codes.

In addition, it is always worthwhile to sensibly evaluate the offers that an alleged bank employee makes to you. Financial organizations are constantly expanding the range of services, but taxi is not yet included in the number of banking services. If you are not a VIP client, the bank is unlikely to send a car for you.
If the scammers still managed to deceive you, you need to contact the police.
You can learn more about how to protect your money from the texts "Who and how is hunting for your bank cards", "What to do if money is stolen from a bank card", "Safe shopping on the Internet".