totallyNOTacop - How about a little vouchy vouch? :)


Captain Obvious obviously states the obvious
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Whats up guys, I'm totallyNOTacop.

Like other cops, I spend my day with my head buried in a trough, eating a mixture of old stale donuts, nasty old instant coffee, and fermented manure while fantasizing about the next suspect I'll imprison for victimless or nonviolent crimes :) ha.... ha

I know my name here actually makes me look like a cop but, it's meant to be ironic. In all seriousness, fuck the police, and moreso as the police are just henchmen for the governments and banks - FUCK the banks even more.

That brings me to why I am here: For the obvious reasons that I 1. need resources 2. need knowledge and 3. would genuinely like to assist others on their way (that's just how I am by nature).

My primary goal is to actually take back from the world what has been taken from me in the last year, and to never have to sit in some dreary building again, staring outside the window wishing I were free instead of a modern day slave - working my life away, selling my life's short time in a capitalist bullsh** system.

To summarize, I am tired of using my mind to help some other people I don't know, to get rich - it's time now for me to use it to enrich my own self and free myself from modern day slavery. I'd like to eventually help others to do so as well, if I can.

So, if you can relate & you feel like we are on the same quest and don't mind helping me on my journey, give me a little vouch vouch if you don't mind ;)

I won't forget it.



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Carder's reputation. How to earn a positive reputation
Greetings! In my articles in support of novice freelancers, I talk about how to communicate with carders and drop service, how to position yourself and how to talk about your services, how to name the price for your services - with experience, all this will be formed and periodically regulated. However, there is something that needs to be formed immediately, because then it will be very difficult to fix it. It's a reputation. Today we'll talk about the reputation of a carder, how to earn a positive reputation, and why you need it.

Remote work is working with bro-carders
In fact, on a remote location, everything happens the same as in off-line life: we get to know each other, find out whether we are suitable for each other or not, we cooperate. The difference is in the nuance - most of the communication takes place in writing.
Why am I specifying this. The difference between written communication and verbal communication is that it remains somewhere: either in forum correspondence, in the mail, in jabber, or in a telegram. And what are the freelance sites worth? Well! Remember the saying: Written with a pen - you can't cut it out with an ax. If in ordinary life, communicating with someone and getting into an unpleasant situation, people can or at least try to force it out of memory. And this, you see, is more or less successful. It is almost impossible to delete what you have written from the above sources.

Nobody hopes for memory anymore
And what are they hoping for? And they hope for recordings of conversations, to which it is easy to return at any time. I will add here various notebooks and auxiliary programs, which are usually kept by the owners of companies i.e. customers and employers.
And it is very good to be included in the "white list" of freelancers, which includes those with whom I would like to work more, as well as recommend pleasant freelancers to others from this list of best practices.
But to get into the blacklist - write it "wasted". They will also recommend from it, they will only recommend not to contact you. In thematic groups, drop service owners, HR and just those who hire people for project work, willingly share the names of freelancers from their "black list" with comments about failures or conflicts. And readers willingly believe someone else's negative experience and remember these names.
Let's take it for granted that a positive reputation is better than a negative one and consider how to earn it.

How to build positive carder's reputation
From my point of view, earning a positive reputation is easy. However, I will add, including from my own experience and from the experience of my carding colleagues and from other spheres, that you will not be nice to everyone - and someone will not want to cooperate with you for some reason: someone something will seem "not right", for someone your price tag will seem high or, conversely, low, and so on.

As I wrote earlier, you don’t need to please everyone, at least because it will not work out, but it’s easy to crack into shreds in this situation. It is necessary to please only those clients who agree to cooperate with you.

So, how to earn a positive reputation. Here are some tips from Captain Obvious:
- do not be rude to customers
- do not dynamite
- do not manipulate. Even if you do not understand what it is about, this does not negate the fact that you do not need to manipulate.
- communicate politely
- clearly state your UPT
- understand your advantages over competitors
- calmly and confidently name your price

It's simple, right?
Now for a balance on how to earn negative reputation.

How to earn a negative reputation
- complain about customers in forum
- make fun of them as much as possible and tell the details of communication
- to assess cooperation with the customer after its completion
- to criticize customers both in the face and behind the back
- write out their anger at this or that customer in thematic publics in social networks, piously believing that he will not read
- to assess cooperation and be sure to talk about it to the customer at the time of receipt of payment
- if suddenly the customer turns to you again, then immediately recall his assessment of the previous cooperation and ask if it will be the same this time
- to demonstrate in every possible way that you are in charge here. And the customer is a minor character.
- communicate with the customer on "you", especially if he is the same age or even younger
- tell stories about other customers, and give them an assessment out loud
This option for positioning yourself also has a place to be. You may even know such freelancers. In the culture of some, it is considered normal to say nasty things and criticize, than to thank and admire. How are customers different from us? The same people! Let them get what they deserve. Again, this is just another direction for positioning yourself on the Internet. I'll even say more - a personal brand on the Internet!

Carder's reputation
If you are a positive person in life, brought up, with a moderate sense of respect for yourself and for other people, then you do not even have to think about building a reputation. Most likely, those who try to please others think of her. And for this they lower the price tag, hold on to each customer, and are ready to make concessions. Maybe such freelancers will earn themselves the image of a positive employee, but a respected one is unlikely.
However, as I wrote earlier, it is up to everyone personally how to conduct their work as a freelancer and build a personal brand. Remember the wisdom: "What do you call a ship - so it will float"?


Captain Obvious obviously states the obvious
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I. E. You're saying I need to do something to earn some kind of merit or what?