TOP 10 most expensive NFTs


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We've highlighted the ten most valuable NFTs ever sold in the world


NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, took the art world by storm in early 2021. Although sales have dropped significantly in recent weeks, NFTs are by far one of the main trends of the year.

We've highlighted the ten most valuable NFTs ever sold in the world. There is a huge variety in this collection - from photos of potatoes to virtual real estate.

10. Metarift: $ 904,413​

Created by the artist Pak, this mesmerizing video shows a group of spherical objects cocooned within an infinity symbol moving against a black background.


9. Forever Rose: $ 1 million​

Forever Rose became the world's most expensive virtual work of art in 2018 when this unique digital photograph sold for $ 1 million on Valentine's Day. The photo was created by artist Kevin Abosch, a pioneer in the field of crypto art.


Abosch also sold a photo of a potato to a businessman for about 1 million euros.


8. CryptoPunk # 4156: $ 1.5 million​

Cryptopanks are 10,000 unique collectible characters with proof of ownership stored on the Ethereum blockchain. They were the first NFTs on Ethereum and inspired the ERC-721 standard, which is used in most digital art and collectibles.


The collection was created by the American development team Larva Labs. Each character is unique in its own way. In total, the collection is worth about $ 440 million.

7. Virtual game Axie Infinity "Genesis" Estate: $ 1.5 million​

Axie Infinity is a virtual world game on Ethereum where players can buy and raise fantastic creatures known as Axies. In February of this year, the in-game estate sold for a whopping $ 1.5 million.

Danny, a virtual property seller, tweeted: "This is the largest digital land sale ever recorded on the blockchain."

6. CryptoPunk # 6965: $ 1.6 million​

Another character from the collection of cryptopunks. This one is unique due to the fedora hat.


5. Jack Dorsey's first tweet (and Twitter): $ 2.9 million​

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey sold his first tweet (aka first Twitter tweet) as NFT. The tweet posted on March 6, 2006 went on sale via the Valuables NFT platform.

Dorsey added that all proceeds from the sale of NFTs will be converted to bitcoin and donated to GiveDirectly, a charity supporting the poor. In total, about 50 BTC (about $ 2.9 million) were collected and donated.

4. Crossroads: $ 6.6 million​

Created by the artist who works under the pseudonym Beeple, this work of art demonstrates the author's iconic style of irony and sarcasm towards public figures.

Crossroads was created in response to the US presidential election. The video in it had to change depending on the election results (current image or Trump the winner).

3. CryptoPunk # 7804: $ 7.57 million​

This crypto-bank is one of nine Alien Punks. It was sold in March for only $ 10,000 cheaper than the most expensive crypto-bank (it goes further in the ranking).


2. CryptoPunk # 3100: $ 7.58 million​

It is the most expensive crypto-bank and also one of the nine Alien Punks. It has come a long way from its first price of $ 76 in 2017 to a final sale of $ 7.58 million in March earlier this year.


1. Everydays: The First 5000 Days - $ 69 million​

World-renowned auction house Christie's and artist Mike Winkelmann aka Beeple made non-fungible token history (NFT) history in late February when the house launched its first-ever NFT auction with no accompanying physical artwork. Within minutes, the auction skyrocketed to $ 1 million and finally the property was sold for a staggering $ 69 million.

The title is Every Day: The First 5000 Days. This is a collage of 5,000 images - one for each day since May 2007.

