Tinkoff attracts pranksters: Fraud roulette will become a new weapon against scammers


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The innovative project will turn predators into prey.

Tinkoff Bank has launched an innovative pilot project called "Fraud Roulette", aimed at combating phone fraudsters. According to the official statement of the financial institution, this initiative is a system where randomly connected users will pose as victims of criminals, thereby creating additional obstacles to fraudulent activities.

The essence of the Fraud Roulette project is that instead of real victims, pre-informed program participants will enter into a dialogue with scammers. As representatives of Tinkoff Bank explain, the idea of this service is "to hunt scammers, making the predator prey." Participants of the program will be able to communicate with criminals by phone, while the attackers will not know that they are trapped and will take the volunteers for real potential victims.

At the initial stage, the project invites people with experience in conducting pranks, as well as those who are not afraid of a possible conflict with intruders. Details of how the system will identify calls from scammers and distinguish them from regular calls are still unknown. Also, the financial institution has not yet provided detailed information on the timing and mechanisms of full-scale implementation of "Fraud Roulette". The decision to launch and scale the service will be made after testing, as there is a lot of technical work to be done, Tinkoff explained.