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Many people are unemployed and they worried about food for future. You should think about another people and love them. When you stolen asset from 1 people, they will hurt, angry and sad for that. Your illegal action, that action is attacking people in other countries. Your country will be losing credibility in the world by your action. The police will arrest you. Do you love your country, love people in the world?

If anybody stolen your asset everyday, what would you think about this? Very hurt, angry and sad. So DON’T stolen anybody's asset. Let find a good job and do it.

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Fear of the police and how to overcome it? Yuri Zhdanov in the program Right! Yes?
Fear of the police and how to overcome it? Yuri Zhdanov in the program Right! Yes?

Yuri Zhdanov - President of the Section of the International Police Association 10.11. took part in the TV program Right! Yes? on the TV channel "Public Television". Yuri Nikolayevich believes that "the system itself must learn to stimulate employees to serve honestly."
The police are called upon to keep order. Then why is society afraid of her and tries to avoid communicating with those who, in fact, should provide our peace of mind? Do you know the incomprehensible feeling of fear that arises when you see the police, even when you have not violated anything? What are the reasons for the fear of the police? Should parents scare their children with the arrival of a police officer when the child disobeys? What needs to be changed in the police in terms of image? How can you overcome your fear of the police and learn to trust them again?
Host - Yuri Alekseev: Yuri, your first question. How is it that society is afraid of those who, in theory, should protect them?
Yuri Zhdanov: Good afternoon. You know, the main reason is that in ten years there has been a real revolution in the work of the police. The main weapon was not the pistol, but the intellect. And in fact, people are still afraid of a pistol, a baton and a stun gun. And serious crimes that have gone into cyberspace can only be solved with intelligence.
Nevertheless, due to the activities of the police, due to mistakes, due to the weak nervous system of some police officers, due to the lack of humanity, some of the Ministry of Internal Affairs officers manifest those things that are the subject of today's consideration.
Yuri Alekseev: Zhanna, what do you think? Where does the fear of police officers both young and older people come from - in society as a whole?
Zhanna Margulis: It seems to me that people have seen enough of televisions, people have seen enough of all sorts of scary films, have read the press and have come up with the idea that everyone is the same. Well, it’s not like that. In any profession there are moral monsters, in any profession there are professionals. And raking everyone under the same brush is wrong. Well, this is absurdly simple.
There are also educators in the kindergarten who should go to jail, but no one even says that the child should not be sent to kindergarten. I think this is such a massive delusion, built on some kind of specific and immediate panic, nothing more.
Yuri Alekseev: But nevertheless, if you look on the Internet and drive in there "memes about the police", then, as a rule, there are memes about the not very high intelligence of the policeman or stories like "something will be thrown at you - and you will be thrown into prison", Or such a harsh appearance, sometimes a little belly, but nothing more. And where does it come from then? That is, it is still this that prevails, and not the image of Uncle Stepa, for example, which our spectator remembered at the very beginning.
Host: Alexander, I am addressing this question to you.
Alexander Mikhailov: The police are a function. In general, people are afraid of people, but they are not afraid of their function, because today it is very difficult to live without the police, especially since our world is quite turbulent. And all the same, no matter how afraid we are of specific people, we will still come there. We will come to protect ourselves, our loved ones, friends, comrades and so on.
But I want to say that the question also lies in the fact that, probably, those principles that were the basis of the militia have been lost, when people were really recruited, by and large, into the people's militia.
Yuri Alekseev: Do you mean Soviet times, the Soviet Union?
Alexander Mikhailov: Yes, I mean the Soviet Union. Of course, when people were recruited there on Komsomol vouchers, on the recommendation of labor collectives, of course, the police were completely different from what they are now. Because very often we are forced to take not the best of the best, but the best of the worst.
Yuri Alekseev: Mikhail, do you agree? Subscribe to this statement regarding not the best of the best, but who is, it turns out?
Mikhail Pashkin: Well, I completely agree with Alexander.
And I also want to add the following thing. Why are people afraid of the police? Because whoever says anything, police officers have so-called perspectives. Previously, these were plans for detention, for the number of detected crimes, and so on. Now it is called by another word - "perspective". But the essence remains the same. Departments and subdivisions must hand over a certain number of administrative offenses per day, per week, per month, and identify so many criminal cases. If not, then you are bad. If you are bad, you are removed (meaning the boss), and the employee is not given a bonus, and so on and so forth. In this situation, employees and bosses are forced to take illegal measures: here they plant drugs on you, and make up fake protocols, and so on and so forth.
Yuri Alekseev: And what is the risk of an officer if he does not fulfill this plan? Well, he'll get it in the neck from the boss. How will this be expressed? Why are they making such sacrifices? Well, actually it's a crime to plant drugs on an innocent person.
Mikhail Pashkin: I agree. Well, they think they can get away with it, as they usually get away with it. And this is not just drugs. A person can be warned simply, for example, if he has committed some minor and insignificant administrative offense. No, he is being dragged into the department, an act is drawn up. Would a person like this? Well, he said, "Sorry guys, I won't smoke in the wrong place anymore." And that's all. No, they are taking him to the department for the plan.
He can still resist. Here on him 318 are constituted - that is, "Resistance to a police officer." Or calling names - 319th. Etc. And thus incites citizens against itself, well, the police. And the farther, by the way, from Moscow, the more such cases. As the chairman of the interregional trade union, I can tell you this.
Yuri Alekseev: Yuri, does the system protect those who are guilty, broke the law, but nevertheless the plan has been fulfilled? How is it organized from the inside? There are also loud examples when they threw it up. What's wrong with that? Do people return to the service somehow on the sly after their loud dismissal? How does it usually work?
Yuri Zhdanov: Well, I'm not sure that after a loud dismissal they return to the service. They try to forgive, close their eyes and not react to these offenses because of planning and because of the desire for the indicators that we have just talked about. It is very rare when it is possible to resolve the issue with the responsibility of one or another employee and bring it to a court decision.
It seems to me that here, as they say, a hand washes his hand. And there is an opinion that the bosses forgive everything, if only the indicators were good.
Yuri Alekseev: Alexander, explain. Here I am a naive person. So much is already being said about this planned or stick system, about its not very high efficiency, but it nevertheless exists, it is incredibly tenacious. Why it happens?
Alexander Mikhailov: Because they have not developed other indicators at all by which one could judge the work of the police. Probably, this is the cane system, which, by the way, they fought and tried to fight very actively, but, in general, it won anyway, and it still exists.
I must say. When we talk about the situation that is developing, I must say that they are trying to make the best indicators. After all, it often happens that a detained person is delayed, one might say, already with a complete corpus delicti. Accordingly, there is essentially no need to disclose anything, right? They came and took drugs. Already completed corpus delicti, the crime is already closed.
But it seems to me that we should still talk about the degree of professionalism. And depending on the degree of professionalism, of course, the approach must be changed. After all, the most important thing is not to detain someone and demonstrate their zeal and zeal. The most important thing is to fight crime, so to speak, so that it does not exist.
I remember when I served in drug control, one of my colleagues, a general from Chechnya, he complained that Ramzan Kadyrov told him very simply: “Don't tell me about your operational skills and how much you took. There should be no drugs in Chechnya. " I think that this is probably how it should be in life. If there are no corpus delicti, then, accordingly, there is no need to invent them and imitate the tireless activity.
Mikhail Pashkin: I would like to add that there is a very interesting point in the law "On Police": the main criterion for assessing the activities of the police is the opinion of the population.
Yuri Alekseev: Does this item work?
Mikhail Pashkin: No. That's the whole point. How can you find out the opinion of the population? Very simple. There will be elections for the next State Duma deputies. Well, make another ballot box where people will vote - whether they support the actions of this territorial leader or region, or, I don't know, the police department on whose territory they vote or not. If more than 50% do not support the activity, it means that the chief should be dismissed without the right to continue working in the internal affairs bodies for negative reasons, for distrust. There is also such an article in the law "On the Police".
So, if this is done, I assure you, the chiefs of the police will ... well, the chiefs of the departments of internal affairs will meet with people every day, they will be responsible precisely for ensuring that it is safe on the streets, on the roads, and so on. But this, unfortunately, is not yet available.
Yuri Alekseev: Zhanna, is it possible to do what Mikhail is talking about if there is a line in the law "On Police"? That is, some kind of base has already been prepared. Well, then, apparently, "buts" appear. And what are the "but"?
Zhanna Margulis: Well, to be honest, in principle I do not quite agree with such a massive assessment of one leader. First, not all people in a particular area or area will come into contact with a leader to understand how he or she works or not. And this will be an absolutely biased point of view that will be provoked en masse. How can you decide for yourself that this leader is bad? What are the parameters?
If a person is detained, if a person is charged, a verdict is passed, then the police did a good job, if the court passed a guilty verdict. If the verdict was acquitted, then the police were doing poorly. This is probably the only criterion that, in principle, can assess how this or that employee worked. And to put to a vote the work of a leader - well, I don't know. It seems to me that our country is not ready for such ...
Mikhail Pashkin: The work of the internal affairs bodies. Moreover, if I calmly walk down the street at night, this is good police work. If I'm afraid to go out, that's bad police work. This is what it is about. People see and say all this.
Yuri Alekseev: And I also remember, as far as I remember, in the Soviet Union the inhabitants of their district police officer knew. And now? Jeanne, you say: “What kind of person is this? How to evaluate its effectiveness if I see it for the first time? "
Zhanna Margulis: Why? If people want to know their district police officer, they want to know their chief of the police department, they can come and get acquainted. What is the problem? I know the chief of the Department of Internal Affairs. I know the district police officer, and not only my area. That is, for me there is no problem of interaction with law enforcement agencies.
If a person is afraid of the police, this is his internal phobia, which he invented for himself. Or he has already encountered the police, and the police somehow did not defend his interests. Perhaps he was the person who was accused of something.
Mikhail Pashkin: It turns out that we do not trust our people? But this is what Putin said at the last Valdai Forum: “It is important that people trust what the country's leadership is doing, what the government is doing. It seems to me that this has not been lost. And this, in my opinion, is the most important and fundamental factor in domestic political activity, life”. That is, if people do not trust the police (and the police are an authority), what can we talk about then?
Yuri Alekseev: The words are really very important. Mikhail and Zhanna, excuse me, I will interrupt.
I am asking you to display a video that just such a wedge introduces into what you just quoted. The video was sensational. This is the beginning of June. A story where a neighbor called out an outfit because her neighbor was listening to music loudly. Here the outfit arrived and talked to this neighbor like that.

- Close the door.
- Give it to him properly!
- Explain to you - for what? A?
- Yes. For what?
- Or maybe you can guess it yourself?
- You have no right…
- Do you want to go to jail? Do you want to go to jail?
- For what?
- Now I'll throw you some drugs - you will go to prison and to the zone! Understood? For five years. Want? Just.
- Check it on the base.
- Just. I will stand like this and look at you, clap my eyes and say nothing.
- Will you plant me drugs?
- Let's throw it up. Want?
- I have not violated anything ...
- What are you saying?
- Violated. They violated the law of the city.

Yuri Alekseev: Well, as I said, the story is well-known. The employee who threatened, as far as I know, was fired from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And the woman who called the outfit stood up for him. She said that ... she complained to the security officer that a neighbor was interfering with her disabled child's life. And it turned out that the fighter himself is also raising a minor with disabilities - in connection with which, perhaps, he lost his composure.
And I want to briefly ask you this. Then there were reports that it was not the police who came, but the Guard. And by my own example, I came across the fact that ... I saw how in the city near Moscow, where I live, a police squad stopped a young man, inspected his sports bag, then put him in a car and drove away - without understandable people, without anything. I called the hotline of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs. After some time, my district police officer called me back. I wrote a statement. And the district police officer, after reading it, said: “We will try to figure it out. But this is not us, but the National Guard."
And what kind of subtlety is this? Why do they throw it over? "Not us, but the Guard." These are all EMV structures. Where does it come from? Alexander, Yuri, a question for you.
Mikhail Pashkin: These are not EMV structures. Has long since left the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And employees have no right to inspect. In the event of some serious administrative violation, they only have the right to deliver to the police department, write a report that this citizen has violated. And already there, in the police, they will figure out what is in his bag and so on.
Yuri Alekseev: In this case, upon a call to the police, can come, as in this video that we just watched?
Mikhail Pashkin: Yes. The fact is that a special schedule of outfits has been drawn up, where the National Guard travels, the police. That is, the interaction of the two structures, because the police are no longer enough. Previously, non-departmental security went. Now this is the same non-departmental security, only they are already under the auspices of the Guard.
Yuri Alekseev: Yuri, do I understand correctly that there are not enough police officers, so they involve the Guard? But in this case, how can citizens then figure out who to turn to, who should protect them so that this does not happen?
Mikhail Pashkin: Stripes. We need to look at the stripes and at the uniform: the police have “police” written on the back, and has the corresponding emblem of the Guard.
Yuri Alekseev: Yuri, you have the floor.
Yuri Zhdanov: has existed for almost five years, the police have existed since tsarist times. Of course, there is competition, and tug-of-war, and the desire to push this topic, especially if it is conflicting, onto another. All this also interferes with the activities of the police.
Yuri Alekseev: Alexander, since they started talking about the personnel issue, this is the proposal of the Ministry of Finance by 10% to "cut" the law enforcement agencies, including the police, how can you comment? Will it be a blow to the cops?
Alexander Mikhailov: We just saw this character, who came and threatened that he would plant drugs. This is a problem, namely a problem of personnel, problems of selection, education and training of personnel, control over their activities.
And here we have very serious questions, because, as I said, either we take what, in principle, cannot be socialized in society, or we take through higher educational institutions people who, frankly speaking, do not want too much. serve. Because getting a free education is one thing, but serving, so to speak, fiddling with this filth is completely different.
Therefore, the question of restoring the principles that existed ... The Soviet Union is scolded by many, right? But I am a supporter of the fact that there was a lot of useful things in the Soviet Union. Of course, today we have forgotten many of the principles that underlie the personnel policy.
Moreover (Yuri Nikolayevich remembers well), in 1998 we held a collegium on the concept of personnel work, and a wide range of issues that need to be addressed were spelled out there. And all the questions rested on how to select people, how to teach them, how to introduce them, let's say, into the social field, and most importantly, how to control these people.
Yuri Alekseev: At least one issue from this list has been resolved since 1998?
Alexander Mikhailov: I'll tell you. When Stepashin was a minister and became prime minister, this concept died out safely. And I must say that, in general, if we return to it, we will again return to the principles that were laid down in it. We have no continuity at all.
Yuri Alekseev: And in the light of the reform that was taking place, did you somehow raise the question of returning to this concept? Well, the police reform is a renaming and everything connected with it.
Alexander Mikhailov: You see, as soon as a minister comes, he immediately begins to prove that he is the coolest and, in general, he will do better than his predecessors did.
Yuri Alekseev: We are still moving on.
The canonical image of the kind policeman Uncle Styopa is a thing of the past. But what heroes work for the image of a modern policeman? Let's talk about this further. Be with us.
Yuri, speaking about heroes, it seems to me that there are three specialties that most of all get due to serials, including ones: policemen, journalists and, probably, doctors. That is how objectively the work of police officers is covered when you watch these endless TV series about police officers? And how do you feel about them?
Yuri Zhdanov: I am very wary of them. In my opinion, there are big excesses there. In most cases, we see the mistakes of the police, we see the results that they achieve illegally.
But it seems to me that here we need to approach this issue more broadly. Now you see what is happening in the world: in Belarus, in Armenia and Azerbaijan. Very often, journalists accuse police officers of excessive use of force, of some actions that are associated with violation of the rights of journalists.
We signed an agreement with the head of the Union of Journalists, according to which we are going to further develop a set of measures aimed at protecting journalists, at a more honest and objective discovery and description of those events that are taking place in the world, including events that are related to the role and place of the police.
Yuri Alekseev: But what if we return to the TV series? Despite the fact that not everything is true there and the image of the police is shown ambiguously, as well as the image of journalists and doctors, nevertheless, what then is the phenomenon of popularity of this kind of series among the viewer? They are watching, nonetheless.
Yuri Zhdanov: It seems to me that in the evening a tired person comes home from work ... And now, in a pandemic, and without leaving home. It's just like a gum that is being forced on. And there is no alternative. If there was an alternative choice, maybe many would not have watched it.
Yuri Alekseev: And the EMV management can somehow influence the creation of such TV series, perhaps offer their own plots and all possible help?
Yuri Zhdanov: It probably does it. But not everyone hears the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in this regard. Or, perhaps, it is not done so persistently. I very often hear at collegiums that it is necessary to change the image of a police officer, including through the media. But things are still there.
Yuri Alekseev: Zhanna, do you think these series are more about justice bypassing the law? Or is there some kind of legality there?
Zhanna Margulis: The last TV series I watched was Cops. And it is clear that the images that were shown there for us are beautiful.
What is being filmed now ... Well, listen, criminals also become angels here. Cinematography - it is also vast in terms of fantasy and shows what the director and screenwriter see. I think that cinema can simply be perceived only from the point of view that you can relax, watch and not strain, because life is different anyway. And a person, even after watching a film where the image of a policeman will be beautiful, in fact, he may face a completely different situation. And he will be disappointed: they showed one thing in the cinema, but quite another in life. And again, our image of a policeman will fall further and further.
I believe that if we had, as before ... You know, as far as I remember, even in the 80s even district police officers came to schools, for example, gave some lessons. I remember very well our lesson with the district police officer, when he came and told me how to behave. We had boys who were stealing and doing some vandalism. We personally had access to such a person in uniform. It was cool! It was the sixth or seventh grade.
Yuri Alekseev: Did such meetings somehow influence these boys, made an impression?
Zhanna Margulis: For some - yes, for some - no. But nevertheless, in its total mass it influenced us. Why not? I can't say what influenced me greatly, I was still that hooligan. Well, you see, what profession I have chosen.
That is, there are some positive moments in the fact that it is (well, now the police) that the police would come to schools and really tell how it actually happens and why people are being complained about.
That is, when they take some student or student, for example, with a bookmark in the forest, and she is surprised: “I didn't know anything. I didn’t know that these were drugs ”… How didn’t I know? You are 18+, my dear. How can you not know why you went to the forest and what you buried? This is absurd. What, the policeman is bad, or what? I do not understand.
That is, I probably look at all this a little differently. Not because I am a lawyer and I am defending the accused and the victims. No. I came across really respected and respectable people. And even when I had conflicts as a lawyer, they were somehow resolved. We probably heard each other. We probably understood each other.
And the main thing is that both the policeman and the lawyer, for example, must know the law in the same way, and not so that the lawyer knows one law, and the policeman reads it differently. If we see the same law and read it in the same way, then we always have harmony.
Yuri Alekseev: Alexander, and in your opinion, does the PR of the police suffer from the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Is that what needs to be finalized, tightened up here? In what language to communicate with citizens of different ages in order to position people in uniform in a favorable light? This is also a lot of work. What used to be called propaganda is now more called PR.
Alexander Mikhailov: You know, I was in charge of this PR block in three departments. I must say that there is practically no PR in the Ministry of Internal Affairs today. We are dealing with dry information, which, by and large, does not affect the formation of the image of the police as such. And here I would put an end.
I have written several books before. I have systematically written articles on this subject. And I must note that, in general, no one hears anything, there is no PR, because there is, in fact, no public relations. And that's all. And here you can already put an end.
Therefore, when we talk about trust ... Michael used to say: "Let's put the urns." Yes? You know, today there is a certain trend - in general, to scold everything. And of course, first of all, they criticize the authorities as such. Secondly, they scold the police. And this inconsistency of the PR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs leads to the fact that we sometimes watch movies on the screen, and I, for example, without going into the essence, I cannot first figure out who is a bandit and who is a policeman, because both the images are the same, and the methods almost the same.
Therefore, I am very skeptical about this. This is generally my topic, but this is a long conversation.
You know, when the first film "Cops" was released (it was already mentioned), the producer of this film came to me and said: "How do you look at the fact that the film is called" Cops "?" And at that time I was seconded to the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the Federal Reserve Service. I shrugged my shoulders like this: "You know, it will probably be offensive, so let's come up with another name." And then the "Streets of Broken Lanterns" appeared.
And once we flew with Minister Stepashin (then with the minister) and his deputies, flew in an airplane. I say, “Let's watch a movie. They consult with me whether the film can be called "Cops" or not. " We looked. And when everyone looked ... So to speak, I was from my bell tower, and there were already policemen. They say: "What's wrong with that?" And then Stepashin instructed me, he says: “And you develop a positive decoding of the word“ MENT ”. We even in the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced a competition for this word. And I must say that ...
Yuri Alekseev: And how did it end?
Alexander Mikhailov: You know, a very good decoding of this abbreviation appeared, it sounded like this: My Only Reliable Comrade. And I believe that if we really consider the policeman as the only reliable comrade, then everything will go on as usual.
But the most important thing is as follows. When we talk about cinema and the images of policemen, whether we like it or not, these images begin to form the police themselves. That is, there is not a process going on from the point of view of showing the policeman as a positive image, but a negative image is shown, and this image becomes ...
Yuri Alekseev: And employees are already copying this behavior model?
Alexander Mikhailov: Yes. By the way, I also want to remember the district police officers. I was born on the Crimean embankment, lived in a communal apartment. I don't remember how many families we had, but I remember very well that there was a convict in every family. So, you know, they are on a rotational basis: one sat down, the other left.
And our district police officer, the foreman, whose name was Fyodor Ivanovich, always came for them. He came to a communal apartment, sat in the kitchen and said: "Well, Petya, let's go." He took this oglamon and led him, no matter what the severity of the crime he committed: murder, robbery, and so on, and so on. One, without riot police, without the National Guard, came the front-line soldier Fyodor Ivanovich, whom almost everyone knew.
Yuri Alekseev: And now who knows his district police officer? This is a topic for a separate question and a separate program.
Michael, I see that you are reaching out. Sorry, now I want to ask Yuri.
Yuri, back to the PR topic. You have worked and are working a lot with foreign colleagues. And what have they got there with this PR? How is this organized in modern society among its neighbors in the CIS, in Europe, in America? I am literally asking for some of the brightest touches that impressed me.
Yuri Zhdanov: You know, it happens differently. You can see how the role of the police officer is hammered in the United States now, what a lurch society has made over the protection of an African American who has suffered from a police officer. There is a lot of hype around this. And I can say that many active police officers who honestly carry out their duties do not want to do anything. They are mocked, laughing, dozens of programs are dedicated to this. I believe that this is also an overkill, it should not be.
On the other hand, the activities of the police in a number of countries have recently been associated with measures to disperse mass demonstrations. And this, too, no one paints the police, but makes them enemies of the people. And society itself, dividing these institutions, makes a mistake. Here you need to look for compromises. You need to be able to influence the activities of the police through the institutions of civil society.
In principle, there are such successful examples in the world. We only need to study them more and introduce them into our activities.
Yuri Alekseev: Mikhail, you have the same question regarding the PR of colleagues from other countries. Can cops dance, sing on TikTok, that is, show that they are the same people, they have a sense of humor, and so on? The same experience also exists. Will it apply to our country and will it work here? It's not that expensive.
Mikhail Pashkin: Well, the fact is that, no matter how they dance and dance, people are most worried about a completely different question. Think about it. Why does not a single minister, not a single chief of the central administration, and even more so the department say a word on TV? He does not give interviews. Beautiful generals give interviews, I don't know, lieutenant colonels, colonels.
Yuri Alekseev: So they don't trust. Maybe he will say something wrong.
Mikhail Pashkin: That is, they are afraid to say ... Suddenly, some head of the central administration will say something different from what the minister thinks. And the minister will suddenly say something different from what the president is thinking. We have this fear and the fact that they do not have their own opinion - this greatly affects, among other things, the reputation of the police.
And I also want to say about the precinct. 4th department, where there are six precincts for one precinct. What school will he come to? How will he meet people in general? No way! And all why? Because managers do not specifically hire people, because at the end of the year they receive money savings for this - millions, hundreds of thousands! - because they don't have people. And these "slaves" in the form of district police officers, police officers, and so on - they have to work for themselves and for that guy, and for six more guys, while receiving one salary, well, one allowance, maximum two, one more salary will add (salary, but not monetary allowance - these are different things), that's all. That is, by doing so, they work for the bosses who saved, divided and received. That's all.
Yuri Alekseev: Thank you. Unfortunately, time is running out, I will interrupt you.
They like to scold the police in the country, often forgetting that it is the law enforcement officers who protect our lives. How can you overcome your fear of the police? Let's talk about this in the finale of the talk show.
Well, how to defeat this fear of the police? What to do? Briefly, a question for everyone. I ask you to sketch a few theses. Zhanna, let's start with you.
Zhanna Margulis: I think that you just need to build in your head that every person is a person after all. And if he turned out to be some kind of moral monster (which happens), then it is necessary to apply some legal methods to fight a specific person, but in no way be identified with the entire contingent, that is, with the entire police force, with all employees. It just can't be done, because that's how the impression of others is formed. The only way.
Yuri Alekseev: Mikhail.
Mikhail Pashkin: If a person does not violate anything, then he can only be punished by order - that is, someone paid for it, ordered it. Or the cops need a plan to execute. If according to the last two parameters, then practically nothing can be done here, because in any case you will either be jailed or put in prison. And then you need to rely only on cameras that will see how you were detained for nothing, on people who will be filmed on video ...
Yuri Alekseev: For the public to come to the rescue if something happens?
Yuri Zhdanov: You know, this is a two-way road. First of all, I want to say that the police have to make great efforts to change their own image. This is personnel training, you need to hire more psychologically stable people. It is also a culture in the police, which needs to be instilled through educational institutions and appropriate courses.
And it seems to me that talking only badly about the police is also wrong. Many police officers are doing their duty honestly, trying to do everything for the relevant citizens who are in trouble. And here the society should want to change the image of the police. The police themselves will not change the image only in themselves. This is the president, the government, and the institutions of civil society.
Plus, I think the conditions of service need to be changed. Overloads, which are known to all of us, should not be allowed. The same precinct officers serve much more sites than there are, due to staff turnover, due to vacancies that are formed (and it does not matter why - because of this, bonuses are then paid or not). Here, both society and the police need to meet each other halfway and want to change.
Yuri Alekseev: Your opinion is clear. Alexander, you have the floor.
Alexander Mikhailov: Trying to solve the particular without deciding the general, you and I will not achieve anything. The fact is that we often mention the topic of civil society ... Well, we do not have a civil society, we have a society of citizens. And only some individual shoots appear in critical situations. Remember the story with Golunov. Well, there are other situations when society really stood up to protect a particular person. And under the influence of this, of course, you can change the police itself. Then there will be more confidence in her. If we don’t do this, well, this is how we will live.
Remember, in the Soviet Union there was a so-called party recruitment. Name me at least one party that has delegated at least one of its members to our people's police. No, no. This means that we have a gap between society, government and the police. Therefore, we live in the conditions in which we find ourselves.
Yuri Alekseev: Friends, thank you all.
As soon as police officers put the protection of the legitimate rights of citizens at the forefront, then citizens will begin to trust the police and by their actions show respect for those who, by the way, have a professional holiday today. It's easy to say, but there is a lot of work in this direction, and not only within the framework of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Happy Holidays to all employees!
The social networks of the program are at the bottom of the screen. Each of our guests has his own truth. Who is right and who is not, only you decide. My name is Yuri Alekseev. Goodbye.
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