The State Duma wants to expand responsibility for crimes on the Internet involving children


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Articles of the Criminal Code may be supplemented with new qualifying features.

The State Duma has proposed to toughen the responsibility for attracting minors to criminal activities, especially on the Internet. The initiative put forward by the head of the security Committee, Vasily Piskarev, was supported by the government, although it offered to make improvements to the document. This is reported by Vedomosti with reference to the relevant document.

Piskarev suggested adding new qualifying features to Articles 150 (involving minors in committing crimes) and 151 (committing anti-social acts) of the Criminal Code. In particular, in part 2 of both articles, it is proposed to prescribe a condition for committing crimes on the Internet. In addition, Parts 3 of the articles will be supplemented with cases where two or more minors were involved. It is also proposed to toughen the punishment if a child under the age of 14 is involved in illegal activities.

The government Commission on Legislative Activity generally supported the initiative, but the document needs to be finalized, a source close to the commission told the publication.

In addition to the legal and technical changes, the government's review points out one important point. According to the commission, the involvement of two or more minors in crimes is already regarded as a set of crimes under article 17 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Set of crimes"). This makes it possible to impose a more severe sentence than the maximum eight-year term of imprisonment under articles 150 and 151 of the Criminal Code.

Thus, the amendment proposed by the draft law on the qualifying feature "in relation to two or more minors" may, on the contrary, lead to a mitigation of liability measures. In this regard, the commission recommends that the document be finalized, although it did not offer specific corrections to Vasily Piskarev's initiative.

Earlier, Senior Inspector for Special Assignments of the Main Department for Public Order Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Artem Babintsev, said that since 2020, the number of IT crimes committed by minors in Russia has increased 74 times. So, if in 2020 54 such crimes were registered, then by 2023 the number has increased to 4000.