The Russian authorities will prepare a bill on the punishment for deepfakes


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The Ministry of Digital Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Roskomnadzor will develop measures to counter digital fraud.

The Ministry of Digital Development, together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Roskomnadzor, will work on the legal regulation of deepfakes. This was reported to Vedomosti by a source familiar with the agenda of the February meeting of the government commission on crime prevention. Departments will have to inform the commission about the work carried out by November 1, 2024. A representative of the Ministry of Digital Development confirmed the receipt of the minutes based on the results of the meeting of the government commission.

The problem of deepfakes has become particularly relevant since the beginning of 2024, as the number of cases of using audio dipfakes in the fake boss fraudulent scheme ("false boss") – calls of fraudsters using voice substitution has increased. According to the company F. A. C. C. T, attackers create a fake account of the manager, usually in Telegram, and require employees to transfer money to the specified account.

The issue of the need to regulate deepfakes was raised not only at the meeting of the government commission, but also at the plenary session of the State Duma at the end of January 2024. Then the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Alexander Khinshtein, said that in Russia responsibility for unauthorized use of someone else's voice and image could be introduced. Also, at the end of December 2023, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin instructed the Ministry of Digital Development to work out the issue of identifying fakes created using artificial intelligence until March 19, 2024.

At the moment, detection of deepfakes relies more on the care and professionalism of criminologists: they pay attention to various signs of forgery, such as moire, shaking, speech delay, gluing, violation of audio recording streams and features of histograms. In the future, we expect to switch to automated systems for detecting such manipulations.

According to market participants, "Watermarks" can serve as the only way to protect against the misuse of deepfakes. However, in their opinion, such labeling is not profitable for the services themselves, unless it becomes mandatory.

Currently, the use of deepfakes is not directly regulated by law. But crimes with their use can be qualified under existing articles on deception, fraud, protection of honor and dignity. The main difficulty is bringing attackers to justice because of the possibility of maintaining anonymity.