The police identified a group of people involved in fraudulent actions using IP telephony


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The attackers committed crimes under the guise of employees of the bank's security service on the territory of the Kharkiv region and other regions of Ukraine. The involvement of the defendants in more than 20 frauds has been established.

A man applied to Kharkiv RUE No. 2. He said that unknown persons under the guise of employees of the bank's security service took possession of his money in the amount of 47,800 hryvnias.

Investigators opened criminal proceedings under Part 3 of Article 190 (fraud) The Criminal Code of Ukraine.

On September 26, employees of the Criminal Investigation Department of the State Police in the Kharkiv region, together with employees of HRUP No. 2, with the power support of the special purpose police regiment, using the capabilities of the Criminal Analysis Department, stopped the activities of a criminal group. It consisted of 20 and 25-year-old men, as well as a 17-year-old girl.

Law enforcement officers found that at first the attackers were looking for people, called potential victims under the guise of employees of the bank's security service and reported that the money that is in card accounts can be unauthorized debited and in order to prevent these actions received from the victims the password for mobile banking applications, bank card numbers, CVV. Then funds were debited from the victims ' cards. Some individuals used to cash out money at bank terminals. At the same time, the selection of people to whose cards funds were transferred was carried out.

During the authorized searches, mobile terminals, starter packages of mobile operators, payment cards, computer equipment were seized, correspondence on mobile devices and handwritten notes were found.

Also, during the search in the apartment at the place of residence of the attackers, a vegetable mixture in a glass jar, homemade smoking accessories and a variety of wipes were found.

According to the results of the investigative and search activities, the involvement of the defendants in more than 20 frauds using IR telephony under the pretext of calls from bank security service employees was established.