The new era of DDoS is here: terabit power can hit your organization at any moment


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The regular Gcore Radar report reveals the latest trends in distributed attacks.

Gcore, a cybersecurity company, recently published its regular Radar report on trends in DDoS attacks.

The report shows a significant increase in the power of DDoS attacks over the past three years, exceeding 100% annually. So, in 2021, the peak attack power was 300 Gbps, in 2022 — 650 Gbps, and in 2023 it completely increased to a record 1600 Gbps.

The duration of attacks ranged from three minutes to nine hours. Short-term attacks are often difficult to detect and eliminate due to a lack of data about the attacker, while long-term attacks require significant resources to neutralize.

UDP streams account for the majority of DDoS attacks (62%). TCP and ICMP attacks are also common, accounting for 16% and 12%, respectively. Other types of attacks, including SYN and SYN+ACK, take only 10%.

Attacks originate from different countries, which underscores the global nature of cyber threats. The United States tops the list of attack-generating countries (24%), followed by Indonesia (17%), the Netherlands (12%) and other countries.

The gaming industry is still the most vulnerable to attacks (46%), followed by the financial sector (22%), telecommunications companies (18%), cloud infrastructure providers (7%) and software development companies (3%).

The increase in attack power to 1.6 Tbps is an alarming signal indicating a new level of development of the DDoS threat. The geographical distribution of attack sources underscores the need for international cooperation and intelligence sharing to effectively combat this problem.

Attacks are becoming more tactical and flexible. For example, in the gaming industry, attacks often have low power but high frequency, while in the financial and telecommunications sectors, attacks are usually more extensive.

The Gcore Radar report for the second half of 2023 highlights the need for comprehensive and adaptive cybersecurity measures for all sectors. Experts advise companies to implement intrusion detection and prevention systems for monitoring traffic, scaling and load balancing mechanisms, DDoS protection technologies, as well as regularly test their infrastructure and work out possible response plans.

Combining all these approaches will help organizations of any size effectively counteract the growing DDoS threat.