The danger of "free" holidays


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The danger of staying in hotels for cargo, as well as buying air tickets for cargo.


Greetings to all, today I would like to consider a HYPE topic on hotels and flights. Recently, there has been a topic that is widely discussed.

There are guys who are called carders, and there is also a topic on hotel accommodation for a percentage. For example, your room costs $ 500 a day, with a beautiful view, premium service and good whores, you decided out of desperation to live to the fullest, throw a good show supposedly so that-all fuck off, money does not bite. We got the 13th salary and decided.

The implementation of this scheme is as follows: you contact the carder, discuss all the conditions, for example, a number for 10 days costs $ 5000.

But you pay the carder $ 2000 in his pocket - 40% of the amount. He also pays for this hotel with a stolen card.

You arrive at the hotel - check in, live and everything is fine. The savings are so crazy! Many people who rest in this way have situations in the form of a"rally".

A meeting is when the owner of a stolen card disputes the transaction, the hotel cancels the reservation-contacts you and asks you to pay again, in order to avoid unpleasant situations, most often - the carder interrupts the room and you continue to live. Yes - there are a lot of positive reviews, people are having a rest, everyone likes it.

Also - there is such a thing as an air flight, the scheme is exactly the same, you pay a percentage - you are paid for tickets with a stolen card. At the construction site, register, get a ticket and fly. Problems also occur in the form of meetings, but most often they are interrupted.

I know a few stories, how for years so rest and fly, there are gatherings but everything is solved.

I would like to reveal to you the dangers of using such savings. And also give real examples.


This topic is actively developing, to my great regret. These methods are used by experienced scammers, under the guise of real Travel Agencies, and they are actually real, but they use similar methods. Good citizens come to them to buy a tour at a good price. They pay the full price, and agencies use the services of carders and drive them tours, while having 60% of the income. Such agencies exist, of course they are closed sooner or later, but especially come up with schemes to get away with punishment.

There are real cases when people used such services, for example, as air, they were detained by the border police until the circumstances were clarified, and the flight was naturally missed. Reliable information was spilled into the database that the ticket was paid for with a stolen card, they were detained, got off with a fine, mowed down for fools, but there were cases when the flight went fine, but after a while the person was arrested, sat in a pre-trial detention center, then the court, what in the end? They put me in jail.

Hotels are even more interesting when you have a vacation with your wife and 3 children somewhere in the United Arab Emirates - they are detained, in a pre-trial detention center, charges are announced, then a court or a fine, the rest is spoiled, and then in addition to the spoiled rest you will get more problems.

This type of saving is not at all reasonable, yes, there are cases when everything is really OK, but today everything is OK - and in half a year you will be announced and you will not cough up problems.

And if earlier such services were not so widely distributed, and accordingly the control over such fraudulent operations was not so strong, now it is the opposite. There is such a thing as a"delayed referral". These are the countries where it is most popular to go on vacation and, accordingly, For pennies - the most people who want to relax there. I'm not even talking about the fact that everyone settles almost in the same "clear" hotel. So you can think for yourself what a stream of people who want freebies flies to the same country and to the same hotel.

Accordingly, there are more meetings in such countries.

How events unfold when you arrive at the hotel depends not only on the person who provided you with this service, but also on you.

As it is now becoming increasingly dangerous to fly on carding, some carding hotel services provide a package of documents supposedly "Horns and Hooves" to you here is a tour. So that in the event of a rally, you can spray saliva, call a non-existent number in "Horns and Hooves" and yell good obscenities. Not always rolling, of course)

If not you, not the "service" could not interrupt or persuade the hotel to move you back in, then the situation is the best if you are forced to pay in full for your stay according to their price list.

The worst - I already wrote above. Often there are cases of landing.

It even happens that everything is OK with you, you have settled in normally, moved out, and left. Then the transaction is withdrawn on suspicion of fraud, and you can be blacklisted, so after arriving in the same country, you may have problems with checking in even for your own money.

Some fools manage to leave a deposit for the bar, their card, which is then successfully debited grandmas for full accommodation, when they have already successfully returned to their homeland, and the cancellation of the transaction has come.

There are many subtleties in the list of hotels, and the article has already been published quite a lot. Perhaps I'll touch on it in even more detail later.


Don't use such a stupid saving method.

Check the tour agencies where you book tickets officially.

Check the people who book you tours and tickets (unfamiliar people with a dubious reputation).

I advise you to always relax for your own money. Are you willing to take risks to save money? At least even if you just spend your nerves and pay for a full rest? Isn't it better to earn and relax to the fullest for your hard-earned money, and calmly fall asleep in the hotel?

Take care of yourself and think about what you're doing.