Spyware detected on Apple smartphones in 92 countries


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The corporation warned users about hacking devices.

On April 10, Apple sent warnings to iPhone users in 92 countries about the possible threat of spyware infection.

The message states: "Apple has discovered that your iPhone, which is associated with your Apple ID, was the target of a spy attack by mercenaries trying to remotely compromise your device." It adds that such attacks are most likely aimed at specific people because of their personality or professional activity. Apple did not disclose the identity of the attackers, nor the countries whose citizens were sent warnings.

Apple has been sending similar notifications since 2021, alerting users in more than 150 countries. In October 2023, the company sent similar warnings to a number of journalists and politicians in India. Subsequently, the international human rights organization Amnesty International reported that it found Pegasus spyware on the iPhone of well-known journalists in India. Apple and the Indian government did not comment on this issue.

In a message to users affected by the attacks, it says: "It is not possible to provide more information about the reasons for sending the notification, as this may help attackers adapt their behavior and avoid detection in the future." The company also stressed that it relies solely on internal information about cyber threats and investigations to detect such attacks.

Apple has previously mentioned that attacks can be carried out by government hackers, but in recent reports it uses the term "mercenary spyware attack". It is emphasized that such attacks are extremely rare and significantly more complex than the actions of ordinary cybercriminals or malware.

Apple urged all recipients of notifications to take the warning seriously, emphasizing the individual focus of each attack and the high degree of confidence in the reliability of the collected threat data.

What should I do if I received a notification?
Apple recommends that users contact the" digital security support team " of the Access Now organization, which works with Apple on this issue. Apple also reminds you that you need to comply with cyber hygiene - maintain the latest version of the software, use strong passwords, set up two-factor authentication, do not download attachments from unknown senders, and download applications only from the official App Store.