Social Engineering Tutorial


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In essence, by definition, Social Engineering is the act of manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information. When it comes down to being a hacker, social manipulation is a key factor in pulling off what your desired outcome will be. Of course you cannot feel sorry for your victim and still expect manipulation to be successful. Reason is simple, when you tell the truth for example, are you hesitant, and shaking while on brink of utterly shitting your new jeans you just bought? i would hope not. For most people, when they tell the truth, they are confident and straightforward. The person uses piercing eye contact, and their body expresses and open book of interest. What do i mean? When telling the truth, usually the person uses body language to aid him/her in explanation to the person. This is a major plus because of the fact that you are feeding yourself with attention by expressing yourself with body language as if your telling a near death life experience. If you ever told a serious story, i highly doubt you stood there looking at the floor in monotone voice saying,"Well, i almost died today." Pay attention to your tone of voice, eye contact and

body language as these are important roles in manipulation. When you manipulate, you are telling the truth. Yes you read correct and no i'm not talking out my ass. Think about it, what does it mean to tell the truth? it means confidence. You can't expect someone to believe you if your nervous and trying to explain to them that it wasn't you who stole the last cookie in the jar. If you are nervous, you are an open book of suspicion. This tells the person that you know what you did was wrong, and as a result you feel guilty for being confronted with such notion. But on the retrospect, if you are bold like the tiger in Chinese mythology, people will see you as more of telling the truth because you have nothing to hide, wink wink.

With that in mind, there is more. Manipulation has everything to do with psychopathology of the victim as well as with the manipulator. You ready for this? reverse psychology. I would hope you all have heard of this before at some point in your life. Reverse psychology is getting the person to conform to your will by the opposite request. If someone tells you to go do your homework, naturally our going to feel a bit compelled for rebellion. Now, if someone said, "You know what, don't do your homework because i know you're lazy." You could feel this is true, so to defend yourself from such negative attack, you will do the opposite to prove them wrong. OR you will know this is wrong, so to show them you are truly not as they suspect, you will end up doing the homework anyways. Point in example: I take care of the "mentally challenged" and don't ask me how do i like it because i'll tell you right now i hate the very forethought of dealing with the profoundly stupid people. The one i take care of is a rebellious little punk, and he doesn't listen to anything unless it benefits him. So, here is where the reverse psychology comes into play. I say, "Fine, I guess you don't want to go swimming then since you don't want to be good. No problem, i'll go swimming since it's so hot outside, and i will enjoy the cold water. Looks like you will be the only one who wont enjoy it since you want to be bad." Suddenly, he goes from being the rebellious punk to the ass kisser all because of the power of verbal usage. This doesn't just apply to stupid people, it applies to everyone to some extent or another because we all want to get our own way in social situations. To dumb it down, were no better than that screaming 10 year old next door who wants that last piece of cake before supper. Only as we get older we tend to succumb to denial, and call it maturity. Another thing that is important is provoking a dominant position. In the animal kingdom-yes including us, we all want to appeal to others as the alpha male superior. Some people can pull this off easier than others because of what has been deemed to be intimidating, ex: tall over being a midget, body builder over being overweight, etc. In Social Engineering, you must take this stance to cause any effect. The inferior will always obey the superior. It's the natural order of life, and it will never change. Let's raise their expectations as well shall we? of course. Here is an example, "Okay, you don't have to go out with me, but if you don't you will always wonder if you would of found that true happiness that you have been longing for your entire life. I know you're going to date someone else, and chances are you are going to get hurt just like before. When you do, you are going to think of me and say, i wonder if i should of went with him instead to find what i want in my life and find happiness.." Then you can elaborate, "So, sine you know this is true, do you really want to go down that road and take that chance, or would you rather be with me where you know that you will be happy for once? " The concept raising expectations in the person is to spark their imagination and give them something to think about. Of course you want to choose your words carefully so that it always makes you look like the good guy, and any chance they make other than what you want will always be negative. To take it further, if for example a girl has been raped, you can say, "You don't want to go with him because he seems to be that kind of person that forces himself on people and that's not good. I don't believe in forcing myself on people, i think there should be shared union between both people in the relationship." See, you choose your words carefully making yourself look like the good guy, while making any other choice a dire consequence. I want to now talk about a beautiful thing called "guilt". In fact, guilt can suck if your the one who feels it, but what of the other person? it can work wonders. Here is another example, "Okay, no go ahead with your friend, i'll just stay home and maybe ind a movie to watch by myself.." It's called playing the victim. It goes with social engineering to a key because while the underlying factor is that you want to leech what you can from your victim, it leaves the victim feeling hopeless, and guilty. What do you do to avoid feeling guilty since were not bad people, we feel guilt. To avoid such feelings of overbearing disgust, we give in. Now for some people like myself included this is no content. But, for some it is and it will take awhile to work at perfecting. Lets see, what about exaggeration and it's importance? exaggeration is important along with everything else i cover in this tutorial because to be interesting and convincing, you need to elaborate with your words. Exaggerate the situation, instill guilt by making yourself the victim. Again another example, "I swear to you it was raining so hard you could hear it pounding on the windshield, and my wipers were on max power but it wasn't good enough. I'm a good driver, but because the rain made the road wet, and i couldn't see anything in front of me, the car flipped over countless amount of times, and my body was thrown like a rag doll from the vehicle smacking my head onto the concrete and started losing consciousness from the impact. I only had one thought that popped into my mind from the fear of dying, and it was you. " The use of imagery provokes emotion because the listener imagines this and tries to sympathize by actually seeing this happen. This is helpful for when you want something from your victim as well. Now take that and compare it to a non-exaggerated story, "Well, it was raining outside and it was hard to see. The car ended up flipping and i fell out, and ended up in the hospital." See my point? if not, re-read it before you move on.

To wrap this tutorial up, i will add that to pull all this off, you must play the Narcissist. Yes, the pathological self absorbed, greedy, manipulating ever so "innocent" person that takes all and gives nothing back. The Narc' is the perfect being in his mind who he feels everyone should respect him. Everyone who doesn't has the problem and he is completely innocent from anything he does. He is the charmer, social engineering his way to the top to take all and give nothing back unless it makes him look good. He is absent from guilt, and his quench for power makes him ruthless and unstoppable. He is the chameleon in every situation because he adapts to the situation at hand to get what he wants from the victim. He will toy with emotions, and play the victim and stop at nothing until his goal is achieved flooding himself with narcissistic supply or positive attention that he craves. When i say adapting to the situation, i mean just that. Step outside yourself for a second and learn all you can from your victim so that you can play the perfect person in their eyes, or that best friend, or whatever so that you can use that against them later down the road as an attack method to get what you want from them. After all, no one wants their "best" friend to reveal their darkest secrets, so what do they do? they give in. Now you may be wondering, who will this work for? i can say anyone who is reading these very words that i am typing out to you. Okay great! now who will this fail? the paraplegic that has to use that electronic monotone voice command button to speak. "WOMAN.GO.MAKE.ME.A. SANDWICH. SANDWICH. SANDWICH.THIS-THING-WONT-STOP.HELP.OVERLOAD. SANDWICH."

Now, have you ever seen that hot girl who is dating some over weight guy, with the bald patch, and you just know he's miserable in bed and cannot wait to open up that bag of cheetos when he gets home? We all have trust me. Now why wont she date you instead? I'll tell you. Woman want that absurd fantasy life where the prince rides on the golden path of righteousness on his white stallion out of his way to rescue the infamous woman to wed and make the next princess of the land for ever and ever. This is not how life is. But, to the woman, it is. The woman wants that special someone that stands out amongst the rest and yet knows will take care of her, worship her, buy her materialized possessions (Diamonds-that will shut her up), someone to always give positive reinforcement for their failures and even positive comments on their atrocious looks in the morning. They will settle for less as long as they are provided with this. They are very emotionally insecure, so to keep from feeling so helpless, they seek out their hopeless romantic endeavor; even if it means settling for the fat guy first in line at the lunch-eon. The woman wants reassurance and guidance, and they want security. How do you go about providing that? well you are reading a social engineering tutorial are you not? so get busy! first off, woman want emotional connection on that princess meets prince level. So, start off by casually introducing yourself to her by saying,"Hey, how are you?" NOT "Hey, what's up?" The latter works best because it tells her, you are more interested in how she is feeling rather than what she is doing. Of course asking what she is up to is perfectly fine, after you wow her with your amazing skills in Social Engineering. From there, put on a mask of the prince, that one she's been longing for her whole life. How? engage in conversation and ask her key questions on what she looks for in a man. After much valuable info has been gathered, guess what you get to do? plat the narcissist. Adapt to the role she is looking for, and kiss her ass from time to time. Once she realizes you are the "one", that perfect ever omniscient man she has been longing for, you can start to slack off. Because as said before, once you raise her expectations and she sees you as a perfect person for her, you can slack off by doing more of what you want, or get her to do more of what you want from her. If she dislikes the concept, manipulate her into doing so. You can do this by threatening to not talk to her ever again. This will scare her because the last thing she wants to do is lose the best thing that has ever happened to her.

That wraps it up for the best tutorial on social engineering straight from myself. I know all this because it comes naturally for me, and i apply these things all the time in various situations and it never fails. So, if you ever need a question on this topic, don't hesitate to send a PM my way, and i can help you out. Now i have given you the tools necessary to get what you want in your life- be it the job, girl, to stay home from school, whatever. I hope you enjoyed the reading, now get out there and Social Engineer like it was your day job.

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11 rules for a successful dialog​

It often happens that the person with whom we need to agree on something simply does not make contact. How to set yourself up and properly build a conversation with difficult people?

1. Prepare for contact
Before any contact, you need to tune in internally - just as you tune an instrument before a concert. Take a stable position: sit or stand so that you feel supported, balanced. Say only what you are sure of and what is important to you, keep in mind what you entered into the dialogue. If there is a chance that you will be provoked to emotions, find a spot in front of your eyes or a piece of clothing that will symbolize stability and balance for you.

2. Tune in to finding a solution, not a fight
When starting a difficult conversation with a loved one, say out loud or to yourself: "I start talking in order to stay in touch, to be with you, and not to fight." Remember that dialogue is not conducted to win a battle, but to understand each other. When in contact with the child, stay at eye level and touch the child's body. At the end of a difficult conversation, be sure to say: "I'm with you."

3. Be open
Those around us have the right not to believe us, not to love us, and not to understand us, and they may disagree with us. Everyone has their own truth. Pay attention to what is hidden behind the words, look for a deeper meaning. To do this, try to calm down and be open in the dialogue.

4. Show respect to the other person
Everyone has the right to imperfections, mistakes, and misconceptions - this does not negate the initial respect for the interlocutor. Remember that you may be wrong, too, and allow yourself to learn. And the opponent's respect for us begins with our respect for ourselves.

5. Understand the peculiarities of the other person's perception
Everyone has their own language and their own speed of response. We perceive information subjectively, based on our experience and personal characteristics. Don't be afraid to ask again. Give yourself and the other person time to "assimilate" the information. Use the pronouns "I" instead of "you" more often (I feel, I'm offended, I'm angry, I think). /I]

6. Separate your own feelings from those of others
In communication, we tend to project our thoughts or unmanifested desires onto the other person. Similarly, we are also credited with other people's feelings. Learn to distinguish between these projections and stay in touch with yourself.

7. Speak the other person's language
No wonder there is an expression "to be on the same wavelength". Try to catch the mood of the interlocutor, to understand what is bothering him right now. A successful joke can easily turn into an awkward situation. This happens if your opponent keeps a strict and distant attitude.

8. Don't let yourself be manipulated
When dealing with aggressive people, you should be able to get out of aggressive contact in time, not to take accusations personally. Such people often use common phrases and the pronoun "we" for manipulation. However, there are also passive-aggressive interlocutors. They prefer to speak behind their backs, throw the words "after". In this case, it is important not to project feelings of guilt or Hyper-responsibility on yourself. After such contacts, do not deny yourself a good rest.

9. Don't get personal
Don't discuss the other person's personal qualities. Talk only about facts and events that are relevant to the subject of the conversation. If the dialogue does turn into an argument, it is often pointless to continue it. Try to turn the conflict into a joke. In such cases, I remember the phrase "Mold multiplies by spores. Don't argue with mold."

10. Show the other person that they are valuable to you
When talking to a person, repeat to yourself: "I see you", "I care about your thoughts and your presence, even if I don't agree with you». Let the other person know that they are valuable to you as a person.

11. Learn from your mistakes
It is important to be able to complete the dialog. "Thank you", "see you soon" - any words that sound sincere at this moment will do. Analyze past conversations and learn from them. A confident person calmly talks about what he feels and expects, thanks for the contact, and knows how to accept compliments.


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Social engineering - how to lie correctly.​

American psychologist Robert Feldman, who has devoted his career to the study of lies, says that even the most truthful person, talking to a stranger, lies an average of four times in ten minutes. Interestingly, when we talk to relatives or close friends, we cheat even more often.

Lies can be quite harmless saying such a thing, we do not even notice that we lied (for example, "you look great"). Or it can be serious when we know that we are lying (for example, "honey, I never cheated on you").
Most of us believe that they are the ones who can't be deceived: we always know when someone is lying to us. This is not true.
Leanne brink, a psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley, who is engaged in lie recognition, says that it is almost impossible to understand that you are being lied to if the liar is capable. And her colleague from the University of San Francisco, Paul Ekman, conducted an experiment in which 15 thousand people participated. They were shown videos of people lying and telling the truth, and asked to recognize where they were lied to. On average, less than half completed the task.

Whatever you teach your children, you know very well that it's good to lie. By the way, a psychologist from the University of Massachusetts Robert Feldman conducted a very interesting study and found out that the most popular children in school are just those who can lie well — because they are interesting to talk to. Indeed, we all have acquaintances who deceive voluptuously, with imagination; and even knowing in advance that they are lying, we listen to them with great pleasure. But even the most truthful people sometimes have to lie, even if they don't like it.

So, we are learning. What do you need to do to make your lies believed?

Make a decision to lie

Weigh all the pros and cons and make the final decision that you will lie. And after the decision is made, do not doubt it again. Lying is very easy to identify precisely because of the inner doubts that torment the liar. Is it moral or immoral? Right or wrong? Fair or unfair? It doesn't matter anymore. If you decide to lie, lie.

Weigh the possibility of failure

Before you lie, think about what will happen if the truth turns out, and how likely it is at all. If you've lied about this particular topic before and they believed you-then you may be able to do the same thing again. Have you ever been caught in a lie by people you plan to lie to? Are there any "truth" witnesses who could potentially undermine your story? And finally, what will happen if the truth is revealed. For example, if you are ten, think about what you will be more punished for-for the two or for hiding it? If, after weighing all the circumstances, you still come to the conclusion that lying will be better than telling the truth, you need to lie.

Make sure that it is profitable for you

It is very important to understand why you are lying at all. What's in it for you?

Remember that the less often you lie, the stronger your reputation as a "truthful" person, the more people will believe you.

This means that if you do not waste your time on small lies and save this "capital" for the moment when you really need it, the effect will be stronger no one will doubt you. In general, if you're lying, you're lying big.

Work through your lies

Psychologist Dr. Cynthia Cohen conducted a study and found out what we already knew: it's easier to get caught in a lie when you tell a story for the first time. If you thoroughly work out all the details of the lie in advance, so that you don't have to invent anything on the spot, the probability of success increases several times. You have already lied to someone about this topic and the second time you make up the same story is much more effective, because you have practiced.

And what's more, this time you don't create a lie (using the parts of your brain that are responsible for creative processes), but rather remember it that is, you do exactly the same thing that you would do if you were retelling a true story.

Tell the truth

The most difficult thing to identify is a lie that isn't exactly a lie. The more true facts you have in your story, the harder it will be to catch you telling a lie. Also, the truthful facts lead to the fact that the listener asks fewer questions. And the fewer questions you have, the less likely you are to be declassified.

Know who you're lying to

The secret to being a good liar is being very empathetic. He perfectly sees and feels what is going on in the head of the person to whom he is lying. Different lies are suitable for different people. Who are you going to lie to? What will he believe sooner? Adapt the lies to suit the victim.

Keep your lies short

The story you tell should be as short as possible. Liars often fail when they start telling endless stories with a lot of details, because they have thought it all out in advance. It is important to think through the lies to the smallest detail, but you don't need to give them all away until you are asked.
The initial lie should be as short as possible.

Start with a lie

If you need to lie to someone, do it right away. Do not start the conversation with any other topics, hoping that this will help you gather your strength. It won't help. First of all, you need to lie while the other person has not yet taken a closer look at you, is not used to your gestures and does not know how to read the subtext in your words. First lies then the truth.


Liars are often given away not by words, but by actions. What do you look like to be believed?
  1. Don't look away, but don't look directly into the pupils of the person you're lying to. Look at his face as a whole.
  2. Smile (scientists say that when people tell the truth, they smile more often).
  3. Watch yourself the liar often touches his buttons, pulls at his own clothes, and unconsciously scratches himself.
  4. Control your own voice. Since lying is an energy-intensive process that requires the concentration of too many body systems, the voice of the liar becomes colorless and monotonous (the brain has no additional reserves to unconsciously control it). Therefore, it is necessary to do this by force.
  5. Add color to your voice, raise and lower the tone, change the rhythm try to sound truthful, that is, diverse, as you would if you were telling an interesting true story.
  6. Swing your arms if that's what you're supposed to do. A liar often unconsciously restricts movement and facial expressions. If you want people to believe you, don't limit them.

Tell the truth

Everything becomes clearer when you realize that, apparently, everyone does this. A classic example: your mother asks you if you've done your homework, and you say, "I wrote an essay in English." This may be true, but you're not really answering the question of whether your homework is done. You could have written the essay a long time ago, but a true statement only misleads the poor mother. You may not even have started your homework yet.

The technique of "misleading by telling the truth" is so common in everyday life that a new term has recently been coined in science for it:" paltering " or simply lying. Such a frequent phenomenon in society sheds light on the "gray area" between truth and falsehood, and perhaps even on the causes of lies in General.

An innocent lie

We lie all the time, despite the fact that it costs us much more mental strength than the truth. American President Abraham Lincoln said that "no one has a good enough memory to be a successful liar."

In 1996, researcher Bella Depaulo found that everyone lies once or twice a day. She asked participants to write down for a week that they lied, even if it was with good intentions. Of the 147 respondents, only seven felt that they had never lied, and we can only guess whether this is true or not.

Most of our deceptions are completely innocent or said "out of the goodness of our hearts." For example, "I said she looked good even though she looked like a blimp." Sometimes this is necessary to hide embarrassment or awkwardness. Depaulo, a psychologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, says her study participants didn't know exactly how much they were lying, in part because most of the lies were so "familiar and expected that you don't even notice."

Not the whole truth

However, situations where people use lies as manipulation or deliberate deception are worrisome. After all, this happens much more often than you think.

When Todd Rogers, a behavioral psychologist at Harvard Kennedy school, and his colleagues studied how often politicians evade questions during debates, it became clear that something more complex was actually happening. When talking about some truthful fact, politicians may not have answered the question at all. They might even present something as true, but it wasn't. According to Rogers, politicians do this all the time.

Manipulating facts is an extremely common negotiation tactic. More than half of the 184 business leaders surveyed admitted to using this tactic. Scientists have also found that a person who is lying to their soul considers such behavior more ethical than if they were lying directly.

But those who have been deceived do not see any difference between lying and deceit. Perhaps this leads to too much subterfuge, which listeners will eventually regard as a lie when everything is revealed.

Political games

It is quite difficult to notice a misleading "fact", because it sounds like the truth in itself. For example, in the video of the campaign of the labour party in the UK to reduce the age limit, it says: "You are 16. Now you can get married, serve in the military, and work full-time." However, the BBC's fact-checking team found that there was something missing from these statements. In fact, you can join the army at the age of 16-17 only with the permission of your parents, it will also be required for marriage, with the exception of the territory of Scotland. Since 2013, teenagers aged 16-17 are not allowed to work full-time in England, but they can do so in Scotland, Wales and Ireland with a number of restrictions.

Another example: during his election campaign, Donald trump cheated at the presidential debate. When asked about the housing discrimination lawsuit in previous years, he said that his company has never admitted guilt. And while the company pleads not guilty, an investigation by the New York Times magazine found that there were actually cases of racial discrimination.

And even if we catch people "lying to the truth," social norms can prevent us from challenging the truth of the facts. Take the infamous interview between journalist Jeremy Paskman and politician Michael Howard in the UK. He repeatedly asked Howard if he had threatened to fire the warden. Howard, in turn, continued to evade the question, so that the interview eventually turned into a strange exchange of facts, rather awkward to watch. Not everyone can go through this.

Everyday deception

Consider a real estate agent who tells a potential buyer that there is a lot of demand for a not-so-popular home, without answering exactly how many actual offers there were. Or a used car salesman tells you how easily the car started up on a frosty morning without mentioning that it broke down just a week ago. Both statements are true, but both mask reality.

The trick turns out to be everywhere, perhaps because it's actually very convenient. Rogers suggests that this is due to the large number of competing goals.: "We want to achieve a specific goal (sell a house or car), but we also want to remain decent and honest in the eyes of others." The scientist believes that different goals create tension, so people believe that deceiving with the truth is more ethical than lying recklessly. However, this is a big mistake.

Public distrust

This kind of thinking creates problems that can already affect a society that is tired of lying and distrusts politicians. A 2016 survey showed that Britons trust politicians less than realtors, Bank employees and journalists.

Despite the fact that we constantly expect a trick from the authorities, it is still difficult to catch them in a lie, especially if they are telling the truth. Psychologist and author of the book "the Liar in your life" Robert Feldman regards this trend as disturbing both on a personal and public level.: "When politicians lie to us, it destroys confidence in political institutions and makes the population extremely cynical about their real motivations."

Lying can serve, and does serve, a deliberately insidious social purpose. It can help you present things in a better light than they really are, or avoid an awkward question. "This is unethical and can only worsen the state of democracy. But that's how human consciousness works," Rogers explains.

Setting to false
Unfortunately, the habit of lying comes from childhood. Lying plays an important role in communicating with society from an early age. Children are told about the Tooth fairy and Santa Claus, and they explain that you need to be grateful even for the" wrong " gift. Feldman emphasizes that adults impose contradictory ideas on children. Therefore, in the end, they make the following message: although honesty is the best strategy, it is sometimes more profitable and useful to lie a little.


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That is a great tutorial and some great tips for those wanting to try their hand at s.e. but i believe you can only go so far when "learning" s.e there are some people born for it and just have a knack for it, i genuinely set up my "mark" on one job which was a 3 week long stint but when it was all done and dusted he actually emailed my phoney mail and said, "man, i have to give it to you, you've got that to an art, if you told me the Pope was my Daddy i would believe you" ha ha i couldn't believe he wasn't screaming mad , but where i grew up (very rough part of u.k) and not having money we had our brains as tools and put them to good use, even to the point of finding myself looking at someone and rolling off an answer without the slightest pause for thought, remember the clothes also, you approach someone in a security/police uniform people just go along with you cos we are conditioned to do so growing up, i have a Golden rule DO NOT shit on your own kind i have only ever took off those living in luxury, who most of the time you will find their fortune was not gained in a white suit andnever breaking the law, how do you think they get so rich.