Seizure of bank accounts: what to do and how to prevent it?


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At the request of the executors, banks can arrest and write off any debts included in the Unified Register of Debtors.

The NBU ordered banks to provide executors with information about the details of debtors' accounts and the balance of funds on them. And the Ministry of Justice has approved an order according to which banks can arrest their clients' accounts for debt. But, as it turned out, not all know that they have "hanging" debts. For some, the arrest of the account is like snow on your head. What to do if at some point you find out that you can no longer use your bank card and where to check yourself for debt - YouControl has collected basic tips.

Recently, some clients of banks could face the problem of automated seizure of funds in their accounts for enforcement proceedings. How is such an arrest made? First, the executor receives information about the debtor's bank accounts and the availability of funds on them. Then he issues a resolution (in electronic form) on the imposition / release of seizure in relation to the funds in these accounts and sends it to the bank. After that, the bank accepts it for execution and actually blocks funds on the account.

The accounts have already been seized: what to do?
First, you should contact the bank where your account is serviced and find out the reasons for the blocking. The bank will inform you that the funds in the account have been seized on the basis of the order of the state / private contractor. In many banks, such information is already displayed in a mobile application.

In order to be sure that you or your family do not find themselves in a similar situation, it is worth playing it safe. There are many ways to set up monitoring of yourself or loved ones and receive notifications of status changes for the requested person. There are automated solutions on the market that address these issues (for example, the YouControl People tool).

Secondly, you should contact the contractor for information, incl. to get acquainted with the materials of enforcement proceedings. It is extremely important to understand the reasons for the emergence of the debt on which the proceedings were opened and the funds were seized.

Thirdly, after completing the previous two steps, you have several options for the development of events. You can choose the best one for solving a specific situation:
  • pay the debt in accordance with the executive document (including collection and other production costs) - for its termination and removal of the arrest;
  • send the executor a statement to cancel the seizure imposed (for example, in connection with the seizure of special accounts intended for receiving government assistance);
  • to appeal the decision of the executor on the imposition of seizure and / or the executive document on the basis of which the recovery is carried out.
In all these cases, it is better to use the legal assistance of a lawyer or an experienced lawyer, since there are many legal nuances on which a positive solution to the situation will depend.

According to Operdatabot, at the end of last year, the Unified Register of Debtors contained data on more than 2 million people. In 2021, the largest increase in debts was recorded in payments for utilities, collection of funds (for example, loans), fines for traffic safety violations, and fines for administrative offenses.