Scam in carding? Why is it more profitable to work honestly? Carding training.


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I can't imagine that there are as many scammers anywhere else in Russia and the CIS as there are on the darknet. Every fifth person will seriously throw you on the mower.

Many people cheat, from schoolchildren to adults. One dude was recently thrown for $ 2 for a SIM card. Thank you, Karl!

Moreover, many do not even understand why to fulfill their obligations at least to some extent, when you can add the buyer to the emergency and be extinguished. Students on the Unified State Exam can safely add a topic for essays - "The desire to deceive as a national trait."

Why is it better to fulfill your obligations?

It is clear that not everyone has the opportunity to do this.

It is clear that receiving money is more pleasant than giving it away.

Why can you earn more by working efficiently?

1. You build a reputation.

I sold something to one person, sold something to the second, and got a profit. Tenth, hundredth. Thousandth customer. They talk about you, share your contacts, and add you to their courses. The flow of customers is already going on independently of you.

Will you earn more money than on the scam? Yes, one hundred percent. You will have 10-20 clients a day. Your reputation will speak for you.

The money itself will flow into your hands. It sounds pathetic, but it's a fact.

Yes, it takes time and patience. But the result will be much better. In a year's time, you will be able to replace yourself with an employee and earn passive income, while enjoying life without a job (no), and start working on other projects.

2. You will have a loyal audience of customers.

When the audience is grateful to you for something, you can always get advice from them. And not only. Advice, request, and help.

Loyalty is a two-way road. You do something for people, and they do something for you. Even among the shabby ones, there are some great people you can and should work with.

3. In the future, you don't need to come up with something new.

When you are not working for the first or even the second month, you already have a pre-prepared plan for which you are working. You don't poke around like a novice, but work with Dad's professionalism.

Everything has already been worked out, there is no need to invent anything. You work on the same mechanism, and earn money. Why throw someone when you already have a pre-made product that you just need to give out to the person?

You already have everything ready. Press the button, start the mechanism, and the money will come.

A banal example is training. Every month, there are 10 different channels selling training. They collect money and merge without even reading a single lecture. Why?

I don't know why people don't want to think with their heads. It is much more profitable to give people at least something, and not just dump it, spoiling the impression of the industry. Apparently, everyone wants easy money, and I don't care about all the principles.

Even better, make a good product that will earn them money and recommend them to their friends.

There are other examples. Recently, an old card seller that has been working for two years has been missing. I began to take money and pay it off.

Cheap excuses were used: "Why would I throw someone for $ 8?" And scam further. Either there were problems with the material, or reluctance to work, or something else. Is this the way out?

At that time, you could just find another shop for resale and if you don't want to work at all, replace yourself with someone else, and get passive income.

Is it more profitable than scamming your reputation?
More profitable.

It is much more profitable to work honestly and for a long time, later earning much more money, than to make short incomprehensible scams for pennies.