SBU together with law enforcement officers of Latvia neutralized an underground call center that lured money from EU citizens


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The security services, together with the National Police, the Prosecutor's Office and law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Latvia, have eliminated an international scheme for luring funds from investors of electronic exchanges.

As a result of a special operation in Zaporozhye, Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk region, three organizers of the transaction were detained.

The attackers created an underground call center that operated under the guise of one of the EU's independent financial regulators.

In this "status", scammers called European investors in stock projects of online exchanges and offered them "investment protection".

During the conversations, the defendants promised to "monitor the security" of electronic transactions, and in case of doubt - to return the invested funds to the owners.

The cost of such "services" was 30% of the amount of one investment.

In addition," on the advice " of fraudsters, their victims had to install a specially developed mobile application on their own gadgets. It allowed attackers to fully control the financial transactions of victims.

Having gained access to private money, the defendants transferred it to their own bank accounts and cashed it out.

Thus, the scammers hoped to extort millions of dollars in hryvnia equivalent from the victims.

However, the SBU officers exposed the attackers at the "start" of their criminal activities, documented several facts of fraudulent manipulations and detained the main defendants.

According to the investigation, the organizers involved seven more residents of Zaporozhye and Kharkiv. Another accomplice is hiding abroad.

During 14 simultaneous searches in the premises of fraudsters, computer and server equipment, documentation, draft records and bank cards with evidence of the transaction were seized.

Now three detainees have been notified of suspicion under Part 4 of Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (fraud committed on a large scale, or through illegal operations using electronic computing equipment). The attackers face up to 8 years in prison.
Their foreign accomplice was informed of suspicion in absentia.

The special operation was carried out by the SBU officers in Zaporizhia region together with the Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police under the procedural leadership of the Voznesenovskaya District Prosecutor's Office of Zaporizhia.

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