Saratov Film Department, FSB and hackers: how the high-profile story about trading with American cards ended


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The FSB officer "protected" Perm carders for bribes worth 160 million rubles.

In the Savelovsky court of Moscow, a sentence was passed to members of a criminal group from the Perm Region, who were found guilty of illegal circulation of payment funds. Six defendants provided Visa and MasterCard credit card details of such major American banks as Banc of America, Capital One Banc, and Fidelity Information Services. This data allowed customers to make purchases without the knowledge of the real owners of payment cards.

The most severe punishments in this case were received by two defendants-Alexander Kovalev and Artem Zaitsev. They were sentenced to real terms of imprisonment-4 and 3.5 years in a general regime colony, respectively. The remaining defendants, including Denis Pachevsky, General Director of Saratovfilm Film Company LLC,Artem Bystroykh and Artem Zaitsev, employees of Transtechcom LLC and Get-net LLC, respectively, as well as Vladislav Gilev and Yaroslav Solovyov, were sentenced to pre-trial detention or forced labor.

The court session was attended by both the accused who were in custody and escorted to the courtroom, and those who had previously changed the preventive measure to a milder one-a ban on certain actions. The latter arrived at the court on their own, accompanied by lawyers.

Initially, the state prosecution demanded that all the defendants be found guilty under Part 2 of Article 187 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illegal turnover of payment funds committed by an organized group, up to 7 years in prison). The prosecutor asked to appoint the group members from 5,5 to 6 years of imprisonment in a general regime colony, as well as confiscate their money and cars to the state income.

According to the investigation, members of the criminal community provided customers, mainly Russian citizens, with Visa and MasterCard credit card details. This data made it possible to make purchases bypassing the regulatory authorities in our country. The scheme worked as follows: the client transferred the required amount to the card details provided by the criminals, and then immediately purchased the desired product or service with this money. At the same time, the real holder of the compromised card has not received any information about the operations performed for some time.

However, soon fraud with bank cards was revealed, and the investigation was taken up by the US FBI. American law enforcement officers assumed that the hacker group operates from the territory of Russia, and passed the relevant data to Russian colleagues. After that, employees of the K department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation identified the attackers, using, among other things, an operational combination for conducting a control purchase, and in early 2022 detained the suspects in Perm. The defendants were transferred to Moscow, where the Basmanny Court, at the request of the investigation, took them into custody.

The investigation also revealed the involvement of Grigory Tsaregorodtsev, an employee of the regional FSB Department, in an illegal scheme created by hackers. According to investigators, the officer received bribes from criminals in the amount of 160 million rubles for general patronage of their activities and non-prosecution. And when the members of the group were detained, Tsaregorodtsev tried to convince them not to disclose information about his involvement to the investigation, promising in return to transfer the prisoners to the Perm pre-trial detention center and stop their criminal prosecution in the future.

A criminal case was opened against Grigory Tsaregorodtsev himself on charges of taking a bribe on a particularly large scale (Part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). In April 2023, Tsaregorodtsev was detained and transferred to Moscow, where, by the decision of the Basmanny Court, he was taken into custody. According to media reports, at a debate in the Perm Garrison Court, the military prosecutor demanded that Grigory be sentenced to 9 years and 8 months in a penal colony and a fine of 320 million rubles. The officer himself denied the charges of bribery, insisting on re-qualification for fraud, since he did not have the opportunity to really influence the course of the investigation of the hackers case.

Returning to the case of the hacker group, the active cooperation of a number of defendants with the investigation allowed the lawyers of Pachevsky, Bystry and Zaitsev to achieve a change in the measure of restraint for them a year ago to prohibit certain actions.

During the trial, the defense tried to get the most lenient sentences for the remaining defendants, insisting on assigning terms that had actually already been served in the pre-trial detention center, or conditional sentences. The lawyers referred to the lack of evidence that the card data sold during the control purchase could have been used for payments at all, and also to the fact that all the defendants were not familiar with each other before the indictment.

As a result, judge Dmitry Neudakhin decided to reduce the sentence in comparison with the requirements of the state prosecution. Only two defendants received real terms of imprisonment-Alexander Kovalev received 4 years in a penal colony, Artem Zaitsev-3.5 years (he was taken into custody in the courtroom).The rest were given conditional sentences: Vladislav Gilev and Yaroslav Solovyov were given sentences that they had already served in a pre-trial detention center. Denis Pachevsky and Artem Bystroykh were sentenced to 3 years and 3 months of forced labor each, with a deduction of 13% of their salaries to the state income. The court also granted the demand for confiscation of property belonging to criminals.

The defendants and their lawyers were generally satisfied with the verdict. Even those who are assigned real prison terms can expect to be released soon. The lawyers said that they will not appeal against the imposed penalties yet, although they intend to discuss the issue of contesting the confiscation of property with their clients.


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Members of the hacker group got off with lenient punishments

Savelovsky court of Moscow passed a verdict in the case against six hackers from the Perm Region. They were found guilty of illegal circulation of payment funds. According to investigators, the defendants provided customers with Visa and MasterCard credit card data from banks such as Banc of America, Capital One Banc and Fidelity Information Services, which allowed them to make payments without the knowledge of their real owners. Only two of the defendants, Alexander Kovalev and Artem Zaitsev, received real terms — 4 and 3.5 years in prison, while the rest were assigned either sentences already served in the pre — trial detention center or correctional labor.

Three of the six defendants — Denis Pachevsky, General Director of Saratovfilm Film Company LLC, and Artem Bystry and Artem Zaitsev, employees of Transtechcom LLC and Get-net LLC — arrived at the verdict reading accompanied by their own lawyers. The fact is that a year later, after they were arrested by a court decision in February 2022,the measure of restraint was changed to a ban on certain actions. Their accomplices Vladislav Gilev, Yaroslav Solovyov and individual entrepreneur Alexander Kovalev were taken to the courtroom under escort.

On the eve of the debate, the prosecutor asked to find all the defendants guilty under Part 2 of Article 187 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illegal turnover of payment funds committed by an organized group, up to 7 years in prison) and to appoint them from 5.5 to 6 years in a general regime colony. She also suggested that the court confiscate the previously arrested funds and foreign cars of the defendants.

According to the case file, the defendants were charged with " acquiring, storing for the purpose of selling, using and selling electronic means that contain payment information similar to the payment card of American banks."

According to law enforcement officials, the defendants provided customers with Visa and MasterCard credit card data from a number of major American banks, which allowed them to make purchases. According to security officials, the hackers ' services were used by those citizens, mainly Russians, who wanted to hide the purchase of expensive items from the controlling and supervisory authorities in their country. At the same time, the purchase scheme was simple and did not cause damage to the real owner of the card: the hacker client transferred the necessary amount to the card and immediately purchased the necessary purchase with it. At the same time, the cardholder did not receive any information about the operations performed with it for some time.

However, in the end, the cardholders found out about the fraud with them, and the FBI took up the investigation. They assumed that hackers were operating from the territory of the Russian Federation, and passed on the relevant information to their Russian colleagues. After that, operatives of the "K" department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs found a site where a service for purchasing bank card data was supposed, identified the attackers, conducted a control purchase, and in early 2022 detained the suspects. They were taken to Moscow, where they were taken into custody by the decision of the Basmanny Court.

Hackers acknowledged the sale of credit card data made during a control purchase. In addition, some of them testified that their illegal business in Perm was patronized by Grigory Tsaregorodtsev, an employee of the regional FSB Department.

A criminal case was opened against the chekist. According to investigators, Mr. Tsaregorodtsev received bribes from hackers for general patronage and not bringing them to justice in the amount of 160 million rubles. And after learning about their detention, he sent them through third parties so that the members of the criminal group would not disclose their connections to investigators, promising in return to resolve the issue of transferring the accused to the Perm pre-trial detention center with "subsequent termination of their criminal prosecution."

In April 2023, Mr. Tsaregorodtsev was detained and also sent to Moscow, where, by the decision of the Basmanny Court, he was placed in a pre-trial detention center. He was charged with Part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (receiving a bribe on a particularly large scale). As Kommersant reported, the Perm Garrison Military Court recently held a debate on the case against Grigory Tsaregorodtsev, during which the military prosecutor asked the court to sentence the chekist to nine years and eight months in a penal colony with a fine of 320 million rubles. The officer himself denies bribery, insisting that it can only be about fraud, since he had no opportunity to really influence the course of the investigation of the hackers ' case.

The hackers ' active cooperation with the investigation allowed the lawyers of Denis Pachevsky, Artem Bystry and Artem Zaitsev to secure their release in February last year under a ban on certain actions.

During the debate, the defendants ' lawyers insisted on assigning their clients time served in the pre-trial detention center, or conditional sentences. In particular, lawyers Eduard Churgulia and Vladimir Davydov pointed out that there was no evidence in the case file that the card data sold during the control purchase could have served as a means of payment at all, primarily because such information was not received from the American banks themselves. The defense lawyers also asked the court to exclude the phrase "as part of a group" from the charge, since almost all of its alleged participants were not familiar with each other before being brought to criminal responsibility.

As a result, judge Dmitry Neudakhin appointed punishments more lenient to the defendants than the state prosecution had requested.

Alexander Kovalev received 4 years in a penal colony, Artem Zaitsev-3.5 years (he was taken into custody in the courtroom). Vladislav Gilev and Yaroslav Solovyov were given sentences that they had already served in a pre-trial detention center. Denis Pachevsky and Artem Bystroykh were sentenced to 3 years and 3 months of forced labor each, with a deduction of 13% of their salaries to the state income. At the same time, the court confiscated the previously arrested foreign cars, as well as funds in the accounts of the defendants, to the state revenue.

The defendants were generally satisfied with the verdict: even those who are assigned real terms should soon be released. Lawyers for Churguliya and Davydov said that they are unlikely to appeal the sentences imposed on their client. The issue of appealing against the confiscation of property will be resolved after discussion with clients.

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