Russian mobile OS developers looking for partners in Asia

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Partnership with third-tier Chinese manufacturers promises new prospects for Russian operating systems.

Russian developers of mobile operating systems (OS) are in talks to port their OS to smartphones from India and China, as there are few Russian phones on the market and they are too expensive. This is reported by the newspaper "Kommersant" with reference to several sources in the field of IT.

According to the publication, Russian developers are interested in cooperation with Chinese and Indian manufacturers of the third level, which can produce devices under unique brands for the Russian market. Negotiations are also underway with Vietnamese smartphone manufacturers.

One example of such collaboration is the ALT Linux Team, which develops its own operating system for Chinese pinephones with an open hardware platform. In addition, Astra Group already has tablets running on its Astra Mobile OS from Chinese Lenovo and Chuwi.

The main reason for this search for partners is the lack and high price of Russian smartphones, which are not yet ready for mass demand. "The range of Russian smartphones is small, and they are much more expensive than foreign analogues, because of this, the devices are not yet ready for sale on the mass market, and their use is justified only if we are talking about processing sensitive information, "Alexey Smirnov, chairman of the Board of Directors of Basalt SPO, told Kommersant.

However, not all device manufacturers approve of the release of Russian OS on foreign smartphones, and they point out a number of problems. So, according to one of the interlocutors of Kommersant among manufacturers for the public sector and corporate clients, foreign devices when transferring a trusted Russian OS will not be able to provide security, since the Russian side will not have the source code of the smartphone hardware.

In addition, the main problem in negotiations with foreign vendors will be Google's policy, which may deprive companies that cooperate with OS developers from the Russian Federation of licenses for their services (maps, GooglePlay, YouTube, etc.). "Dialogue with Russian developers can only include small Chinese companies that cannot provide decent support for their services. But they can sell the source codes for them, which will allow localizing their production in the Russian Federation, " said Anna Mantsvetova, Commercial Director of Mobile Inform Group.

At the same time, Russian companies continue to localize the production of smartphones in Russia in order to gain advantages in public procurement. So, the founder of NCC Alexander Kalinin in February said that he would invest 10 billion rubles in the development of phones for individuals.

Russian mobile OS developers hope that their systems will become more popular and competitive thanks to cooperation with Asian partners. "If domestic developers manage to attract investors from abroad, this will be a big victory for our software industry," Fplus believes.