Regularities of the functioning of the carding services market


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Regularities of the functioning of the carding services market the labor and employment market. The functioning and development of the labor market and the market for carding services, in particular, is subject to certain patterns: the formation of demand and supply of labor, the dynamics and conditions of employment, unemployment, government regulation of the labor market, etc.

1) Regularities of the formation of demand in the market for carding services.
It has been established that the demand for carders at the present time, and even more so in the conditions of the economic crisis and the post-crisis period, is influenced by several factors: firstly, not all employers have enough full-time specialists of the required qualifications and specialization, and secondly, the services of a carder are priced cheaper ... At the same time, the salary of carders is on average higher than that of office workers, which is primarily due to the costs of employers in creating a workplace, paying taxes, etc.

2) Patterns of labor supply in the carding market.
In addition to high competition, other factors also affect the supply of labor in the carding market. Currently, in the labor market, carders, who, by virtue of their specifics, have the opportunity to work for several employers at the same time or carry out several projects at the same time, are almost constantly in search of work and offer their services.

An analysis of the results obtained in the course of interviews with carders, as well as a secondary analysis of the results of the census of electronic carders, made it possible to identify social characteristics that can form a socio-psychological portrait of a modern carder.

More than half carders are men employed in such professions as programming, design, web design, graphics, etc. Women are mostly represented in writing, copying, translating and photographing. The average age of carders is between 18 and 30 years old.

For half of the employees, carding is the only way to earn money. At the same time, more than half of carders consider the income received from carding sufficient for life.

3) In the course of the analysis, it was revealed that the Russian market of carding services is directly related to unemployment. In March 2013, youth under 25 years old accounted for 27.5% of the unemployed, which is more than the same indicator in March 2012 (this indicator was at the level of 26.6%, including at the age of 15-19 years - 6.0%, 20- 24 years - 20.6%), the high unemployment rate in 2012 was noted in the age group 15-19 years old (37.0%) and 20-24 years old (17.5%). Once again, we note that carders are young people under 30 years old.

4) Conditions of employment and job satisfaction. In addition to the listed factors, the dynamics and functioning of the labor market and carding services are, in particular, influenced by the conditions of employment and the satisfaction of workers with their work, including satisfaction with wages, relations with management, the team, etc., which is directly related to the process of alienation labor.

Of the main reasons that prompted carding (according to the results of the interview), carders mostly (30%) choose carding for themselves precisely because of the freedom in choosing customers, daily routine, and also allocate carding for themselves as an additional / more profitable source income (every fourth).

According to the results of the study, the majority of “ordinary” workers do not feel happy at work, most often (59%) they are unhappy due to low salaries and lack of professional and personal development.

5) Laws of state regulation of the carding market. Currently, the carding services market is regulated by individual provisions of various regulations, which, in turn, only indirectly affect the real state of affairs. At the same time, the activities of many carders who do not want to register as an individual entrepreneur, as well as representatives of some flexible types of employment, are not regulated by the relevant legislation.

In general, now in the media and in state authorities, the problems of distance employment are mostly touched upon. The dissertation empirically substantiates that Russians wanted and are ready to work not so much remotely (40%) as with a free schedule (65%).

The main directions of improving the market for carding services
In the course of theoretical and practical research of the labor market and the market for carding services, a number of problems and contradictions in the existence of carding and the functioning of the carding services market were identified. The lack of a clear definition of carding and carder as an employee leads to the fact that all envisaged proposals to amend the current labor legislation cannot cover all categories of free workers. proposals for the development of the carding services market in Russia have been developed and scientifically substantiated, taking into account foreign and domestic experience, as well as the author's approach, aimed at the social development of society and the labor and employment market in Russia. Successful resolution of the contradictions of this process is possible only on the basis of forecasting the development of this service market.