Redrawing scans


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How and why are documents redrawn?

Drawing and using scans requires not only Photoshop skills, but also knowledge of certain nuances. First, let's figure out the essence of the question, namely, why you might need scans, where to get material for redrawing them, and how best to use fake copies of docks. It is no secret that many online services ask for copies of personal documents when registering accounts. As a rule, this is a passport or driver's license. Occasionally, when paying for services, it is necessary to send a scan of a credit card. But one of the basic rules of safe and anonymous work on the Internet says: "Do not leave personal data unless absolutely necessary." The bases are broken, merged and sold along with all the information you left, so it is much safer to introduce yourself as a citizen of some foreign country and not create unnecessary problems for yourself. But how do you get scans for further redrawing? The most primitive way is to use Google's help. Yes, yes, having used the search engine well, you can unearth a dozen scanned passports and IDs. But it is much more productive to merge a database containing hundreds / thousands of scans of various documents. So you can provide yourself with material for redrawing the docks for a long time.

In general, having had the required number of scans and supplied Dot.err with a fair amount of beer bundled with Photoshop CS3, I had no choice but to wait for the birthday of the necessary docks.

Working with the material

Let's get started! We will drive Photoshop CS3, but it's okay if you have a version a couple of years older in your hands. In order not to get confused in translation options, I will accompany the names of commands and tools with the appropriate hotkeys.

Load Photoshop, create a new project with the name "face", size 640x480, resolution 72 pixels / inch and set the background content to transparent. Select the tool "Horizontal text" (hotkey T), pre-downloaded font OCR A Extended 36th size and type 16 digits in the format "XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX". Press <Enter> twice, change the font size to 24, back off three spaces and enter the dates "03/04", three spaces, "03/08". On the next line, in the 30th OCR-B 10 BT font, specify the owner's name and surname in capital letters (for example, enter IVAN TARANOV) and this will finish editing the text. Select "Edit -> Define_pattern", enter "face_info". We save ourselves under the name face_info.psd.

Create another project, call it "face". Leave the other parameters the same. Click "M" and set up the "Rectangular Marquee" tool: style "Specified Size", width 580 pixels, height 380. Click on the canvas and drag the selection to the center. In the menu, select "Selection -> Modification -> Optimize", enter 19, "OK". Use the Fill tool (hotkey G) to fill the selection with an arbitrary color. Go to the menu "Layer -> Layer_Style -> Emboss -> Texture", select Face_info.psd as texture and 100% opacity as a parameter. We save the project under the name to_back.psd. We will need it to draw the back of the map.

Create a new layer called cover_info. To do this, go to "Layer -> New -> Layer" or press <Shift + Ctrl + N>. We type again exactly the same text with the same parameters as described above (16 digits, dates, name, etc.). With enough magnification (Z), drag the text you just typed over the old embossing. For further work with the text, it must be converted to a raster. Go to Layer -> Rasterize -> Layer. While holding down the <Ctrl> key, click on the cover_info layer (the text should be highlighted on the canvas) and go to "Selection -> Modification -> Compress" - and we will compress it by 1 pixel. Delete the superfluous: "Selection -> Inverse" (<Shift + Ctrl + I>), press <Delete>, "Selection -> Undo_selection" (<Ctrl + D>).

Let's continue processing the future embossing. Find the menu "Layer -> Layer_Style -> Blending Options" and successively go through the items:
"Inner Glow". Opacity - 100%, color - #CCCCCC, outline - HalfRound (image of a quarter circle).
"Embossing". Go to the "Contour" subsection, the range is 50%.
Color Overlay. The opacity is 100% and the color is #FFFFCC.
"Stroke". Size - 1 pixel, opacity - 100%, color - #DFDFDF.
Hopefully the color of the card doesn't hurt the eyes with acidic tints. Save, close.

The next step is to work on the background. In the vastness of the Internet there are many beautiful landscapes, pictures of cities, architectural monuments, etc. Having searched, I found beautiful ancient ruins. I don't know what I liked about them, but I settled on them. Save the picture in a safe place on the screw, make a copy and drag it into Photoshop. Adjust the size of the photo to the size of the future card: "Image -> Image_size" (<Alt + Ctrl + I>). Immediately uncheck the "Maintain proportions" option and set the dimensions to 580x380. You do not need to take everything literally, and automatically repeat all the described actions! If the picture is flattened at the top or bottom, it is worth working with it separately (cut the image of the required size from the original one, or, keeping the proportions, reduce the image, set the desired length or width, and crop the excess).

So, before us is a 580x380 photo, which needs to be processed a little. Open the menu "Image -> Adjustments -> Hue / Saturation" (<Ctrl + U>). Decrease the saturation and brightness depending on the original image. In my case, -30 and -10 were set, respectively. Next: "Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian_blur". We choose values in the range of 0.5-0.8.

All in the same vastness of the Web it is not difficult to find a logo (for example, Visa) and a more or less decent quality hologram ("dove"). Copy, paste. Photo, logo and hologram must be on separate layers. Scale (<Ctrl + T>), adjusting it to the size of the card, and respect the proportions. We will issue the name of the bank (just a stylish inscription - or, if you mow for something specific, then you need to cut it from the original scan). Save as background.psd. Go to "Edit -> Define_pattern", confirm and close the project. You should have three projects on hand: face_info.psd with the typed text, to_back.psd with the raw blank for the back side, face.psd with the map layout, and background.psd with everything else.

Open face.psd, choose Layer -> Layer_Style -> Pattern_overlay. Set the opacity to 100%. Select background.psd as the pattern and press the button next to "Snap to origin". We confirm the changes ("Yes" or "Ok"). Well, how is it? A few strokes and the face of the map is complete. Add the missing inscriptions: click on the Horizontal Text tool (hotkey T), enter “VALID” in bold Arial, size 12, “FROM” on the next line and place it above the first date. The same - with the inscription "VALID THRU" (but it will be located above the second date). Then duplicate the first four digits with a bold size 14 Arial and drag them below the main ones.

To skew under the scan, merge all layers into one: "Layer -> Merge_Visible" (<Shift + Ctrl + E>). Now - "Spoil" the image: "Filter -> Noise -> Add_noise". The amount is 3%, the distribution is even. Since we cannot scan the card exactly, we will rotate it by 1-2 degrees. To do this, click "Edit -> Transform -> Rotate" and enter the degree of rotation. The empty space should be painted over. Create a new layer (<Ctrl + Shift + N>), fill it with white using the Fill tool (<G>) and drag it below the rest (the layer panel is on the bottom right).

We wipe the sweat from the face. But it's too early to reach for coffee: you need to throw the reverse side of the card. Open the face_info.psd project and save it under the name back_backtext.psd. Execute "Editing -> Transform -> Flip_horizontal", then - "Editing -> Define_pattern". Photoshop will suggest the name back_backtext.psd. Click "Ok" and close the project.

Open the previously saved to_back.psd. Go to "Layer -> Layer_Style -> Emboss" and edit the parameters (listed from top to bottom in order):
Style: inner bevel;
Method: hard cut;
Depth: 52%;
Size: 3;
Angle: 90;
Height: 67;
Contour: Linear (very first);
Backlight mode: normal;
Opacity: 100%;
Shadow mode: multiply;
Opacity: 59%.

Click on the "Texture" subsection, change the pattern to back_backtext.psd and put a tick in the "Inversion" checkbox. Let's decorate the reverse side with an unobtrusive color. The following shade suited me: red 108, green 120, blue 132. Press <G> or select the Fill tool and click on the map.

Now we apply logos and inscriptions. To do this, you need to create another 580x380 project (call it "logo_info.psd"). I do not recommend closing to_back.psd, as you need to have a card in front of your eyes. Logos in a large assortment can be found all in the same Google or scanned from your credit card. We place two (about 130x70 each) - in the lower left corner the first and slightly to the right - the second. Toolza "Horizontal text" (<T>) in 12th bold Arial type something like:

By accepting and or using this card, you agree to the Account Agreement.

Get cash and or make purchases where you see these logos. For your

protection, do not write your personal identification number (PIN) on this card.

For customer service call for free 868-647-74505 [Only registered users can see links. Register!]
Go to "Edit -> Define_pattern" and agree with the proposed name "logo_info.psd".

Go back to to_back.psd, go to the menu "Layer -> Layer_Style -> Pattern_overlap". Set the pattern to logo_info.psd, set the opacity to 100%. We click "Snap to origin", move the menu to the side and see the result. Logos and an inscription should appear on the card (it is possible to correct the position by dragging everything with the mouse where needed). We confirm the changes.

Add a magnetic stripe. Use the Rectangular Marquee Tool (<M>) to select a rectangle the length of the entire map and about 63 pixels high. Fill (<G>) with black. Create a new project “mass_visa.psd” with dimensions 200x200 and, starting from the upper left corner, drive in the text “VISA VISA VISA” repeated with two spaces - and so on, to the right edge. Starting from the first word, you need to color the text in blue and yellow colors (alternating). Go to Layer -> Rasterize -> Layer. Click the Brush tool or press <B>. We select size 3 and put down points (three times by clicking the mouse) of the corresponding color after each VISA inscription. Click <M>, circle the line, copy and paste - place it below the previous one so that the yellow word VISA is under the blue one. Now we have already circled two lines, copy and paste to the very bottom of the canvas. Execute "Layer -> Merge_Visibles" (<Shift + Ctrl + E>). Rotate a little through "Edit -> Rotate". Click <M> and stretch the rectangle so that it is completely filled with text. Select "Layer -> New -> Copy_to_new_layer" (<Ctrl + J>). Next - "Image -> Trimming", switch to "transparent pixels", "OK". Congratulations: we got a square filled with oblique text. The old layer must be removed. We perform the already painfully familiar action "Edit -> Define_pattern", "Ok". Open to_back.psd, create a new layer, stretch a rectangular selection (hotkey M) about 480x50 in size, fill it with white paint (<G>). Now we work with the menu "Layer-> Style_Layer_pattern_over": mode - normal, opacity - 65%, pattern - mass_visa.psd. Click on the "Snap to origin" button. The worst is over.

We type the card number (the same as on the front side) in 24 Arial Narrow font and - separated by a space - three digits of the additional code. Go to "Editing -> Transform -> Tilt" and tilt the numbers a little to the left. On a new layer, with a color similar to a blue ballpoint pen, type in a "handwritten" font (or draw) the owner's signature. Merge the visible layers (<Shift + Ctrl + E>), rotate by -1 degree ("Edit -> Transform -> Rotate"). Place a white layer under the card, press <Shift + Ctrl + E>. Go to the menu "Filter -> Noise -> Add_noise", 3%, "Ok". We save the finished "scan" in the desired format.

Let's edit the passport. To work with a scan, you can use a few simple techniques.
We are looking for letters on the scan necessary for typing a word. As a rule, you can easily find almost everything to compose the selected alias (in my case - IVAN TARANOV). Cut each letter into a separate layer named after that letter.
We form the missing symbols. In my case, the letter "V" was missing. The situation was resolved by copying the letter A, rotating it 180 degrees and editing by pixel at maximum magnification. If there are two or more scans, this problem disappears.
We overwrite the original text. The easiest option is to copy small areas up to 15 pixels and paste them in place of the letters (but this can not always be done successfully). A more time-consuming and high-quality method is to match the color of the pixels to the shades of those around them. Long, tedious, but almost 100% result on watermarks and other protections.

Issue price

Redrawing scans for your needs is often a thankless task. Therefore, if there is absolutely no time, and the scans are needed urgently, it makes sense to use the services of professional designers, whose contacts can be easily found on thematic forums. The price of one redrawing for specific data fluctuates around 50 evergreens. By the way, if you are not too lazy to look for the material you need, and you dream of Photoshop at night, you can try to spread your talent to the masses, since the need for high-quality draftsmen was, is and will be. In any case, it is up to you how to use the acquired skills. Our task was only to show you how and why scans of various documents are redrawn.

It makes sense to make several blanks according to the documents of the required countries. Subsequently, it is much easier to use blank templates than to redraw the docks every time from scratch.

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