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We can agree systems have upgraded their security system, well so have we carders. I will give you reasons i have observed you can add what you know in the comment section
1. COMMON FACTORS: Insufficient funds, wrong cc number or exp date or ccv, AVS mismatch. These are common factors that cause failure in carding.

2. SYSTEM SETUP: these include timezone not matching and also language difference. When system detects vpn or proxy it will cause failure especially when using shared ones.

3. CARDER'S MISTAKES: these are making too large purchase on first order. Not browsing through to generate cookies to trick system. Ignoring these might trigger otp request or flag transaction. Also some carders use apps to check cards validity, that helps till they flag your device which automatically flags or kills live cards you just bought because they track and flag devices now

4. CC SHOPS OR SELLERS: Shops run their bases through checkers and we can agree between 80 to 90% checkers kill cards so that means most cc sellers kill or flag cards before its still being sold. Now a verified seller on most carding forums including this very forum discribes a card that throws back code 59 error(google it please) when checked using checker is valid. Then i realized most claiming 90% valid are actually less valid. Just try switching through cc shops till u get your favourite. Its funny how your shit site can be someones favourite but yeah it happens.

I hope this helps and thanks for reading

And yes some carders buy good cards but mess it up and blame sellers or shops. I will write a thread about it later.