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Ok let's see if I got this right, please correct any mistake to see if I understood if you see question marks it means im not sure of my statement.
1st step is to buy dumps from the internet, paying from 5 to 20 dollars. You receive track 1 and track 2, full name of owner and other possible informations.
You use track 1 and 2 to indentify the card number, expiration date and security number. From here you have two paths: online carding and physical carding.

*For physical carding* you need the mrx605 (or similiars) to physically clone the magnetic strip, inserting the tracks you got online into the old cards with erased data that you have (putting the owners name in the track (?)).
You can then go into shops, with low security (i guess) and make purchases with these cards. The problem here is the chip. I don't know how it works in USA but here in Europe the chip is omnipresent and the magnetic strip is almost extinct. I noticed a few pos having also a little slide for the magnetic strip so i suppose you can use it somehow (even if everyone expects you to just use the chip method of payment). I heard about a guy making the pos refuse the chip (how?) so he has an excuse to use the magnetic strip. Cashing out ATM's is out of range since you need a pin... So the only options to go this way is to have your own skimmers at gas stations etc because I understood that no one sells dumps + pin or are simply scammers. I saw that there is a method to bypass somehow someway the EMV chip of the card with a bunch of softwares that people scam buut i don't see in which way it can be useful.

*For online carding* You simply need the dump bought from the internet but it must be of a non-vbv card, which prevents the owner to get security sms and verifications, and you need web anonimity and security (using a VPN that doesnt trace IP, and a bunch of firefox extensions, since carding is common doing for firefox(?) and also a VM). To successfully card online, you need to set the VPN in the same country and time of the owner of the card. And that should be it... You set a drop address using UPS and you should get the product. But here there are a lot of problems:
Finding shops that are easy to card, finding non vbv cards (the friendly guys of the forum told me that in Europe finding non vbv cards is very hard, but in USA is not, so I was wandering if I could still card online being in Europe is the online shops and card owners are american), other problems might be payment non being succesfull since the store recognizes somehow that you are using a cloned card, owner cancelling your order before arriving and more.

There are a few questions I have regarding all this.
1. EMV bypassing and why it is useful since you can just use the magnetic strip
2. Why carding became so hard in 2024
3. Differences between carding in Europe or in USA (I just want to know if I can card like I was in USA being in Europe)
4. Tips for what i wrote