Pro Carding - Intermediaries and Drops


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Welcome everyone, dear friends! In today's article dedicated to the chronicles of the newbie, we will talk about drops and middle. First, I'll tell you about the official media, and leave the drops for dessert.
I personally use which you may have heard of. They are so popular with carders due to their politics and loyalty, unless, of course, we are talking about huge amounts of 10k greens at once in one package?

Official services intermediaries.

This is a company that provides Mail Forvarding services, in our opinion, by transferring parcels from a foreign online store to your hands. As a rule, their services are used by people who make a purchase in a store in which there is no worldwide delivery or a specific country. Once I myself had to use such services, I needed to buy a FatBike bike on Alik, but there was no delivery to Ru, I had to be more sophisticated.

Their model of work is quite simple, you shop, and they collect the package and send it to you. You can make lots of purchases, and not necessarily from the same shop. You can collect a hefty pack and send it to Ru or where you are from there ... As an example, I will cite the popular service, I do not recommend using it, only as an example for review.

In carding, you can also use the middle ones quite successfully, but there are a number of nuances that you should know about. To register on such a service, as a rule, you only need: Full name - Address - E-Mail - Mobile number. phone.

The first thing we need to do before the registration procedure is to go into the rules of the service, so that later it would not be so offensive for the fact that you fucked up and did not send the pack to you.

There are middlemen in which the rules clearly state that if the product is purchased using an e-Gift, then this parcel will be 100% returned back to the store. There are also such r-services, the rules of which require you to provide a card at registration, with which you will pay for purchases in the store, this entails all kinds of SMS-verifications, calls, etc. better to score right away and continue looking for norms in the middle. By the way, if you want a review in the middle - fuck plus, a kind of feedback from you, will let me know that the article was interesting to you, and that you need fresh information.

You can also search in the middle yourself, I attach a link, read the rules carefully!



All this is done very simply ...

You register on the intermediary's website, you are given a unique suite (cell / number) , which will then determine where the package is from and to whom. Tare in the shop, and then indicate in the delivery address - the address in the middle, and the shop will send the pack to this address. I do not advise you to specify the phone number in the middle; instead, it is better to replace some digits in the real number in the middle and insert it there, or create a skype for the city in the middle and enter it.

When you use a white middleman, always log in from the same IP address, if you visit the site regularly from different locations, this will raise suspicion and entail consequences. If you logged in once when registering with Ru IP, then subsequent sessions should also be made from it. When registering, the name must be Slavic, American names and others are blocked in 99%.

Buy scans, you can look for them on the forums. Immediately I advise you to take from selfies, they can then be requested in the middle.
  • After you have decided to send the parcel - you need to enter the delivery address, select the sending method: USPS - express
  • USPS-priority.
  • There may be other types of delivery, please check, do not hesitate!
Often they can only send them for real scans, so that a person can present them upon receipt, this is what we need. In Russia, your parcel is processed by EMS, a courier service from the Russian Post. The parcel itself is delivered to you by a courier.

I will not talk about customs duties, there will be a separate article about this, since there is something to talk about there. I will say one thing, the more valuable the pack, the faster it needs to be sent from there, no need to wait. It's better to pay extra for urgency than to fuck up the stuff.


Divided into adjustable and non-adjustable. Not divorced ones are the least of all troubles, these guys themselves know what they are doing, perhaps life circumstances push them to do this, but this worries us least of all.

They are looking for divorces on job search sites and, with the help of SI, are bred to receive and send packs, these often merge with the staff and can just fuck up the brains in this way.
  • What are the advantages of drops? They do not send the goods back when they call from the shop.
  • Do not require any docks or scans.
  • Do not straighten your brain to a minimum.
  • Cons: They can fuck with the pack or give it back to the store as soon as it smells of fear.
  • As the cops come, the drop dies along with the pack, of course, without any compensation for you.
The price for one pack is on average from $ 50.

Drop services work according to the following cooperation models:
1. Buyback,
2. Interception.
3. 50/50. There will also be a separate article about this, since you will have to describe quite a lot.

In the Russian Federation, accept packs only for drops, receiving a pack in the Russian Federation will cost less, on average from 1 thousand rubles. depending on the staff. You can get from them by anonymous mail or through parcel terminals.