Occupy to nish in carding


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Article does not apply for originality and uniqueness. Probably, somewhere on open spaces
Networks also are similar works. As all underwritten not is an appeal to action. At
You the head on shoulders (figuratively ;-) and certainly if it at you is).
It not concrete schemes of action as in the majority of articles.
Remember that the majority of spheres carding - penal actions.

PART 1. The first thoughts.
Never wrote for public similar articles (someone will tell after perusal - and it was not necessary).
But at some instant, especially observing sections of forums for beginners, has realised that
The overwhelming majority of beginners do not know from what to begin, where itself to put so to say.
So, at some instant you are a schoolboy, student working, programmer, manager,
Simply idler etc... - whether have heard a word carding, whether have read the next
"Entertaining" article in ксакепе, whether simply knew about carding, but "somehow did not reach
Before hands ". Also have solved for itself comprehend all knowledge of the given craft. For you,
Resolved to study carding, calculate given article.

PART 2. The beginning.
And here you start to read feverishly forums, articles, to study existing schemes of earnings.
And so - the first qualities, in my opinion, necessary in cardingе is inquisitive mind,
Assiduity, patience, ability INDEPENDENTLY to analyze and do conclusions. Not probably
At once the nobility what to do, only the aspiration to knowledge guarantees to you success and development.
And it is natural, it is necessary to begin from simple to the difficult. Various articles of type "with what to begin" to you will give food for reflexions.

PART 3. "A theme" choice.
So, you have studied possible themes, schemes and other. And now we will look at themselves and we will ask - and
What do I am able? If anything alas, you to go the yard keeper)). So you are able, what abilities
And qualities possess?
- You the good programmer? Then write spyware, boats. The blessing this sector not so abounds with a choice.
- You well draw, using a photoshop etc? And to you there will be a place - draw scan cards, documents,
Do design to projects.
- You perfectly know English or other language? Be engaged in a proring, a translation of sites, documents,
Writing of contracts for drop-projects.
- You the master of SI, NLP? Well understand psychology of the person? Organise the drop-project.
As a variant can become at once ripper - they too should be able to fool by fine words, but I do not advise,
For you there can be children from the following category))
- You the master of sports on boxing, a kickboxing? Have communications in militia? Organise group on
To punishment threw, it is claimed more than ever))
- You have communications in customs? Be engaged in the decision of problems with goods transfer and good percent to you provided.
- You simply excellent person well grounded in all spheres? You will find the place
Under the sun.
- You the person possessing all specified qualities? Then to you to be the president of the Russian Federation))
- You....
The list as you understand, it is possible to continue. In due course you understand where are better than yourselves can
To show. And the main thing - in the theme you should aspire to be the best!

PART 4. "Hour of the big jamb".
Theoretical awareness is one. It is important to be able to put the theory into practice. And here, passing
To practice, there is a necessity for one more very important quality - ability to keep the mouth shut.
Be extremely attentive in the statements, do not shout on the left and to the right - I carder! At all
Shout)) It only will show that you the violent person. "The reasonable paranoia" still has done much harm to nobody.
"Reliability of a chain is defined by reliability her a weak link". And so, you should know the weak links
And as much as possible to protect them (it concerns both your computer and your contacts and your traces in a network...).

PART 5. An example.
And the example that actually also will not be. Begin from simple to the difficult. And for everyone has begun the.
Perhaps you perfectly understand bank technologies and at once will begin with gulfs. And can plainly
Know nothing and will begin with registration of domains, hostings. So for everyone this "beginning"
Individually. It is important, that you have soberly estimated the possibilities and have not coveted the possible large
Incomes from the same gulfs. Even from hostings it is possible to earn well on beer with a vobla $)

PART 6. The first rouble.
So, days-weeks of laborious work have brought in your the first income, you at last left on positive
Profitability. Well, your first success can blind you and you can immediately lower all money.
Not to me to you to advise what to do with the initial capital, but you дожны to be aimed at development.
Therefore the capital should be spent with mind, to put it in more profitable themes. Consider that it
Long-term investments.

Has well, written. In the article I have tried to accumulate both the experience and experience of other authors.
That from this it has turned out - to judge to you, dear readers. It would be desirable at last, in quality
Postscript to result one vital principle. All likely looked a film "Fight" (Al Pacino,
Robert дэ Niro). And so, in it R.Niro has somehow told (I will result only sense) to the partner (Vel Kilmer in the world):
"The present gangster should not have in a life any attachments. If your bum is threatened with something,
It has begun to smell fried you should without deliberating to throw and rescue all the back ".
To have or not to have attachments - to solve to you.