Negotiable Cookie Collection Penalties: UK may Change Online Shopping Experience


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The ICO regulator introduces strict measures to control the operation of sites that collect cookies.

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) of the United Kingdom has put forward a requirement that the process of refusing to use cookies becomes as simple as consent to their use. This solution is aimed at strengthening the protection of users ' personal data.

The main focus of the ICO is advertising cookies. Users are given the right to choose between accepting all advertising cookies and completely rejecting them. It is important to emphasize that refusal does not mean that the ad disappears, but it guarantees that it is not personalized in accordance with the user's personal interests.

The ICO has expressed concern that some sites do not provide users with an honest choice regarding tracking for personalized advertising purposes, despite previous guidelines on malicious site practices.

In response to this trend, the ICO gave owners of the most visited sites in the UK 30 days to comply with data protection regulations. Otherwise, they will be fined and subject to various sanctions. The ICO said the fines could reach up to £17.5 million (about $21.9 million), or 4% of the company's global annual turnover for the previous fiscal year.

The ICO highlights that many users are concerned about using their personal information for targeted advertising without their consent. Many companies are already complying with the new ICO requirements, but those who have not yet adapted should make changes to avoid being penalized.

The ICO singled out "consent banners" for the use of cookies as an example of malicious design, requiring that rejecting non-essential cookies be as easy as accepting them. This means providing users with an informed choice about whether to consent to the use of their personal data for profiling and targeted advertising. The ICO also warned that it will evaluate consent banners on the most visited sites and apply measures if malicious design is detected.