My first mower on cryptoscam


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Shalom! Today I will tell my story about how Oleg helped me earn the first thousand on cryptoscam.

Once upon a time, when I was still studying at the institute, there was a strange person in my group. His name was Oleg.

If I didn't know him, I would have thought he was some kind of squishy guy.…

Such... average height, smart brain, always with money... we went to the nearest mini-market, treated ourselves to pastries and fast food at our own expense during breaks.


It was tasty...

And it's winter outside, so warm... my hands are warm... I'm drooling right away. I didn't have much food, my parents stopped giving me cash, they said: "Already an adult, you can find some part-time work."

And I was very good friends with Oleg. He was my last hope of escaping the lower stratum of society. I wanted to earn money like him.

It also had an interesting feature. He carried glasses... Girly ones... Those with a purple texture.

Oleg had approximately the same glasses.

He was a quiet guy, but when our guys made fun of him, he was worried, because he couldn't fight back... it's just that childhood left its mark. When he was about 9-10 years old, his parents divorced.

My mother was not herself, bottle after bottle, and always came home ready, drunk. There was no money at all, except for Batya's alimony.

And then stupidly got behind the wheel, lost control and drowned…

The district police officer and his neighbors then tried not to tell the whole truth, so as not to spoil the child's psyche. They just said, " Mom's gone..."

I guess I couldn't stand being separated from my husband...

The burial place of his mother. The city of Yaroslavl.

Since then, Oleg has become so closed. Afraid to let new people in.

But then I found some topic on the Internet, started to provide for myself, change phones, buy food. In short, I pulled myself out of the pit of poverty.

Just like in the tracks ... Sad and Rich…

"I don't want to be sad and rich...", © kizaru.
That's why I made friends with him. You need connections, and money of course.

And so.. Once, during a steam session, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Oleg was texting someone in a cart. I said, " What's the deal? Who are mammoths?"

And he hinted that this is his way of earning money: "People at work". But I didn't quite understand at the time.

He began to turn it off, smoothly lead it to give me experience and knowledge.

And the topic went... the little brother gave advice, said what to Google and so on. But he didn't want to teach Chet directly. He says it's a difficult topic, so it's better to figure it out yourself.

"So, look. Here you take the Binance crypto exchange, this is for consumables and do the following. If th, Google to help, " he said.

It was a novelty for me. I knew that there is a Binance, but to use it directly like this is fucked up))

And then I made some money. True, not as much as he did, but joy overwhelmed me all over)) We went to celebrate this event.. they've always done that since)

Suddenly, my account was banned. Oleg threw the second one... Bang — again. Says, " Dude, that's it.. then go on by yourself...".

But, as it turned out, he was giving me cheap accounts. They're still those bitches, they fly away fast. I registered it for drops from other regions, but you can't do that.

Finding those who can help you verify your accounts is a different story. I've met all sorts of people.. almost real clowns from the circus.

They sold verif cheap, and some even managed to scam. At least a pie for 2 rubles will buy yourself, well done kid)))

And then I went to the strange forum. The design was made as if in the year 2011. It's as if the dinosaurs corresponded there in the Stone Age.

There I ordered verification from someone with a reputation. The rating is tempting, and I think so: "Maybe at least it'll be all fucked up."

And I was right... the thing is, he had experience.

Those who sold to me before are typical representatives of illiterate schoolchildren, they simply did not know how to do it correctly.

And this guy gave me a couple of tips, and then we even started working together. Because I often bought from him. We became friends.

Shortly.. I made decent money then... Accounts flew off as rarely as possible.

I also wanted to fuck myself in front of Oleg, saying look how I could.. And so, I come to the couples, wait for him, taste his reaction...

Ringer sounds. *tzzz-tzzz-tzzz*. But he never came... a couple of days pass and I get a message from him:

"I sent you this message a couple of days ago. Deferred. They don't know everything about it yet. I've been set on fire and they can find you in my tracks. You need to..."

End of the first part.

(c) By the way, you can unsubscribe to me @JOKER999BOSS, I'll tell you what the tips are, and I'll also help you with the products. I can't just verify it)