Cryptoscam analysis


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Today we will again talk about cryptoscam - a very profitable, but unpopular type of fraud, let's get started!

What is cryptoskam?
Cryptoscam - a type of fraud in which people are bred through sites where mammoths will deliberately pour money to withdraw funds that we will "transfer" to their fake balance.

Although the topic is tied to the crypt, you should not neglect security. If something happens, the K Department will punch the owner of the hosting and domain, they will take your IP address there, if the VPN then make requests there, then check the social network. The network where you communicated with the victim, and so on at all stages.

  • The rules of the site that mammoth accepted during registration most often indicate that this is a game with a donation that has nothing to do with the real world
  • This Scam is very variable, so you can work on a variety of scenarios

  • Requires special social engineering skills and a good knowledge of other languages
  • The topic is no longer new, which means that finding mammoths is not so easy

Traffic sources

There are many options, mostly messengers, but also forums and even real life. Here's a list of places to work, from best to worst
  • Telegram (you need a spammer, or pay for mailing lists)
  • Facebook (profitable, but hard to find a normal ACC+expensive)
  • Discord (absolutely free method, does not ban, but just throws for 10 minutes for spam)
  • Whatsapp (the difficulty is that there are much fewer public chats than in Discord and Telegram)
  • Forums and sites with similar topics (it is difficult to work, as forums are banned for trying to Scam its inhabitants)
  • Real life (I don't recommend it, the risks are high)

Telegram and its chats are a great solution.

Our target audience is people between 30 and 50. You can also consider students, most importantly not schoolchildren, the chances that they will contribute money are significantly less. You can work all over the world, it all depends on your knowledge of the language.

Fat profits always come from European and American countries.

Divorce schemes

Let's start with the method that everyone used immediately after the appearance of cryptoscam (now it is dead): they pretended to be Chinese, because in China they blocked the cryptocurrency, and asked for help to withdraw the crypt through their wallet. They always put huge amounts of money and offered a good percentage for their help. 70% did not agree, 10% actually tried to help, and the remaining 20% tried to cheat - it was from these that the profit was made.

Mammoth allegedly threw off money, he either threw in an emergency and tried to withdraw himself, so as not to give up the share, or tried to help and, accordingly, also tried to withdraw. They were sent an error stating that to withdraw funds from the balance, you need to complete identification by sending 0.01-0.02 BTC to the site (depending on your desire).

Naturally, many fell off, but most of them found money after a while, and decided to throw it on the site. Later, the entire Internet was filled with these "Chinese", and people stopped being led to it.

Here are the actual methods, but do not limit yourself to them, it is important to understand the principle itself, and then everything is limited only by your imagination:
  • Selling items related to the Scam exchange;
  • Buying something;
  • Work. We come up with a trivial job, for which we pay well.
Here is the finished case:
  • Sale of trading software that will trade for you on the Scam exchange. It was created just for the mammoths to make a Deposit.

As an example, I will give the following case
Law enforcement officers opened a criminal case after the appeal of a local resident who was injured while trying to invest in cryptocurrencies. According to her, she clicked on a link to a site with ways to make profitable investments.

She was contacted by scammers, who introduced himself as a trader on one of the exchanges. He persuaded the woman to install an application for remote control on her phone, registered on one of the cryptocurrency exchanges and convinced her to top up her account. In total, about 1.1 million rubles were transferred, after which "trader" stopped contacting.

Is it possible to make a profit from one mammoth twice?
The answer is Yes, and even more

It all depends on the person and your skills. Here are two easy ways:
  • Deposit with commission included. For example, a person wants to make a deposit of 0.02 BTC. We write that Bitcoin takes a commission of 1%, which means that It did not reach the minimum deposit. Mammoth has to Deposit 1 more time, already taking into account the commission. Somewhere this is implemented automatically.
  • Premium account. We write in the error message in English: due to the laws of countries such as China, *mammoth country*, and others like it, we had to restrict your withdrawal before purchasing premium status, since you live in *mammoth country*.

How do I automate the process?
  • Buy a spammer on Telegram/Discord/Whatsapp or wherever you work;
  • We leave the spammer for a while, and return to reply to messages from mammoths who read and responded to your first message;
  • If you don't have time to sit in the site's TA, you can transfer the victim to the support team for a percentage.

What do we end up with?
Can I open my cryptoscam and not work for my uncle?

The answer is Yes. But you will have to spend at least 10K on the script, since neither scripts nor rentals cost less than this price list. You will also have to change domains in case of a ban, and they fly away very often. A simple option is to go to a team where the vehicle does all this for you.

High-cost option:

Creating a pseudo-exchange, the cost of the script is > $ 2k. It looks like a real one, there are positive and negative orders, in real time. Designed social networks. Networks with Indian managers who keep in touch with the audience, Twitter has >20k followers, you conduct real crypto distributions.

You scam mammoths in various ways, most often you block your account and throw them on a cloud of verifications, like our favorite kiwi. On the exchange there are real traders who trade, no one even thinks that this is a Scam. Ad costs > $ 2k. Accordingly, the profits are thicker.


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Today we will talk about cryptocurrencies - a very profitable but unpopular type of fraud.

1. Mammoth is the person we will breed
2. Scam - a fraud for money
3. Cryptocurrency is a digital asset better than the dollar.
4. Exchange is a place where we can store cryptocurrency and trade.
5. Exchanger - a place where we can exchange money for cryptocurrency.
6. Social engineering is a way of contacting people, encouraging them to act by talking.
7. Deposit - deposit money on the site.
8. Fiat is real money.

Article outline
  • What is crypto and why I like it.
  • The main functions of the cryptoscam panel.
  • Sources of profits.
  • Profit schemes.
  • Bytes for 2 and more deposits.
  • Work on automation.
  • Is it possible to open cryptocurrencies for yourself and not work for your uncle?

What is cryptocurrency?
Cryptoscam is a type of fraud in which we will cheat people for money through special sites into which they will deliberately pour money in order to withdraw funds that we will transfer to their balance. (of course they will not output anything).

In simple terms, we will drive the mammoth into a fake with a good balance, for withdrawal he will need to make a deposit, that is, to deposit money into the account. Of course, when he brings in he does not earn anything and we spin it again.

The advantages of this type of scam

It is almost impossible to track you, since all fraud takes place in cryptocurrency, which means that the cyber police will not take up this case if the amount is not counted in hundreds of thousands of rubles per person.

The author of the article is mistaken. If they take on you, they will analyze all the indicators. Department K will knock on the owner of the hosting and domain, they will take your ip, then go through the social network where you communicated, and so on at all stages. Personal safety will not hurt. That is, it is bursting on this topic from my home PC downstairs !!!!

2. The rules of the sites are built in such a way that even if they find you, then according to the rules of the site, which the mammoth accepted at registration, they say that this is just a game with a donate, not in any way related to the real world, which means that a more or less experienced one can justify you lawyer.

This is more like the truth.

3. The topic is not overused, which means there are a lot of mammoths

How to say, what happened for a couple of years is generally fucked up, mammoths put money into everything they saw, then one of my friends made 3 ICOs and took out> 50 BTC. I haven't seen him for over a year;)
4. This scam is so variable that you can work in any Internet area that is close to you, from buying skins to financial transactions, selling organs, virginity and the like.

5. You don't need to apply special social engineering in order to get bogged down.

The main functions of the cryptoscam panel
  • Accrual / withdrawal of the victim's balance
  • Changing the minimum deposit of the victim
  • Change error in output
  • Ban on the site, in some of its areas
  • Displaying notifications for the victim
  • Viewing victim data (ip and similar data)

What are the sources of traffic?

There are many options, mainly instant messengers, as well as forums and even real life. Here is a list of places to work, ranked from best to worst.

1. Telegram (if you are ready to pay at least $ 0.1 for every prospammed)

2. Facebook (profitable, but you need to spend money on the page)

3. Discord (absolutely free way, Discord does not ban for scam, but simply throws mut for 10 minutes for spam)

4. Whatsapp (the difficulty is that there are much fewer public chats than discord and telegram)

5. Forums and similar sites (difficult to work, as forums are banned for attempts to scam its inhabitants)

6. Real life (I do not advise at all - they may be caught, you will have to pay a lawyer, etc.)

Telegram and its chats are the most fucking solution in this case.

Our target audience (target audience) is people from 30 to 50 years old.

You can also consider students, but certainly not a kids, which 100% will not have that kind of money.

Also, I do not advise you to waste time with girls.

You can work both in US, EU and in countries outside the CIS. It is quite logical that outside the CIS there is more profit, but if you do not have sufficient knowledge of English, then you can deceive the Russians too.

With our team, we have never worked in the RU and CIS countries, the best profits always come from abroad.

Now let's think about what kind of schemes can be used in any option.

The main thesis of this part is that you need to find a way to shove money into the sucker, regardless of the method.
Let's start with the method that everyone used immediately after the appearance of the cryptoscam (now it is dead, I am writing it for review):

we pretended to be Chinese, and in China they blocked the cryptocurrency, asked for help from a person to withdraw our cryptocurrency through their wallet. We have always bet huge amounts and offered good interest for help. 70% did not agree and understood something, 10% really tried to help, and the remaining 20% tried to deceive us - it was from such people that the profit was made.

We threw off the money to the sucker, he either threw us into an emergency and tried to withdraw us himself, so as not to give the share, or tried to help and, accordingly, also tried to withdraw.

They saw an error saying that in order to withdraw cryptocurrency from the site, you need to pass identification "not a robot" by uploading 0.01-0.02 BTC to the site (depending on the scammer's requests).

I don't give a fuck how poor a fake must be to send an error "I'm not a robot" and a request to send $ 100. It even sounds crazy, it's not surprising that many fell off.
Naturally, many fell off, but most of them later found money, and decided to try to upload it to the site, and what if they really did.

Then these pseudo Chinese were overwhelmed with everything, and people stopped believing in it.

I will tell you a few more ways, but only to understand the principle - you should not work exactly according to this scheme, but modernize, change, modify, the mammoth is everywhere.

1. Sale of things related to the scam exchange.

2. Buying something.

3. Work. We come up with a trivial job for which we pay a lot, nothing complicated.

The general conclusion is that you need to find a reason to give the sucker money in any way.

Cases (examples from my experience) to all points:

1. I sold trading software that will trade for you on a scam exchange. It was created simply for mammoths to enter a deposit.

2. I bought a lot of info courses, different accounts of platforms like steam. There were always people who asked for exorbitant prices for their goods and sent them to withdraw a round amount

3. Paid people for registering accounts of different services for which captcha is needed. They felt what they were getting paid for and depalied.

2 and subsequent profits:

We bred mammoths for a lot of things.

The very first and easiest option: a deposit taking into account the commission. For example, a person wants to deposit 0.02 BTC. And we will say that bitcoin takes a commission of 1%, which means that it did not reach min. deposit. The mammoth has to deposit one more time, already taking into account the commission.

This is done by default on our sites.

The next deposit is a premium account. We write in the mammoth error in English:

Due to the laws of such countries, China, * mammoth country *, and the like, we were forced to limit your withdrawal before purchasing a premium, since you live in * mammoth country *

How can you automate the process?

1. Buy a spammer for a cart / discord / watsapp or wherever you work

2. Leave the spammer for a while and come to answer the messages of mammoths that have read and replied to your 1 message.

3. If you don't have time to sit in the support, you can transfer the sacrifice to the support for %

Is it possible to open your own cryptocurrency and not work for your uncle?

The answer is yes. But, you will have to spend at least 10k for a script, since neither scripts nor rent costs less than this price list.

You will also have to change domains, in case of a ban (and this is quite often), and in the team the TS will do it for you, just as it pays for the rent.

High cost option:

There are 3 people in our team, we have a pseudo exchange, the cost of the script of which is> 150k rubles. Looks like real, there are plus and minus orders, in real time.

In short, everything is done beautifully and the script really does not raise doubts.

We also have developed social networks with Hindus managers who keep in touch with the audience, on Twitter> 20k subscribers, we carry out real distributions of crypt.

We take off our shoes in various ways, most often we block the account and throw it on a cloud of verifications, we act like our domestic kiwi. There are those on the exchange who actually trade, no one even thinks that this is a scam, we work on a small sample of geo bourges.

One person sits on the script for 17 hours a day, he is a customer support and is engaged in all the affairs of the site.

The second handles mammoths, sometimes helps the first. Also supervises the process of subordinates, they also do not buy out what is happening))

Well, I find the sources of traffic and the very mammoths that we breed,> 2k $ are allocated monthly for advertising, more than 50k visitors per month are visited on our site.

This article is presented for information purposes only and does not call for illegal actions!

All characters and events described are fictional. Any coincidence with real people or events is an accident.