More than 300 million Russians may have been affected by data breaches last year


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Roskomnadzor summed up the results of 2023.

In 2023, Roskomnadzor (RKN) registered an increase in the number of personal data leaks in Russia compared to the previous year, but at the same time noted a decrease in the total number of records that were made publicly available. This is reported by Interfax, referring to the data of the agency.

According to RKN, 168 incidents related to personal data leakage were identified last year, as a result of which more than 300 million records were leaked to the Internet. For comparison, in 2022, the number of such cases was just over 140, but then about 600 million records leaked to the network. At the same time, according to Kaspersky Lab, in 2022 alone, more than 1.5 billion records about Russians could have entered the network.

RKN also reported that in 2023, the courts considered 87 cases related to personal data leaks, and imposed fines totaling more than 4.6 million rubles.

The data contrasts with the figures of 2021, when only four major leaks were recorded, as a result of which 2.7 million records were made publicly available. RKN attributes the sharp increase in the number of personal data leaks in Russia to the beginning of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.