Mobile and banking "lookup" in Russia: prices are rising, and there are more and more intermediaries


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The annual review of the black market "lookup" of Russian individuals in 2023 is presented.

According to the annual review of the black market "breakdown" of Russian individuals, in 2023, the number of intermediaries offering illegal access to personal information of citizens increased to 81 (from 77). Most of them (71) are engaged in "state – owned breakdown", a slightly smaller number (61) of intermediaries provide "mobile breakdown" and significantly less (22) - "bank breakdown".

Compared to 2022, the number of those who are engaged in "banking penetration" has practically not changed (it was 21, it became 22). Intermediaries for "gosprobiv" increased by 22%, and for "mobile breakdown" - by 17%.

The review also recorded a sharp rise in the price of all types of" breakthroughs " in recent years. The median cost has increased 18.5 times over the past seven years. A particularly noticeable jump in prices occurred in 2021, when the cost of services doubled, and in 2023 - increased by another 2.5 times. Experts attribute the rise in prices to increased measures to counter insider activity, which increases the complexity of obtaining information and, consequently, its cost.


The graph shows the change in the median price of all the main types of "lookup" available on the market

The report explains that the reference "service" for "bank breakdown" was selected as a statement for the minimum period (a month or more, depending on what is available on the market) for accounts/customer cards of all banks that received offers during the reporting period. For "mobile breakdown" — detailed calls and SMS messages of subscribers for a minimum period (a month or more, depending on what is available on the market) of 4 telecom operators. For "gosrobiv" — getting information about the owner of the vehicle from the traffic police, the movement of a person from the system "Search-Highway" and data on all issued passports from the AU "Russian Passport".

So, the most affordable remains "gosprobiv", which is on average cheaper than "bank breakdown" by almost 8 times. Compared to 2022, prices for "gosrobiv" increased 2.5 times, but continue to remain the lowest — about 2000 rubles per shipment. "There are always plenty of offers of this" service "on the market," the review notes.

More than other segments, the "mobile breakdown" of the "big four" operators rose in price — by 3.3 times, the average purchase price of these telecom companies reaches 90 thousand rubles. At Vimpelcom," punching "costs about 87 thousand rubles, at MTS — 68.5 thousand rubles. MegaFon and Tele2 became the leaders in the cost of data, the price for them reaches 100 thousand rubles.

The cost of bank customer data increased by 51% in 2023, to RUB 38-40 thousand, although it remained unchanged in 2021-2022. "In comparison with gosprobiv and mobile probiv, bank probiv is still the most unstable "service" in this market. Offers for a particular bank may not be available at the right time. Most small banks do not have a "breakdown" in principle, or it is extremely difficult to find it, " explains DLBI founder Ashot Oganesyan. At the same time, he admits, for Sberbank, for example, about ten intermediaries offer the service for about 40 thousand rubles.