"Log into my account on iPhone"


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A month ago, I received a message from a friend: asks for help - a new iPhone was stolen. The request is simple: on my iPhone, I log out of the Apple ID and enter its account and password into iCloud. He immediately reported the account details. I supposedly needed to determine where the phone was before it disappeared.
I couldn't ask what happened and how, my friend answered the questions “faster, faster, faster ...” I was already reaching for my phone, but at the last moment the situation seemed strange.
Firstly, the friend has long abandoned the Facebook page from which the messages came, so for the last six months we corresponded with him only on Skype.
Secondly, I remembered that he criticized me when I bought myself an iPhone. I doubted that he had changed his mind so radically.
I wrote him a message on Skype, asked when he last held his phone in his hands and how much time had passed since the discovery of the loss.
The friend was very surprised and even decided that I sent the message by mistake. At the same time, messages continued to arrive on social networks with the question - was he authorized or not? As soon as I asked the stranger why he hacked into someone else's account, he disappeared. I don’t understand why this whole performance was being played, because they didn’t ask me for money directly.

Financial Culture Expert:
Most likely, the scammers wanted to demand money for unlocking.
If Bob entered someone else's Apple ID data into iCloud, the phone would automatically become tied to them. Fraudsters would immediately activate Lost Mode. In this case, the phone is blocked. It is useless to reflash the device or bypass the lock. After blocking, the scammers report the payment method and the amount that must be paid in order for the smartphone to work again. If your Apple ID has been hacked, do not rush to transfer money to scammers. There is no guarantee that the device will be unlocked.

What if you are logged into someone else's iPhone account?
  • Call Apple Support, confirm that you are the owner of the device, provide your sales receipt.
  • Contact the police and follow the instructions. Do not contact scammers yourself.

If you did not enter someone else's account information in the iCloud settings, and the account was stolen in another way, try resetting the password on the official Apple website. Use the backup mailbox specified during registration, the password will be sent to it.
When faced with such scammers, report them to the administration of the social network - for this there are buttons "Complain", "This is spam", "Block". Tell your friend that dubious messages are coming from his account, and ask him to change the password. If you transferred money to the scammers, save all screenshots of the correspondence and contact the police.