Loading installations


Reaction score
Installs: downloads your stealer, backdoor. And earnings on the infected, in short
File exchanges are divided into 3 groups:

Exchanges that work for themselves, that really hire webmasters, and do not depend on third parties.

Reseller exchanges that sell traffic from exchanges from the first group at a premium to their advertisers. They say businessmen. Webmasters are not taken, they simply redirect all webmasters who write to them with 301 redirects, to exchanges from the first group.

The second option of reseller exchanges is when an exchange buys traffic from webmasters and sells it to exchanges from the first group. They are very similar in nature to the HUH of the installed sellers that have eaten.

Secret exchanges that only I know.

A couple of examples:

installs.pro are not resellers, honest guys, the traffic is high-quality when compared with other exchanges, the approval is difficult. Tens of thousands of installations have been spilled from them. They take, if not the first place, then the second for sure. By quality.

installcube.com is not a reseller. A well-known cube, on the exploit someone already wrote a topic about this exchange. We can thank the person for this, because of his article, the cube can be used again, and you can get installations of average quality. The support is really terrible.

installcapital.com - resellers, lumps. And it is this exchange that many install sellers use. Hey guys, exchange you at @ ball.

The exchange is zayuzan, your logs have all exploit, in general, fishing in an empty pond.

More resellers:

And all the rest that Google will give you upon request "pay per install network".

Almost all.


In fact, everything is very simple. Often sellers who sell accounts on file exchanges, as well as install sellers, say that it is very difficult to create an account on the exchange, you need to have a bunch of documents, certificates, signatures, and so on.

X @ th there. Like this ---

All you need is a simple software and a landing page. The approximate cost of this is 150-200 US rubles. installs.pro used to require the first deposit to be made, but you can use this deposit, pour installs, so I think this is not a problem. Now I can't say, I didn't create new accounts, maybe the policy has changed.

We can order software on forums such as ***, schoolchildren will do it for a penny. Serious software for this business is not needed, on this basis, the business can be entrusted to young coders. The most important function is to load malware when launching software. Loader.

Examples of software - such as Punto Switcher, some kind of cleaner, booster, Unlocker, etc. The functionality can be copied to zero, its main name and design. The software is purely your fantasia, there is not much difference. The main thing is to work on all operating systems, and this is important. If your software, for example, does not work on Windows 10 for some reason, the exchange will have a low CTR, and from this the flow of installations will be slow, or will not go at all. You also need to monitor software detection, because of the same CTR.

The exchange will probably ask what kind of monetization your software has. Agree, it will be strange if you pour installs on software that does not have any monetization. For this reason, you may not be missed, even if the software is clean.

I use two methods of "monetization", in my opinion the simplest. The first is a trial version of the software, using it for a while, then buying the full version. In the stock exchange, I use the trial version, but on our website you can buy the full version of the software. The main thing is that the name of the software contains the words "Trial", or "Demo", and a link to your software. Then there will be no suspicions, and no one will ask you for the full version.

The second way is donations. We say to the exchange that the software is free, we live on donations.

Of course, you can come up with your own options, embed advertising banners into the software, and so on, but I think that my methods will be easier.

Now about the landing page. The landing page design can be done like a software, and you can add a couple of pictures of your software to the site. The site must contain a description of the software, a download button, a tab where to buy / donate, EULA and Privacy Policy, contacts. EULA with Privacy Policy can be copied from any software, just change all the names to yours. Or you can generate it with any online generator, you can easily google it.

If you have donations monetization, then the donations tab should contain the details of where to donate. If the trial version, then you can simply indicate that for the purchase of the full version, write to the mail, and indicate the contact. If you are not lazy, you can screw the cashier to receive payments.

It's almost over.

After you have made the software, put the site on the hosting, you can feel free to write to any exchange, the approval is provided. Yes, it's that simple.

An example of how to write - "Hello! I am a software developer" UstanoviMojSoftiPoluciBonus "(link to the site) interested in cooperation with you, where can I read about the terms of cooperation / rules / agreement?"

Of course, you don't need to read these boring documents, you just need to show our adequacy, formality, and everything else that you have never shown when communicating in a toad.

They answered you, say that you agree, it suits you, you can clarify something again. Then the exchange itself will tell you what to do, just follow their instructions. Everything is very simple there, any fool will understand.

Answers to some of their questions:

Q: What is the monetization of the software?
A: Donated / trial version. Here, see for yourself what you will have.

Q: Provide EULA / Privacy Policy
A: You can find it on the website.

Q: What is your monthly advertising budget?
A: 5000-10000 $

Even if you have a budget of $ 1000 per month, it doesn't matter. Nobody will ask anything later. If you indicate a small amount, it is simply not profitable for them and it will not be interesting for them to cooperate with you. You may be denied.

And these were the most difficult questions. That's it, you can now become an official seller of installs, you have passed this "difficult" path.

The end, seriously about serious.
That's all you need to create an account on file exchanges. Don't buy installs from sellers, don't buy accounts. You can do all this yourself by investing 150-200 bucks. It is for this amount that you can make yourself an account in each exchange. One software can be used on different exchanges.

I will never sell you my installs, because they are of high quality, and go into one hand - into mine. It's simple.

From another author:

1. Leading, fake - This means that you need a site / copy of the site. [
The file can be uploaded in two ways, direct download when opening the site, or through the "Download" button
Glueing with a file, or just your file, I recommend, of course, gluing, loading it through the "Upload" button
An example will be for a crypto service, a miner. (minergate.com)
You order, or make a copy, for the service you need, everything is clear with the domain that we select a subdomain as similar as possible to the site, if the .com domain is taken free .org / .net
Depending on your site / topic, select the functionality you need, if you have authorization, you can collect logs, or just go to the main site.
Traffic - the choice is huge, the site will not remain without attention, depending on your budget, and the criterion you need, you can find people and buy their traffic from sites, or use CPM / CPA services.
For a crypt, coinzilla is not a bad enough platform, or use AdWords and similar analogs.
This method is also suitable for hijacking - intercepting the main audience, but this is a completely different topic.

2. Exchanges, it's already easier here, you just need to get an advertiser account.
We find suitable sites, use the search engine or similar forums / monitors searchengines.
An example would be on the installcube site.
We monitor the site, we see that there is a registration of a webmaster / advertiser, we will register as an advertiser, mainly on such sites registration p. via additional contacts / feedback.
Basically, when registering, you will be thrown off the rules of the service, the agreement, they will ask you what file you have.
When checking, of course, the file must be clean, without any gluing.
The guys who pour traffic from exchanges make a markup of at least 30%, and they can still shed one bundle to two different clients.
If you are going to pour such downloads, do better yourself, I advise you not to bullet large amounts of money on the balance, do the first test downloads of a small class.

3. Torrents, here you need to look for suitable sites.
I advise you not to take the list of top torrents, because there are instant file checks for viruses.
This method is very good since it does not require investments, except for a crypt, if you do not do it yourself.
You can make a brute for the service, with suitable buzz, make a replacement for the tracker.

4. Shells / Scrap - for advanced members, or you need someone to do the job for you.
There are already a lot of ways, depending on your ingenuity and ingenuity.
This method is suitable not only for loading, but also for other ways of monetization, so to speak.
Depending on control / access, I will list only a small part.

- Mailing, .doc gluing, substitution / gluing of a download file, banner advertising, creating / adding your own file, txt.

There are many ways, I won't list everything at once, a lot depends on the site.