
  1. Delim

    High-quality installations - Качественные инсталлы

    All the best! I sell installations Location WW (World Mix) Cost $85 for 1k Mix world. (TEMPORARILY AVAILABLE, this message will appear and change.) Minimum order 1000. I can also shed Europe, $550 = 1k (IN STOCK) USA $950 ***IN STOCK!*** The price for lockers is x2.5. Minimum test of 1k...
  2. CarderPlanet

    Loading installations

    File exchanges are divided into 3 groups: Exchanges that work for themselves, that really hire webmasters, and do not depend on third parties. Reseller exchanges that sell traffic from exchanges from the first group at a premium to their advertisers. They say businessmen. Webmasters are not...
  3. Carder

    Ways to get traffic for installations

    All methods are rewritten and modified by the authors, all coincidences are random. A couple of ways are supplemented by yourself: 1. Bushing 2. Sweepstakes 3. Torrent distributions 4. Distribution of free software 5. Freelance websites 6. Thematic site 7. Advertising 8. YouTube videos 9. Fake...