In the Stavropol Territory, the investigation of a criminal case against members of a criminal community accused of fraud has been completed


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The investigative unit of the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Stavropol Territory has completed the investigation of a criminal case initiated on the grounds of crimes under hh. 1 and 2 of Article 210 and hh. 3 and 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Two residents of the Republic of Tatarstan will stand trial on charges of committing fraud, creating and participating in a criminal community. Criminal cases against ten of their accomplices are already being considered in court. Another defendant was convicted and sentenced to five years in prison.

Illegal activity of malefactors was detected and stopped thanks to the joint work of the investigator, employees of the Criminal Investigation Department of the regional Central Board, operatives of the Budyonnovsky police department and colleagues from the Federal Security Service of the region.

The investigation found that during the year, the accused as part of a criminal community, under the pretext of training in trading on exchange platforms through a broker, fraudulently stole money from 16 citizens totaling more than 6 million rubles.

During the preliminary investigation, it was established that the criminal community was divided into three organized groups: "call center", "training managers" and "cashing and technological support group". Geographically, they were located in Orenburg, Krasnodar and Kazan.

According to distributed roles, attackers called citizens and reported false information that when purchasing food, they win a certificate for free training in trading on the exchange market. After receiving their consent, they transferred the data to the organizer. Then the second link was connected, the participants of which directly trained citizens in financial literacy, and then convinced them to transfer funds allegedly to start trading. The third group was engaged in maintaining an Internet site, creating crypto wallets and false accounts and amounts in citizens ' personal accounts, as well as cashing out money.

At the request of the investigator, one of the accused was taken into custody, and a preventive measure in the form of house arrest was chosen against the second.

The investigation is now complete. The criminal case with the approved indictment was sent to the Leninsky District Court of Krasnodar for consideration on the merits.