In Ryazan hackers will appear in court for theft of data of 159 thousand cards


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Criminals have been hacking the websites of online stores for several years.

The Investigative Department of the Russian Interior Ministry has completed a preliminary investigation of a criminal case against a group of hackers who for several years hacked the websites of online stores and stole customer bank card data.

According to the investigation materials, in the period from October 2017 to June 2023, hackers living in the Ryazan and Rostov regions hacked the websites of online stores. Having gained access to the databases, they used a special computer code to copy the information that the buyer entered when placing the order. The accomplices were provided with complete information about the client's bank card, as well as his / her personal data.

The information obtained made it possible to make purchases online without physically presenting the card. The group members checked the possibility of making purchases using stolen banking details, after which their leader sold electronic means of payment on shadow resources on the darknet.

As a result, hackers stole confidential information about more than 159 thousand payment cards. According to the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Irina Volk, illegal activities were stopped with the assistance of the FSB Department for the Ryazan and Rostov regions.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted more than 60 inspections of the seized items and documents. Stolen data from 159,210 payment cards was found on the devices belonging to the accused. 20 forensic computer examinations were also conducted.

The criminal case under Articles 187 (illegal turnover of payment funds) and 273 (creation of malicious programs) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with the approved indictment was transferred to the Sovetsky District Court of Ryazan. The case against the leader of the group who entered into a pre-trial cooperation agreement has been separated into separate proceedings.