In Moscow police officers stopped the scheme of fraud at remote registration of credits


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Operatives of the Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, together with employees of the Department" K " of the SEB of the Federal Security Service of Russia, stopped the activities of members of an organized group. Six residents of the capital are suspected of multi-million dollar embezzlement of funds of a credit institution.

"It was previously established that the attackers acquired legal entities and registered them as nominee founders and managers. They opened current accounts and transferred the necessary data for remote banking services to the organizers of criminal business. They, in turn, used them for remote loan processing.

In order to increase turnover and approve new loans, scammers created the appearance of financial and economic activities of controlled organizations, although in fact they were not conducted. The scheme involved more than 80 legal entities. To bypass the automated security system, data about their owners was periodically changed. According to preliminary estimates, the amount of damage is tens of millions of rubles, " - said the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Irina Volk.

The activities of the group members were stopped by operatives with the assistance of specialists from the Sberbank Security Department. As a result of searches conducted with the support of the FSB Special Purpose Center, seals, bank tokens, cash in the amount of over five million rubles, bank cards, documents and other items of evidentiary value were found and seized.

"The investigator of the SU Department of Internal Affairs in the Southern Administrative District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In respect of one person involved, a preventive measure was chosen in the form of remand in custody, in respect of three – in the form of house arrest, and two more – in the form of recognizance not to leave and proper behavior," Irina Volk said.

An investigation is being conducted into the involvement of detainees in similar crimes against other credit and financial organizations.

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