In Manacore, a hacker was arrested for selling online records to an extranherium


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The attacker was a 24-year-old Moroccan. He was detained in the municipality of Manacor by the Spanish National Police for using a bot that blocks the online appointment system for extranheria.

It is noted that the hacker expected to resell the recordings later.

So, visiting foreigners complained about the lack of access to the recording system. It turned out that someone was abusing bots that automatically booked all available seats. As a result, applicants had to pay between 50 and 90 euros for the opportunity to make an appointment with a government agency.

It is reported that such a violation provoked a complete blocking of free access to public services.

As part of this case, several witnesses were questioned in Barcelona in March last year. One of them told about communication with one of the creators of the bot via Telegram. According to him, he lived in Majorca and used the pseudonym "Samurai". Later, based on the testimony of other witnesses, the police were able to identify the suspect.

Last Tuesday, April 9, the suspect's home in Manacor was searched. In particular, large amounts of cash were found in his room, as well as a mobile phone, laptop and desktop computer.

The Moroccan's bank accounts were promptly blocked, and he was detained and officially charged with committing a crime related to information technology.