Important commandments of good luck


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Methods of the topic and earning schemes implemented in the black theme, like no other, require a thorough study of the consequences associated with this activity, the discipline of actions, the ability to analyze, predict, if you want - to anticipate the outcomes of situations in all development scenarios.

In this regard, over many years of activity in this field, a clear set of rules has been formed, and yes-these are not just rules, but commandments. Violating them is not just fraught, but strictly prohibited. Each thesis described below is based on a story, usually sad and checkered, because this code was written, like the guard service charter, in blood.

And so, the first ... first commandment:


I know , I know - left accounts of public and social networks, purchased SIM cards, RDPs, socks, cart miles, offices, maps-all on drops. This is understandable. But the commandment is not about that, or rather not quite about that. In order to understand the full scale , you need to clearly understand several positions:

It's dark, so it's an article

This article means investigation

This is a consequence-so they will be looking for it

If they look for it, they'll find it sooner or later.

If they don't find it, they won't get a bonus for disclosure.

Here is the usual algorithm that we all know – we organize fights in a scheme, for example, a throw: a mammoth flies into it, we throw it. Mammoth runs to write to the organs of the tattletale. The authorities are initiated, and they have a case against us. The case is being investigated long and darkly. If the investigation does not bring results, it does not end, but turns into a hangover. For the time being. People tend to repeat themselves. Neural connections of the brain are so arranged. Moreover, people tend to make mistakes. For Easy Money as easily come, so easily go, and the brain does not like to think about new options every time. That's what gentlemen do over and over again. That's where they get caught.

Errors and repeatability.

This is what I mean: there is a simpler way: to make a habit of constantly” putting the guilty person in the scheme". The one who waves flags everywhere and glows when promoting will not. Ie if you put the scheme, then at least,

1) registration data of cards, sim cards, and other junk must belong to one person.
2) do not throw out used modems, laptops, smartphones, handsets, even plastic cards-you will put them at transport stops and windowsills in shops and cafes (it is clear that in those places that are not under cameras) all over the city-let them find and use them. Write pins on the spent plastic. Let fans of freebies climb under the ATM cameras.
3) do not need RDPs and other things, more precisely - of course it is necessary, but there is a physical ip-so it is more logical to break the white ip from any bullshit protected router with the same androdumper via wps in any apartment building idiots shaft, who does not disable it and immediately have questions to the owner of the router.
4) you don't have to try to earn all the money in the world and be paranoid - you can use SI to confuse drops on the "white-like" part of the job-for example, for ****and actually hire people to work remotely as managers, while registering an acc on the job site for the data of your guilty party.

What do we end up with?

Happy cops who have "solitaire developed", there is a suspect, the bonus is already on the horizon and there is no need to look for anyone else -here it is, so what is unlocked? The facts are all against him, a pale drop who babbles " I'm not me and jo..not mine, " and us walking toward the whores and blackjack tables, heads held high. Cynical? Yes. Nothing personal, just business on freaking..bang.

The second commandment reads as follows:


I have already begun in the first commandment to describe the reasons why gentlemen are found and imprisoned, and I will continue. Not only easy money relaxes, indiscipline relaxes, and unhealthy behavior relaxes the common people.

Sometimes you are surprised by these thoughts in your head:

"I'm Batman, I literally caught God in one place, I don't care if I walk half the city to my work material, I'll take my neighbor's material, he's stupid anyway"-no bro, you're stupid, not a neighbor. And nothing else.

Never, under any circumstances, do not shine a muzzle, do not even fall left, but not intended for a specific topic data, material and contacts. Once you've started working, you can use it. If you don't have what you need, you don't work. This is a story about total discipline and control, and not about love with law enforcement officers. This category also includes fatal errors related to the use of the same toolkit for a long time or even in different schemes. The only solution: new theme-new tools. And for God's sake, do not save money by cutting interest rates and not using the services of cryptomixers and profdarknalschikov! Either make your own services - study the topic, if the toad is already pressing, or use someone else's. Nothing else.

Amateur performance down - discipline, discipline and discipline again.

The Third and Final Commandment:


Also an age-old mistake of many - rummage in a box in the closet or run through friends, dial used phones, laptops, etc. take an old SIM card or mail, old accounts from other topics. It's the same story with legal entities. Scam, for example-to buy the development of nalschikov, or just clumsy offices.
I'm not talking about saving on network security. Or take a clumsy cheap plastic, and then be surprised that the drop is not enough that the grandmother spi .. l, so also the dropovod passed, and that and you yourself.
No need to start running the scheme with the words: "we'll take care of the first ones-it will be easier there" everything, pack right away.
First of all, after working out for the first time even positively, you will think "and so it works, why invest?"
you're already burned out. Not actually yet, of course, but the tails have been left out. The same applies to the truth and its application, which follows from the first commandment: you must be guilty - you can hire, (not about money, but about the possibility of sticking a drop pad in the scheme) hire.
In other words, when calculating the scheme, the budget should IMMEDIATELY include money for performers. Not " I'll hire you later, I don't have any money, I'll manage on my own for now."

In conclusion, I want to wish you to strictly follow these commandments always in life - they work perfectly, even with too much, and on gray and white themes....