How to make money - method


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How To Make Money - #1 - Roulette
This is one method how to make money online I used years ago and it is still working.
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So guys you heard for game called roulette? Of course you are. Probably you also heard about doubling your money on Black/Red. That is how I managed to make money years ago when I was a kid. This method really works but not on big stakes, for the ones that didn't hear about this here is explanation.

You bet only on Black/Red whcih gives you double of your stake. So if you bet 1€ on Red, and ball fall on Red field you will win 2€ or 1€ profit. This method invloves that you double each time you lose. For example:

Bet: RED,Stake:1€ - LOSS (Black) = -1€
Bet: RED,Stake:2€ - LOSS (Black) = -3€
Bet: RED,Stake:4€ - LOSS (Black) = -7€
Bet: RED,Stake:8€ - LOSS (Green) = -15€
Bet: RED,Stake:16€ - WIN (Red) = +32€
Profit: 32€(WIN) - (16€(stake)+15€(loss))
Profit: 1€

In short, each time you lose you double our position. This maybe look to much time for too small profits, but when you put game on fast play, it is going quick. I would suggest you to always start with 1€ or $, if you want to win more use bigger currency. Why start with 1€? Beacuse there are table limits and you do not want to start doubling with 250€ if table limit is 500€, you will probbaly lose. This is not get rich scheme, you probbaly won't be rich overnight. But you could make 10€-30€ daily on this. It is good for pocket money. You also could win even more but I wouldn't push it. Put your daily limit of profit and PayPal to it. For start play Roulette for fun somewhere to see about what I'm talking about and to get some practice before real money play.

I made 400€ with just 5€ on this but I was playing slow and careful. 5€ is too small investment for this right now, but about 60€ would be good for start. More you put, you have better chances to win. But be careful!! Somethimes one color can be up up to 15 times in a row.

Here are some tips to make it better:
1. Play Roulette in live casino games with live dealers if you can.
2. Do not play when you are tired or angry, you will lose. Make sure your mind is clear.
3. Wait that some color fall 2 times in a row (or even 3) and then bet on opposite one. For example: 1st spin: Red, 2nd spin: Red, and then you put your bet on Black.
4. Use fast play to make game quicker.
5. Make your daily profit limit and PayPal to it!
6. Do not play mulitple times a day, only once.
7. Use your own informations because you will need to send your ID to casino for withdraw, or make sure you have all informations of the person which name you will use.

If you like it leave a comment and +REP, tell me did you try it and do you want "How To Make Money" series from me? This is just the start!