How to make a lot if you are lazy?


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Hello everyone, friends, it seems we are the last channel in the telegram that really talks about carding. The rest of the channels were filled either with speculations about a rich life, drugs, or empty articles about anonymity and other nonsense. Thank you for being with us!


I am often asked if there is some kind of Temka that can bring almost passive income that even a dumb one can figure out?

And I answer YES. So what is this direction? This is traffic. And not the one that you are used to hearing in the usual form, the traffic does not have to be poured onto the installers for the stealer and turn it into work. This can be seen as a completely independent topic that will bring goodies, giving it 20% of your time.

We've talked about this earlier in my recommendation articles!

Many people, having heard the word traffic, often do not understand, but where does the profit actually come from? And since this is the second most common question that I am asked, let's dig it deeper.

And so look. Traffic is taken from certain sources, such as: Google Adwords, MyTarget, YandexDirect, VK, Facebook, Instagram. Personally, I only work with Facebook & Instagram. Because you can drain them all over the world, unlike Yandex and so on, which are strictly limited to the CIS public.

Traffic is the number of people who will see your ad post and interact with it (purchase, registration, installation of a mobile application, and much more)

How it works?

We customize our ads for specific interests, take, for example, crypto and GEO, USA.

So, we have chosen and we see that such our clients are 5,600,000. No, well, you just think about this figure. CHARLES! 5.6 million, this is only JSA, I am already silent about EU and Asia.

What to do with them, I think you will already guess the bandits :)
We already have traffic (see above), but where does the process of traffic monetization take place?

There are special affiliate programs on the Internet. Those who are willing to pay for "attracting" them a client. Well, let's say an offer is cloud mining. Came from your traffic, a person using a certain link, registered. And the affiliate program pays you a fixed payment, for example $ 10-14 for such a user.

It's simple.

Where to look for such affiliate programs? Enter CPA Platform in Google. So that I do not advertise any affiliate program. And study their conditions and the offers they offer you. There is a place to turn around. There are both CIS affiliates and bourges. And there are plenty of verticals too, from mobile installations to casinos and mining.

I devote 30-40 minutes to traffic, closer to the night. I watch how it unscrewed, I turn off what did not go in, what went in, I file and optimize. And once every two weeks I bring out the buns (see the income column)

A trifle, but nice :)
If you pay a little more attention to this, and join the work. The numbers may be slightly different :)

And lastly, the main thing is to believe in yourself! The information in this channel is enough for you to start yourself. Remember one thing! Everyone can earn in this business, the main thing is to include ingenuity, perseverance and constant tests.