How to choose and configure a proxy for the anti-detect browser


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To simultaneously work on the same site from several accounts at once, you need to mask your connection and device data - your digital fingerprint.

To mask data, two tools are most often used:detection browser and proxy.

In this article, we will tell you more about the proxy:
  • What is IP and proxy?
  • What are they used for?
  • What are some of them
  • How much are
  • How to choose
  • Which proxies are suitable for the anti-detect browser

What is IP and proxy?
Each device that connects to the Internet is assigned its own digital code-an IP address. In encrypted form, the IP address includes information about the country, region, and Internet service provider, i.e. it is really an address, but for the network.

IP is needed to distinguish between devices within a local or wide area network, and to exchange data between them.

An IP address can bestaticordynamic. In a local network, for example, inside a closed company system, the IP is usually assigned by the network administrator and does not change — it is static.

When accessing the global network, the IP address is assigned by the Internet service provider. In this case, the IP may be dynamic and change every time the router is rebooted. The IP address will also change if you use the same device to connect to the network from a different location or through a different provider: if you used a new network and connected from a different location, the IP address will also be different.

The mobile phone's IP address changes every time the phone is rebooted or even used. This is due to the fact that telecom operators have a limited number of IP addresses, so thousands of subscribers can use one address at once.

When you connect to the Internet, your carrier or Internet service provider assigns you an IP address, and then transmits this IP address to the Internet resource you visit.

If a user with a certain IP address violates some of the site's requirements, tries to harm other users, or even cheat, the site's security systems remember their IP address and can block their access to the site or restrict its functionality in the future.

A proxy server is an intermediary program between the device you use to access the Internet and the resources you visit. If you use a proxy, when visiting various sites, information will first pass through the proxy server and only then it will be sent to you or the sites.

Using certain types of proxy servers, you can change your IP address to that of a proxy server, mobile operator, or other user. So, for example, if you are in 🇮 🇹 Italy , and you need to have an IP address 🇦 🇷 For example, you just need to buy Argentine proxies.

What are proxies used for?
Proxies are used to:
  • Get access to the blocked site. Using a proxy, you can hide your real IP address and replace it with the one provided by the proxy server. For example, although the LinkedIn site is officially blocked in Russia, users use a proxy to visit this site without any problems.
  • Protect your online data. Using some types of proxy, all sites visited will see the IP address of the proxy server, not yours. This will prevent sites from collecting information about you, for example, to serve ads.Moreover, using some proxies, you can protect yourself from hacking by IP, because hackers will not see the real address. However, a proxy alone is not enough to fully protect your data.
  • Disguise yourself as a real user. For example, for traffic arbitration or publishing reviews. However, it is important that changing the IP address alone is not enough to mask the data. This is due to the fact that in addition to the IP address, websites also look at many other parameters: data about your device, screen settings, time zone, language, etc.That is why to maintain anonymity on the network, protect data or imitate real users, you also need to use an anti-detect browser. By the way, anti-detection Dolphin{anty} has a perpetual and free tariff for 10 profiles.
  • Access restrictions. For example, using a proxy, the system administrator can restrict viewing specific sites from work computers within the company.
  • Speed up access to websites. Some proxies add sites to the cache, so they load faster when reopened.

What are proxies?
Proxies are divided into different types depending on the level of anonymity, placement, supported protocol, type of use, type of IP address, and so on.

Below we will analyze the difference between proxies in terms of anonymity, data changes, and placement type. As a rule, these criteria are sufficient to understand which proxies are suitable for your tasks.

Anonymity Levels
Anonymous proxiesreplace your IP address with their own address, and the HTTP line displays the proxy server address. With this proxy, the visited site will not recognize your real IP address, but the sites will see that you are using a proxy. Because of this, you will be much less trusted.

Anonymous proxies are most often not suitable for parsing, working with Facebook, Google, and other complex sites. You can also use them to visit websites that are blocked in a particular country.

Elite anonymous proxies not transmit information that you are using a proxy, and do not indicate your or your IP address. The advantage of these proxies is that the visited resource does not see that you are using a proxy. Such proxies are suitable if you need to simulate real user data, for traffic arbitration, posting reviews, and so on.

Transparent proxies are proxies that do not mask your IP address. Such proxies are used, for example, to speed up access to a site: they add sites to the cache, so that when you open this site again, the already saved information will be loaded. These proxies are often used by companies to save traffic.

Type of placement
Server proxies. They are also called data-center proxies. These are proxies where you get the IP address of the data center. Such proxies are inexpensive, but they have a number of disadvantages:
  • They are defined as proxies. Because of this, on the one hand, you will not be able to imitate the behavior of a normal user. On the other hand, some sites may prohibit you from accessing their resources because you hide your identity.
  • They are not unique. These proxies can be used by multiple users at once.
These proxies are suitable for visiting blocked sites, but they are unlikely to pass anti-fraud checks.

Resident proxiesare IP addresses that are issued by Internet service providers to their private users. These proxies can only be used by one person at a time, and they are not defined as proxies.

Resident proxies do not arouse any suspicion, so they are used to bypass anti-fraud systems.

Resident proxies have two significant disadvantages: they are much more expensive than server proxies, and they often run slower.

Mobile proxiesare proxies issued by the mobile operator. Such proxies are dynamic, and the telecom operator can assign an IP address to thousands of subscribers at once.

Knowing about this feature, anti-fraud systems do not block such IP addresses and are looking for other ways to identify the user in order to understand whether it is a real person.

Similar to resident proxies, mobile proxies are more expensive than server proxies because they help bypass anti-fraud systems, and they work faster.

On changing data
Direct or forward proxies are proxies used by the browser(user).

Reverse proxies are proxies that servers use. Such proxies are often used by companies to protect their corporate network from external connections. When attempting to connect to such a network, the attacker is redirected to a proxy server where the attack will be suppressed.

How much do proxies cost?
There are many online services that offer free proxies. Such proxies are definitely not suitable for working with Google or Facebook, because these IP addresses are already blocked. Moreover, they can be dangerous for your device.

The price of a proxy depends on the type, location, and conditions of a particular merchant. Moreover, proxies can be sold individually or rented out. In the case of a rental, the payment can be calculated monthly or depending on the volume of traffic.

The cheapest ones are server proxies. For example, on one of the sites they are offered at this price. For comparison, mobile and resident proxies are more expensive.

How to choose a proxy
You need to choose a proxy based on the tasks that you need to solve. For example, for traffic arbitration, working with electronic wallets and cryptocurrencies, it is better to use resident proxies or mobile proxies. But to bypass the blocking of sites in a certain territory, ordinary server proxies are enough.

At the same time, we recommend choosing a proxy among companies that specialize in selling proxies and have been working on the market for several years. This will help you avoid unscrupulous sellers who may deceive you, harm you or your device.

Which proxies are suitable for the anti-detect browser
Dolphin{anty}browser for the anti-defect browser, the same proxies that are needed for your specific purposes are suitable. At least, 🐬 does not have any requirements for the type of proxy. Moreover, you can use the interface to update IP addresses on a mobile proxy: you don't need to specifically log in to a third-party account to update them.

If you use a different anti-detection tool, you can check the proxy compatibility information with the developer company.