How to choose a CRM system for small businesses


Reaction score
  • Functions
  • What is it for
  • How does it work
  • How to choose
  • Additional functions
  • Market Review
    • Bitrix 24
    • amoCRM
    • Megaplan
  • TOP CRM systems

Of CRM-system (from English «The Customer the Relationship Management») - is the application software, the main purpose of which is to increase the sales of the company (organization) through centralized storage of various information about customers and automating routine business processes.

For these purposes, almost any CRM system implements the capabilities / functions described below.

  1. Fixing and storing basic information about clients (details, addresses, contacts, area of interest, etc.). This also includes the ability to download any customer data (export) or vice versa - import.
  2. Providing visual tracking of each individual sale (status, stage of interaction, history of operations, etc.).
  3. Flexible planning and customization of the escort cycle for each client (making calls, sending letters, scheduling meetings, etc.).
  4. Fast and centralized access to the necessary information about a customer or about a sale (visual presentation of data, important indicators, etc.).
  5. The ability to track the dynamics of general sales indicators (analytics) using built-in tools or advanced integration with third-party services and programs.
  6. Automatic maintenance of routine business processes (sending notifications, advertising messages, receiving statistics from connected third-party services, building summary reports on the required indicators, etc.).
  7. The ability to track the effectiveness of individual customer acquisition channels and the quality of work of an employee working in the system (the amount of funds raised, the number of customers, systems of other assessments, including feedback on the quality of service, etc.).
  8. Setting and monitoring tasks without using third-party electronic systems or paper workflow. Organization of correct interaction among other participants in the system.

Any CRM (customer relationship management system) must include the following components:
  1. Unified customer database. Even if the CRM software package itself has a distributed structure, the database is centralized. This approach ensures that there are no overlaps with duplicating information, minimizes errors with its input and synchronization, and also simplifies the procedure for backing up, importing, etc. With a centralized database structure, it is easiest to organize the separation of employees' access to information about customers depending on their status.
  2. Built-in systems for protecting customer information (access control rules, backups, etc.).
  3. Built-in analytics systems or programming interfaces (API) for deep integration of third-party services or use them to expand functionality.
  4. Predefined procedures for interaction with clients or highly customizable algorithms depending on various input data. This is the logical core of the program.
  5. The client part for interaction of employees with the core of the system and the database (program or web-interface for the workplace of employees).
The best CRM programs or services have not only designated modules, but also provide flexible customization, are easy to use, have an intuitive interface, and most importantly, they can be easily integrated with other third-party services / programs used to work in the company.

What is the system for
Customer relationship management systems can have different focus, so they can be used
  1. for the competent online marketing of an online store (including for email newsletters, sms notifications, calls, etc.),
  2. to record information of users of online courses (Internet training),
  3. for a comprehensive approach when creating new layouts and design projects,
  4. for the design of complex circuits and tasks,
  5. for electronic document management, setting and monitoring tasks.
At the same time, even the most popular CRM systems cannot completely replace qualified personnel. This is just a handy tool that helps in the implementation of the tasks.

With the help of CRM, you can greatly simplify part of business processes and automate routine work, allowing employees to concentrate on the ICU (valuable end product), without being distracted by writing reports, sending recurring notifications, etc.

Of course, at the initial stage of operation, work with clients can be carried out without the introduction of a full-fledged management system. For maintaining clients and drawing up reports, as well as other routine operations, you can use other available tools: task schedulers (electronic calendars, reminder services, etc.), personal organizers, notebooks (paper and / or electronic), spreadsheet editors (online and offline programs for conveniently working with customer data, for drawing up reports, etc.), as a means of setting tasks, you can use mail programs and services (for example, MS Outlook provides a wide range of possibilities for these purposes) and others.

When does the urgent need to centralize the collection of customer data and switch to using CRM come?
  1. The introduction of specialized accounting systems and work with clients depends primarily on the specifics of the company's activities. So, teams that provide services for the creation of sites (layout of templates, frontend programming, design of self-written site engines, etc.), the implementation of a tool for distributing and controlling the timing of tasks, agreeing and discussing the details of a future project for each individual client is necessary with from the very beginning of work. A small business working in the field of wholesales can do without CRM for a long time after launch. But a small retail online store will experience the need to use a narrow-profile convenient tool for working with clients with a significant expansion of the client base, when the managers working from the start of the project will no longer cope with the flow of requests.
  2. The second most important factor is the economic rationale. The cost of the system can negate the company's profits in the medium term, which will negatively affect the conduct of business. Statistics show a 20% increase in profits after implementation. Of course, calculations should be made from a pessimistic 10-15%. If the indicators relative to your revenue give a tangible increase that pays for the implementation, you should definitely try.
  3. Affects the need for centralized work with customer information and headcount. The more managers there are, the greater the need.
  4. Simplicity of business processes. If everything in your company is set up and works without drawing up regular reports, interactions by agreement are organized in a deliberative offline and online mode, sales accounting and analytics are implemented by specialized accounting programs, then you can refuse to implement CRM at any level of sales. However, if the model of business processes involves many connections between participants, setting and monitoring tasks in electronic form, mandatory assessment of the performance of individual employees, etc., then CRM should be implemented to minimize routine actions (you should not discount time for entering data into the system and other work with programs / services). However, even the best software cannot solve your problems if business processes are not designed correctly.
  5. Tools and programs used to work with clients. So, if your business model is based on email newsletters, customer calls, etc., then the implementation of CRM will be justified from the very beginning of your activity, since to automate processes you need a specialized tool with visual and convenient management, flexible settings and ready-made templates. In this case, the choice of a system will need to be made based on compatibility with the services used.
In no case should you implement the system for fear of losing customers or failing to manage the company (separate divisions, business processes, etc.). Everywhere you need a sober analysis of the situation and a competent justification of the result. Comparison of CRM systems should be made based not on a complete list of functionality, but only on the required functions. So, do not act by analogy with other market players. If it helped them, this does not mean that such a specialized tool will help you.

It is not worth introducing a product even if it radically changes existing business processes. You might just lose employees. Practice shows that it is impossible to immediately abandon the reporting and maintenance of business processes in the old format, training and adaptation will take time, and too fast implementation of a new tool will only increase the workload on staff.

How CRM systems work
A customer relationship management system is a kind of "brain" of the company, if properly configured and put into operation.
  1. Incoming calls, requests from the site, referrals from email newsletters, etc. requests from customers do not go directly to the call center, but to the CRM.
  2. The system makes a request to the database, and if there is additional information about the client (his last order, the status of the application, the assigned personal manager, etc.), then the client's request is sent in accordance with the rule predetermined for the situation that has arisen. For example, a connection is made with a personal manager, or with an employee responsible for working with orders from email newsletters, etc.
  3. Information about the request is recorded in the database for further processing (the conversation is recorded, the status of orders changes, the data of new customers is entered, etc.).
  4. The core of the system monitors the current stage of work with each individual client / order and, if necessary, reminds the employee responsible for the task or automatically launches specific processes (mailings, notifications, etc.).
  5. The management system records the assigned tasks to employees and monitors the status of their implementation, if necessary, the functionality can be expanded by connecting external electronic document management systems.
  6. Based on information from the database, various reports can be generated: on the efficiency of personnel, on the general indicators of the company, on various channels of attracting consumers, etc. The system allows you to visually track and analyze any task, sale, business process, client, etc. If the built-in functionality is not enough, you can connect external analytics systems (if there is a software interface or special program modules).

Which CRM system to choose
It should start with the fact that the products on the market can be divided into two large classes: cloud (SaaS) and Stand-Alone (installed on a PC or client server). Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of the class of programs.
Cloud (SaaS)Boxed (Stand-Alone)
prosrapid deploymenteasy and fast integration with other desktop business software (1C-Accounting, Avarda, etc.)
access from any devices that have Internet accessin the absence of the necessary functionality, writing a new one is much cheaper in comparison with SaaS solutions and faster
no need to install, update and configure programscustomer and business process data is stored on your hardware, potentially more secure
basic functionality ideal for small and micro-businessesno recurring payments
simple and easy scalabilitythe operation of the program does not depend on the actions of a third party (as a service operator in the case of SaaS)
there is no need for large capital investments of the budget for a complex purchase of software (operating costs, since payment is most often charged for a certain period of use)
Minusesin terms of a long-term lease, the cost of a SaaS solution is more expensive than a one-time purchase of the programoffline applications are most often installed only on a PC, which entails problems with mobility (no access from smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices)
functionality is provided "as is", without major modifications and changes to meet the needs of the clientone-time purchase and implementation costs may be too large for a small and micro-enterprise
if there is no Internet access, work stopsthe work of Stand-Alone applications requires regular maintenance, which means that you need an on-staff specialist or a hired professional (third-party company)
network access costs are added to the company's total costssoftware operation may require a separate powerful server, which will entail its purchase, configuration and technical support / maintenance for smooth operation (rental in third-party data centers is possible)
data about customers and business processes is actually located on the servers of third-party companies, which in itself is a threat to their security and confidentiality
in case of technical problems of the service provider, changing the service can promise serious problems and costs (it is difficult to import data without loss into another service, etc.)
tariffs for services are not constant and can change over time, most often only upwards

Additional functionality
Like other software solutions for doing business, CRM systems cannot be universal. Almost all finished products in this market were developed for specific tasks and goals of the client audience.

Therefore, it is impossible to single out a single solution that would satisfy the needs of all customers. Of course, developers listen to the opinions of current and potential buyers and regularly make changes to their algorithms. But it will not be possible to take into account all the nuances, since the finished product becomes overgrown with a mass of functionality that is not in demand by another part of the audience, while it becomes more difficult to manage and configure.

Therefore, existing CRM solutions try to focus on one or several potential audiences, ensuring that all the necessary tools are available with a simple and intuitive interface.
In connection with the above, part of the functionality of existing CRM can be distinguished as the main (standard, without which the control system cannot work) and additional, ensuring the implementation of the tasks, depending on the specifics of the enterprise.

The main functionality includes:
  • Working with a customer database (each individual solution has its own technologies, but there is always a database). Adding, modifying, copying, deleting, importing, exporting, etc.
  • Programming interfaces for interaction with other applications or services (API). Needed to integrate the work of the system with other technical or software solutions for business.
  • The logical core of the program (it is in it that all the logic of the software is concentrated), as well as interfaces for setting up algorithms.
  • Client interfaces (frontal part) - workplaces, personal accounts of employees, web interfaces, mobile applications, etc. That is, everything through which you can work with the system.
  • Built-in analytics or reporting system.
  • The rest of the functionality depends on the specifics of the work and the interests of the business.

Additional functionality includes the following items:
  • automatic billing;
  • integration with telephony (IP-telephony, Skype, VATS, etc.);
  • integration with CMS;
  • integration with SMS mailings;
  • integration with e-mails (including internal e-mail);
  • integration with social networks;
  • integration with web analytics (built-in may have poor functionality);
  • sales funnel analysis system;
  • backup;
  • a system for monitoring the effectiveness of staff work, setting tasks, etc.;
  • built-in or third-party electronic document management system;
  • other specific functions.
Additional functions can be included in the basic delivery package, or installed in separate modules (activated in separate packages in the case of cloud solutions).

Some especially specific functions / algorithms / modules can be written specifically for an individual client, naturally for a fee or with a reserve for the future (coverage of a larger target audience, etc.).
As you can see from the above, the market offers many CRM systems, which one to choose is not so easy to decide.

Generally, the algorithm can be described as follows:
  1. Existing business processes need to be described in detail, if necessary, a block diagram of the current interactions of company officials should be drawn up.
  2. Each position is described with a list of required functions for the job.
  3. If a company has already implemented specific software or hardware solutions for doing business, a list of them and a list of tasks they solve is compiled.
  4. Based on the tasks and the current scheme of business processes, a list of CRM systems is selected that are suitable for your requirements (which can potentially provide the necessary functions). The optimal access configuration (cloud or Stand-Alone) is selected.
  5. Detailed calculations are made for the cost of implementation (the number of jobs, licenses, hiring third-party specialists to write modules, the cost of integration with existing software, etc.). When calculating, the potential growth of the company must be taken into account (opening new branches, increasing the number of sales, etc.). Operating (regular) and capital (one-time) costs should be considered separately.
  6. The choice should be made in favor of the most inexpensive CRM, which fully or with a margin covers all your needs with a minimum implementation time (compared to competitors).
To calculate the full cost with implementation, payment for a subscription (buying a boxed version), writing the necessary additional functionality, training staff, and other nuances, it is worth formulating uniform requirements for a potential CRM and sending them to several service providers. The company will calculate the full cost (even if only roughly). In some cases, if you are having problems with the choice, you can contact integrators (companies specializing in the implementation of several or one customer relationship management program).

The easiest way is to use our calculator above. It is enough to indicate the number of users and select the type of system.

Review of the top CRM systems for small businesses
As mentioned above, most customer relationship management systems focus on certain categories and areas of business. Some try to focus their efforts on a very narrow range of tasks to be solved, while others are trying to cover a wider functionality.

Below we will consider the rating of CRM systems for small businesses that we have compiled. The top 10 CRM in popularity includes:
  1. Bitrix24,
  2. amoCRM,
  3. Megaplan,
  4. Pipedrive,
  5. Highrise,
  6. Worksection,
  7. bpm'online,
  8. FreshOffice,
  9. Salesforce,
  10. Streak.

Less popular, but no less interesting products from companies that did not make it to the top:
  • 1C,
  • SugarCRM,
  • Microsoft Dynamics.
Immediately, we note that CRM ratings are based on a comprehensive assessment (usability, ease of implementation, functionality provided, etc.), however, such an assessment cannot reflect the possibility of implementing these customer relationship management systems in each individual case.

Let's consider in more detail the capabilities of some of them.

A comprehensive solution for organizations of various types of activity and scale. This is not just a CRM, but also a full-fledged intranet portal with social network functions, the ability to set tasks, monitor staff work, organize training and many other features. Tariff plans depend on the set of functionality, the number of business users and the version (cloud or box version). There is even a free offer for disabled micro-companies. The existing set of options can be easily expanded by installing individual applications (there are both free and paid modules). According to the statistics of the service itself, more than 1.5 million companies use its services.

It is a highly specialized system. The developers have concentrated their efforts exclusively on the marketing department. AmoCRM has everything you need to properly organize the work of marketers at a company of any level - from small to large. There is no boxed version, the payment for access is calculated based on standard functional packages and the number of employees connected to the system. Any version of the purchased service package can be integrated with 1C, online chats, email and SMS mailings, IP telephony, the Google Analytics analytics system, and also involves regular database backups. The well-documented REST API can be used to integrate with other solutions. The minimum tariff is $ 7. per user ("Basic" tariff as of the beginning of 2017).

In 2012, he was the best task manager web studios to work together on projects. Today "Megaplan" is a CRM with wide functionality for setting and controlling tasks of any level of complexity. The system provides a sufficient set of functions for working with clients or employees of a dig of any size. You can purchase both a boxed version (with installation on your own server) and cloud (SaaS) with monthly payment for the access of each connected employee. Integration with mail becomes possible only on expensive tariff plans (Customers and Sales, as well as Customers and Sales +). IP telephony in Megaplan has its own and there is the possibility of integration with two little-known services, access to the functionality opens on the same tariff plans.

TOP CRM systems

Subscription fee
from 0 $ / month
Mobile applications
Dextop sentences
Integration with web analytics
Yandex Metric
Google analytics
Integration with telephony
Integration with email newsletters
Integration with SMS-mailing
Integration with social networks
Integration with CMS
Integration with 1C
Chat room
Video calls
Conference call
Mail server
Business process automation
Online billing
Email Tracker
Sales funnel
Staff training

Subscription fee
from $ 8 / month
Mobile applications
Integration with web analytics
Integration with telephony
Integration with 1C
Email Tracker
Sales funnel

Subscription fee
from $ 10 / month
Mobile applications

Subscription fee
from $ 6 / month
Mobile applications
Integration with web analytics
Google analytics
Integration with telephony
Integration with email newsletters
Integration with SMS-mailing
Integration with social networks
Integration with CMS
Integration with 1C
Chat room
Email Tracker
Sales funnel

Subscription fee
from $ 10 / month
Mobile applications

Mango Office
Subscription fee
from $ 30 / month
Dextop sentences
Integration with telephony
Mango Office
Mango Office
Integration with 1C
Business process automation

My Warehouse
Subscription fee
from 0 $ / month
Mobile applications
Integration with web analytics
Roistat, Calltouch, Mycroft Assistant
Integration with telephony
Mango Office, Simple calls, VoxImplant
Integration with email newsletters
UniSender, Sendsay
Integration with 1C
Staff training

Few people know that to work on a real project, you can use free CRM systems for small businesses or even large companies (CRM system is an abbreviation for Customer Relationship Management System, customer relationship management system). This layer of software is very diverse, the products are offered to the target audience on different terms, depending on the goals pursued by the developers.
Do not confuse free systems with test or demo versions. The latter only postpone the payment deadline and allow you to evaluate the functionality.

How developers benefit from free sales management systems
Free software serves as a kind of platform for testing new functionality, analyzing demand, structure and interests of the audience of potential buyers.
  1. Sometimes free CRMs serve as nothing more than a direct means of collecting customer information. Such a database can be sold to other market players interested in potential customers.
  2. The free version of CRM can be one of the means to advertise your own paid products. Such software solutions often have very limited functionality, forcing customers to switch to paid versions from the same developer. A special case can be called software, which serves as a platform (base) for connecting various modules, among which there may be paid solutions.
  3. CRM can be really good, free, developed by programmers on pure enthusiasm (here the goals of getting practice in development, showing their programming skills, etc. are more likely to be pursued). In this case, paid services can be work on setting up, installing and professional support of the product. Or CRM will be offered "as is", that is, the authors and developers disclaim any responsibility for the use of such a system (this can include various open-source projects). In the latter case, a full-time programmer will be required who can accompany the program at the stages of implementation, daily use and scaling of the enterprise / company.
  4. An interesting fact should be noted. Due to the fact that the cost of the software is zero, the consumer does not have the right to demand anything from the developer / service provider, since for the occurrence of liability for the losses incurred, there must be an official contract (deal, agreement) with the indicated value (it turns out that the sale of the product / service did not take place, the money was not transferred). That is why you should be extremely careful when working with free software solutions.
  5. Benefits for consumers
Free CRM for small businesses allows you to use an effective tool for conducting sales, transactions with clients, monitoring staff work (setting deadlines, appointing responsible persons, etc.) already at the start of a business without any investment.
In the free version with limited functionality, you can test the interface, usability, available tools, etc., in order to later switch to the paid version with advanced functions.
Open source systems can be tailored to suit the needs and requirements of the company.

Review of free CRM systems
Check out our ranking of free customer management systems, based on comprehensive user reviews and feedback, above.
Below is a list of the best free CRM solutions by category.
  1. Shareware (limited access) SaaS
    • Bitrix 24 (tariff "Project"). Restrictions on the number of business users, integration with 1C, employee management, data backup, etc. Cloud-only solution. A big plus: completely.
    • AMBER. Free for 3 users only.
    • basoCRM. The free plan assumes no more than 5 users.
    • "Things Are Going". Up to 3 users, limited functionality.
    • "Simple business" - up to 5 users, opportunities are cut.
    • ZohoCRM Free plan - up to 10 users.
  2. Completely free SaaS
    • FreeCRM. No restrictions on use, functionality is provided as is. This is a platform for advertising the DEASoft company and its paid CRM.
  3. Free Stand-Alone
    • Galloper-CRM. Only software for one user is available for free. When connecting to the server part - payment.
    • Supasoft-CRM for PC only. The network (server) version is paid.
    • RegionSoft CRM 4.7 Express. Up to 3 enterprise licenses. Works locally only.
  4. Open-Sourse (can be modified to fit your own needs)
    • UMC CRM (the main condition is preservation of copyrights).
    • SuiteCRM
    • Redmine
    • SalesPlatform Vtiger CRM