How not to be thrown? How they threw me for the money.


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Greetings, today we'll talk about scammers (these are those who fuck and throw people, I have a lousy attitude towards them) and scammers in general.

Scam - fraud for money
The lowest strata of cybercriminals are scammers who breed their own compatriots for loot, I consider them armless, capable only of wagging their tongues.
They are on Avito, Yulia and other trading platforms. Let's say you see a juicy announcement for the sale of an iPhone below the market price of $ 5 thousand or is now the same price as the usual one, because people are getting smarter and are not being fooled by these people.
So, our grief of the scammer transfers you from Avito's dialogue to some messenger and pisses all sorts of garbage in your ears in order to win over you, saying that he cannot meet on a trip / he has a lot of things to do. Let's arrange delivery, through the service "Avito delivery", throws you a fake site similar to this delivery.
I don’t know exactly how this hat works, and I don’t want to know.
You enter the card details there and pay for the goods.
Then the money goes to the scammers, and you are with a dick in your mouth, I think it's clear here, let's go further.
Scam projects are actually the sea.

Scam Level 2.0?
The next view, but not in ascending order, of course, these are the worst. Carry scaffolds. The ultimate scum, which you can throw into the ocean from a helicopter so that the sharks can eat it.
Roosters cannot be called in another way, they have not achieved anything in the carding, they themselves do not know how to fucking, run around in chats, forums, trying to sell something related to the carding logs / ss, etc.
Petty shit who will throw $ 10.

How can you avoid the scam?
1. You don't need to buy anything on Avito with delivery
2. If $ 10 is not critical to you, buy something from the end of the chat in the telegram. Only if he has a reputation, he is known in the community and then use a guarantor, of course, a guarantor for $ 10 laugh, but still.
3. Even the most top-notch people with an impeccable reputation can throw (as it was with me). Use a guarantor (escrow service).
In general, as it was with me. I communicated with the carder, worked together so that they understood, he was an inspector on the forum, there was his own branch for carding training. And one day he offered one topic to work, the price was $ 500. I threw in (I threw in more than one for $ 500, every 10 people were) and as a result he began to freeze, feed him breakfast. And then we guys started to find out that he was sticking out money to other people.
His total debt was $ 50-100k, we counted, counted, but the number of debtors increased and increased.
They wrote on him arbitration on the forum, he was banned, on the forum a blow to his reputation that their inspector scammed for such an amount. And the people swore that they would return everything, supposedly the problems happened to him, money was taken away and other noodles. Until now, no one has seen a ruble.
The verdict is such, anyone can throw.
Use a guarantor (escrow service).
4. Before you buy something from someone in the cart, hammer his username into the blacklist to see if there is any bullshit on him. I often use it myself. All the shit are brought in there.
5. If you find a contact telegram seller of something on the forum or somewhere else. Always check whether you wrote it correctly, because there are a lot of fakes and I have them.
6. There is no Apple technique for 40-50% in a telegram or anywhere else. Forget it. I don't understand how people get carried away with this.

I think you will now be smarter and no asshole will throw you.

All the best.

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