How do I fit 125 TB on a single DVD? Scientists from China have found the answer.


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We have created material that will radically change the work of data centers and the digital economy.

Scientists from the Shanghai University of Science and Technology have made a significant breakthrough in data storage technology by developing an innovative method that allows you to fit up to a petabit of information on an optical DVD, which allows you to store up to 125 terabytes on a single disk.

Optical discs, including DVD and Blu-Ray, are known for their low cost and good reliability. However, their main drawback is the limited capacity. According to the scientists ' article, the latest technology allows recording up to 100 layers of information at a minimum distance of 54 nanometers, which radically expands the horizons of using optical disks.

The authors emphasize that such an innovation can dramatically reduce the size and energy consumption of data centers in the future, offering a sustainable solution for the development of the digital economy. In comparison with existing storage methods, the new approach allows you to achieve unprecedented data density, significantly reducing the physical space required for this. For example, to accommodate a petabit of data (125 TB) on a hybrid hard drive (Solid-State Hybrid Drive, SSHD), a structure with a height of about 2 meters would be required, and for Blu-Ray this value is even higher.


DVD with 1 Pbit of data

The basis for achieving such results was the creation of a new material-a photoresist doped with a dye with aggregation-induced emission of luminogens, or (aggregation-induced emission of luminogens, AIE-DDPR.) Such a material has a high degree of uniformity and transparency, which allows for high-precision data recording at the nanoparticle level.

Miniaturization of storage devices promises not only a revolution in Internet technology, but also a significant reduction in the environmental impact of the technology industry. This progress opens up new prospects for the development of digital technologies and the sustainable development of the information society.