How can you avoid getting caught by fraudsters if you have lost your passport, phone number, or bank card?


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Losing your documents, phone number, or bank card is a serious nuisance. You'll have to change your plans, visit different organizations, pay a fine, and buy a new phone. But all this is nothing compared to the danger that these things carry in the hands of scammers. We will tell you what you need to do and why if you have lost items related to your payment data.

Actions for losing your passport​

A passport in the wrong hands allows you to:
  • open in the name of its owner Sole proprietor or LLC;
  • take out a loan;
  • issue a power of attorney, including a general one – that is, get the right to dispose of a person's property;
  • issue a qualified electronic signature and get the right to dispose of your property for the entire electronic document flow;
  • take a photo with your passport in order to deceive people in social networks and Telegram channels without risking anything.
There are many other ways to cheat with someone else's passport. The result for the real owner of the document can be debts or even courts.
If a person has lost their passport, they should report it to any police station as soon as possible. The document will become invalid. From now on, scammers will have a simple paper that has no legal force in their hands. If a loan or power of attorney is issued on it, it will not harm the passport holder.

The police will issue a ticket for accepting the application instead of a passport. With this ticket, you need to contact the department of the Federal Migration Service( FMS), apply for the restoration of the passport and on the same day receive a certificate that the document is being restored.

Additionally, you can get a temporary ID card with a limited validity period. It will require another photo. Using this document, you can buy a train or plane ticket and perform some banking operations.

You can also restore your passport after it is lost at the MFC, but it will take longer.

Actions when your phone is lost​

Losing your phone, despite all the ways to block it, is a risk to your bank account. If a smartphone is lost, it can be opened and used in banking applications. If it is a push-button phone – they can receive SMS codes from banks, for two-factor authentication in social networks and on other Internet resources that the bank card is linked to. The phone makes it easier for fraudsters to access the victim's personal account on the Gosuslugi portal.

Therefore, after detecting the loss of your phone, you need to:
  • contact the mobile operators whose SIM cards were left in the lost phone as soon as possible and ask them to block them;
  • contact banks that have mobile apps installed on your phone and ask them to block your cards, including virtual ones;
  • after restoring your SIM cards, link a new number to the bank's merchant profile.

Actions in case of bank card loss​

If you have lost your bank card, you need to call the bank and ask them to block the card. The money in the account will be available and can be withdrawn at the branch. You can perform transactions with other accounts in your merchant profile, and issue a virtual card for online purchases.