Help with an ideal

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My friend went to a indiana casino and pulled out 6k in cash from an atm.This was from his personal CC.(The atm give him a recipt that he took to a casher to get the cash.He had to show ID an the CC, he signed a recipt that was it.)I ask him if his CC company called he said no.

My question is, is it that easy to pull that much cash without any red flags on the CC at a casino?

I would like to here what some of you got to say?

I think its kind of to easy.Think about it you get a CC fullz,get a NOV,order a new CC to be deliver to your drop.Go to an indiana casino(there in just about every state),Las vegas are Altantic City empity the card and at most your in the casino for probly for 2min are less and go home.

You see I think its too easy,the casher have to have something to verfiy you other then an ID and atm card.Maybe I am thinking too much into it.I wonder if anybody on this site have done this?(you can pm with an answer to?)

Well casino`s always were greedy and etc,but in the same time they got alot of security now days,second is like ok u can use some skimmed cards or etc but does it worth IT?
Imagine your in a globe full of light,and u can Be Seen Every yard you WALK/PASS.
I remeber people were cleanning back in da days the full+pin in a casino,if u guys remember the BOA Military cards?
So to answer to your thoughts,u can clean alot of cash in the Casino but does it Worth It?


This is not a skimmed card.Its a legit card that I am getting from the bank.

pather worte:So to answer to your thoughts,u can clean alot of cash in the Casino but does it Worth It?

I see where your coming form.I have everything that can go wrong covered almost.I have the fullz+pin and everything else changed so if the bank calls there going to get me.The only thing I don't have cover is if the person use his CC it might signal a redflag because I be different state using the CC.Other then that I can't think of anything else that can go wrong?(other then being on camera)

Pather you sound like you do this before what other info can you give me.

Like I said I am trying to figure out anyother security stuff that might pop up?


I don`t get it ,is it Legit Bank prepaids issued by bank or full+info from phishing and written on card?
Cause if u use the phished ones,u won`t have a 10% chance this days to get cash out + u are in the hottest place u could ever be.
If you use the legit prepaids loaded via wire well u may get lucky but u will do 2 things the feds will find : 1 is loading the cards 2 is cleaning the cards infront of a camera,that leads to your capture with chances around 70% to get caught.
So in order to KNOW what ur doin there,u gotta think what cards u use man.


Maybe I am not explaining it clearly.This is not a prepaid card are phishing are skimmed card.The person has a CC already thats worth $$$.I am going to change his info and have the bank mail me a new CC.With the new CC I am going to a casino and cash it out.I hope I explained it better.Other then being on camera what other reason I might get caught.