Help me please with carding giftcard


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I created a method i thought about using. Can someone give me feedback on a method that I'll use to card some Giftcards
1) Enable VPN (close to location of cc)
2) Buy a cc+cvv (Full name, Phone number, zip code, city, ssn)
3) Buy Socks5 that match cardholders location (State and city)
4) Use cracked/open WIFI + Change MAC Address + Used CCleaner + Changed Timezone and keyboard Language to match the person who owns CC
+ Flash and Cookie Cleaner
5) Open Mozilla Firefox
6) Make A new Gmail with Cardholder's Name
7) Go To A Giftcard Website - or
8) Created the account and held it for more than 1 day
9) Acted like a real customer and looked around for 15 minutes for different gift cards. (put Giftcards in cart and delete from cart to seem real)
10) Put in CC + CVV and bought $50 gift card and get it send to the fake email I created under their name
11) After I receive the order to the email I created. open an account on
12) Find someone on or another exchange that will trade a Giftcard to bitcoin.
13) Get sent to another crypto exchange where I can then withdraw

1) What's an RDP
2) Should I use an RDP or VMWare
3) How much does RDP And VMware cost and where can I buy them
4) Is it ok to make a fake Gmail under the name of the cardholder name to use on the order to receive the codes?
5) I'm asking this question about number 4 because another person said to never use gmail or hotmail
5) How would I change my MAC Address?
6) If I'm buying a cc+cvv what bank should I search for in USA
7) If I buy a card what type of card should I buy? Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express?
8) What type of card should I search for and use? Classic, Gold, Platinum, signature, infinite, etc?
9) How much does a Sock5 cost to buy
10) How many Sock5's should I buy to match the cardholder's location
11) How much should I spend on my first time carding giftcards?
12) What is
13) Reliable websites to buy non vbv cards from with no sign up fee?
14) What is a ssh tunnel?
15) Should I keep ordering giftcards until the site no longer lets me for my first time?
16) After I trade the carded giftcard on for bitcoin is it safe to send the bitcoin to my own wallet that I created with no anonymity
17) Again once I trade the carded giftcard for bitcoin on or another exchange should I create a new wallet with fake information to receive the bitcoin and then send it from the newly created wallet to my personal wallet with no protection?
18) What are some steps to be the most anonymous as possible when carding?
19) What are the easiest and safest carding methods (Paypal withdraw method, stockx method, giftcards)

Those are all the questions sorry If I'm being annoying I just don't want to do it wrong


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1) What's an RDP
RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) is a remote desktop protocol developed by Microsoft and is used to remotely work with a computer. Despite the fact that, traditionally, vulnerabilities are regularly found in Microsoft products, and Windows servers are rarely connected to publicly accessible addresses from the Internet, RDP is used everywhere, there are few negative reviews.

2) Should I use an RDP or VMWare
Yes, you can use RDP or virtual machine. You can use them separately as well as in a joint bundle, for example, connect to the RDP through a virtual machine and vice versa.
But you should take into account that the RDP and the virtual machine are easily detected by the anti-fraud systems of the sites and the payment for your order may be rejected.
As a similar option, use vpn, ssh tunnel or proxy (socks5).

3) How much does RDP And VMware cost and where can I buy them
You can buy RDP access or get it for free for a test period.
It is sold by both individual private sellers and hosting companies. Prices start at $ 0.3 and it depends on how long you plan to purchase it.
RDP must be selected for full correspondence of the address to the cardholder, that is, the city and country.
You do not need to pay for any virtual machine, you can download and install it for free. To do this, you need what kind of virtual machine you want to install on your laptop or computer.

Some RDP sellers:
[email protected]

4) Is it ok to make a fake Gmail under the name of the cardholder name to use on the order to receive the codes?
You must create an email account that meets the requirements of the cardholder. Its name must include the name, surname and year of birth. Or various similar variations. E-mail box names should not resemble a generated or fake name. The box should look convincing and believable.
You do not have to register a mailbox with services that offer temporary email addresses.

5) I'm asking this question about number 4 because another person said to never use gmail or hotmail
You can use any free email service. To do this, you must decide on the material of the country you plan to work with. Gmail and Hotmail is an international postal service that provides the ability to register email addresses for free. Any websites and Internet shops are friendly to them.
Of course, it is best to register your own domain and connect a corporate email account to it, as this will cause more confidence in the anti-fraud system.
In any case, when you decide on the CC with which you plan to work, find free postal services in this country and register a mailbox there.

5) How would I change my MAC Address?
How to change the MAC address of a network card in a minute
I will tell you how to change the MAC address of a network card in Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Linux and MacOS. Earlier I wrote about how to find out the MAC address of a computer, and today we will talk about changing it.

Why might you need to change it?
A couple of times I met controversy about the fact that the MAC address cannot be changed, because this is a hardware characteristic, and therefore I will explain: in fact, you really will not change the MAC address "hardwired" in the network card (this is possible, but requires additional equipment - a programmer), but this is not necessary: for most of the network equipment of the consumer segment, the MAC address set at the software level by the driver takes precedence over the hardware one, which makes the manipulations described below possible and useful.

What are the reasons to change the MAC address on your system?
Each Network Interface Card has a unique MAC (Media Access Control) address. This applies to all types of network cards, including Ethernet and WiFi cards. The MAC Address (Physical Address) is a six-byte number or 12-digit hexadecimal number that is used to uniquely identify a host on a network. As an example, I'll show you my test server running Windows 10. The quickest way to find out is to run the command ipconfig / all at the command line. My physical address (MAC address) is "00-0C-29-9A-EC-49".
Okay, you are our physical address, but you have to know where it is used, as this will answer the question of why the user might want to change the Mac address. At the lowest network layer, network interfaces connected to a network use MAC addresses to communicate with each other. For example, when a browser on your computer needs to receive a web page from a server on the Internet, that request goes through several layers of the TCP / IP protocol. The web address you enter is converted to the server's IP address. Your computer sends the request to the router, which then sends it to the Internet. At the hardware level, your NIC only looks at other MAC addresses on the same network as it. It knows how to send a request to the MAC address of your router's network interface.

So why do you want to change your MAC address?
Well, there are many reasons for this, mostly related to bypassing some kind of MAC address filter installed on your modem, router, or firewall. Changing the MAC address can help you bypass certain network restrictions by emulating an unlimited MAC address or spoofing a MAC address that is already authorized. This is exactly what unscrupulous users use, organizing network attacks in this way, knowing this, manufacturers make protection, for example, VMware has Forged transmits functionality.
For example, a WiFi network can only allow authorized computers to connect to the network and filter computers based on MAC address. If you can figure out a valid MAC address, you can spoof your MAC address and gain access to the Wi-Fi network. Any DHCP server also has filtering.
Another example is if you have an internet service provider that only allows a certain number of computers to connect to the internet from your home. If you have more computers to connect, you can spoof the MAC address of the authorized computer and connect from another computer. Changing the MAC address is useful when it is difficult or cumbersome to change the MAC address rules for your network.

Methods for changing the MAC address
If we are talking about the Windows system, then here we can highlight:
  • Device Manager
  • Windows Registry
  • Command line or PowerShell
  • Special utilities like TMAC
  • Through the properties of the network interface

How to change mac address through Windows Device Manager
Note: the first two digits of the specified MAC address do not need to start with 0, but end with 2, 6, A or E. Otherwise, the change may not work on some network cards
These methods will work in the same way on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 operating systems.
First, launch the Windows Device Manager. A quick way to do this is to press the Win + R keys on your keyboard and type devmgmt.msc , then press the Enter key.
Open the devmgmt.msc snap-in.
Device Manager will open.
Or you can right click on my computer icon and select properties
A properties window will open in which at the top left you can select the Device Manager item.
Opening the device manager.
In the device manager, open the Network adapters section, right-click on the network card or Wi-Fi adapter whose MAC address you want to change and click Properties.
In the adapter properties window, select the "Advanced" tab and find the "Network address" item and set its value. For the changes to take effect, you must either restart your computer or disable and enable the network adapter. The MAC address consists of 12 hexadecimal digits and must be entered without colons or other punctuation marks.
On some network adapters, the item for changing the value of the physical address may be called "Network Address".
Or you can see the name "Locally Administered Address". Further, when changing the MAC address, remove all dashes, my new value will be 000C299AAAAA.
Let's turn off / on the network interface or just reboot to check our changes. As a result, it is clear that everything worked quickly and reliably. Agree that in Windows it is very easy to change the mac address using this method.
Note: not for all devices it is possible to do the above, for some of them the item "Network address" will not be on the "Advanced" tab. In this case, you should use other methods. To check if the changes have taken effect, you can use the ipconfig / all command (for more details, see the article on how to find out the MAC address).
The list of network adapters can also be viewed through the Network Control Center, to open it, right-click on the WiFi or network connection icon in the bottom right
Let's choose to change the adapter parameters.
You will see the same list of network interfaces that also have an Advanced tab in their properties.
You can also press Win + R again and enter ncpa.cpl, you will also see a list of network interfaces.

How to change the mac address through the Windows registry
If the previous option did not help you, then you can use the registry editor, the method should work in Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP. To launch Registry Editor, press Win + R and type regedit.
In Registry Editor open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Class \ {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
This section will contain several "folders", each of which corresponds to a separate network device. Find the one whose MAC address you want to change. To do this, pay attention to the DriverDesc parameter on the right side of the Registry Editor.
After you have found the desired section, right-click on it (in my case - by 0000) and select - "Create" - "String parameter". Name it NetworkAddress.
Double-click the new registry entry and set the new 12-digit hexadecimal MAC address without using colons. Close the registry editor and restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

How to change mac address using TMAC v6.0.6
This is a small free utility, earlier I told How to install TMAC v6.0.6 / Download TMAC v6.0.6
We launch it and select the desired network interface and set the mac address you need, or press Random MAC Address to get a random one.

How to change MAC address via command line or PowerShell
After learning how to change the MAC address using Registry Editor, we can speed up this change using the reg command in the command line or PowerShell . If you need to repeatedly switch between different MAC addresses on your Windows machine, the command line is the way to go and the commands can be saved in a script file and run to speed things up. Open Command Prompt or PowerShell as Administrator, whichever application you prefer to use.
In my example, I want to change the value of the physical address from 000C299AAAAA to 000C299BBBBB.
To execute the command, you must know the folder number from the container {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}, in my example it is 0001.
Enter the following command either in cmd or in PowerShell, do not forget to substitute your MAC_address.
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Class \ {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} \ 0001 / v NetworkAddress / d 000C299BBBBB / f
As a result, the command worked perfectly, turning off and on the network interface, I can already observe the new physical address and, what is most excellent, it does everything in a matter of seconds, in my opinion, this is the most convenient method to change the MAC address in Windows.
This is how easy it is to change the MAC address of a network card in Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.

How to change mac address on macOS
Changing MAC addresses in macOS Catalina and Mojave 2020 is definitely as easy as it is in Windows. First, you must use a terminal (similar to the command line in Windows) to actually change the MAC address. Second, you need to manually define the technical name of the adapter before you can change the settings.
First, let's find out the current MAC address of your Mac. You can do this in one of two ways: through System Preferences or through Terminal. Open "System Preferences", click "Network", then click "Advanced". Make sure to select the appropriate interface first (WiFi, Ethernet, etc.).
Click on the Hardware tab and you will see the first line with the MAC address. We will need it for the command from the terminal.
Then press the Command + Space keys at the same time, type "Terminal", and then press "Enter".

6) If I'm buying a cc+cvv what bank should I search for in USA
There are more than 5,000 different banks in the United States and e banks are engaged in issuing credit and debit cards. Which bank to choose does not really matter. The most important thing is that the card is valid, that is, suitable for use. The card balance does not depend on the bank, it depends on how much the cardholder stores funds in his account, so you can choose any bank that will be offered in the CC store. You can also select any desired bank by defining it by the desired bin card, then use the bin search in the CC store.

7) If I buy a card what type of card should I buy? Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express?
You can choose any type and kind of card, the brand of the card does not really matter. The most important thing is that the card contains the correct format that can be used for online purchases. That is, the card must contain - card number, CVV code, name and surname of the owner, his address and telephone number. This data will be quite enough to make a payment.
However, I advise you to choose debit cards over credit cards. This encirclement can also be identified by the bin of the card. In any case, this is just a recommendation, if the card is valid, then payment for it will take place in any case.
The brand of the card is not critical.

8) What type of card should I search for and use? Classic, Gold, Platinum, signature, infinite, etc?
You can also choose prime types of cards, such as "Gold", "Platinum", "Black", "Elite", "Infinity" and the like, since it is assumed that the balance on them will be greater than the usual classic and standard types of cards.
Service of prime type cards is usually more expensive than on standard cards, therefore it is suggested that the balance on them will be higher. By the same token, they have various loyalty programs and an increased credit limit.
But again, this is not a fact, since the balance on a regular card may turn out to be much more profitable and more than on elite cards.
You can choose any type of cards you want. The processing works the same with any type of card and the payment gateway does not give priority when paying for a certain type of card.

9) How much does a Sock5 cost to buy
Proxy service providers have different packages, tariffs and terms of service.
All providers have different tariffs for proxy services. It depends on the number of proxies you purchase for a certain period.
Many services offer sale from 1 proxy.
The average cost of 1 socks5 can start from $ 0.1
The most important thing is that the proxy is clean and not included in the spam and black base, so always check its crystal clearness before using it.
1 proxy is used for payment on 1 card and must correspond to the cardholder's address, socks5 must be as close as possible and be fast in terms of speed of use.

10) How many Sock5's should I buy to match the cardholder's location
The number of proxies (socks5) depends on the number of times that you plan to enter (log in) into your account. The proxy mask should always be identical and not very different. Only a small difference is permissible, since Internet providers can assign random IP addresses for each authorization on the Internet.
1 proxy can live and work for a long time, but also become unusable after 5 minutes of use.
Therefore, proxy providers offer a selection of similar socks for the desired mask, which will allow you to select similar IP addresses.
When paying by card, the following formula is used:
1 proxy (socks5) = 1 card (CC).
If you do not receive a rejection of an order or a decline card, then you can continue to use the same card and the same proxy (socks5), but if you received a card blocking, then you need to change the system parameters to new ones. The fingerprint of your device should be new and unique every time in the eyes of the online store and payment gateway to bypass the anti-fraud system.
The number of socks5 depends on the number of cards that you plan to use for a certain period.

11) How much should I spend on my first time carding giftcards?
Gift cards are sold in different denominations. You can choose any nominal balance of gift cards.
The average value of 1 gift card ranges from $ 50 to $ 200,
How many cards you will purchase also depends on you. If you successfully purchase a Gift card on one account, you can continue to purchase other gift cards of different brands and different nominal balances in the same account. Appetite and greed depends only on you.
The most important thing is that the card that you plan to use for purchases has the necessary balance to buy a gift card.
The Electronic Gift Card can be delivered in your personal account or sent by email.

12) What is
It is a popular proxy provider for carding. This service offers various proxies (socks5) for successful work. You can purchase any package you need with a certain number of proxies and use it for a certain period of time.
This is a proxy service that provides a service in the provision of socks5, which can be selected for the necessary characteristics and parameters, for example, so that your IP address fully corresponds to the address of the CC cardholder that you plan to use for your needs. This service has good software for search and use of the necessary proxies, as well as convenient extended functionality for successful work.
A proxy server is a technology that makes it possible to change the unique address of a device on a network. The task of a proxy server or proxy server is to replace the original IP address of the user's device with another.
A proxy server is an additional link between you and the Internet. A kind of intermediary that separates the person from the visited site. Creates the conditions under which the site thinks that the proxy is a real person.

13) Reliable websites to buy non vbv cards from with no sign up fee?
You can find reliable and trusted sellers of valid CC in this section.
Also in this section there are CC stores that offer cards with non-vbv or non-mcsc bins for sale.
Do not try to buy and use cards with non-vbv bins that are available in the public, since many of them are listed in the stop lists of an online store and you will not be able to buy gift cards with them.
It is necessary to develop your own collection of non-vbv bins, which can be used for successful purchases of gift cards.
In any CC store, you will need to register an account and also deposit the minimum amount on the balance to purchase valid CC.

14) What is a ssh tunnel?
"SSH" (Secure Shell) is an application-level network protocol that allows remote control of the operating system and tunneling of TCP connections (for example, for transferring files). It is similar in functionality to the Telnet and rlogin protocols. but unlike them, it encrypts all traffic, including transmitted passwords. SSH allows a choice of different encryption algorithms. SSH clients and SSH servers are available for most network operating systems".

Why SSH tunnel?
Every carder or network engineer at least once in his practice faced a situation when he needs to get access from the public Internet to the resources of his work network, hidden behind NAT and protected by a firewall.
Of course, you can set up an encrypted site-to-site tunnel or PPTP to solve this problem.
Or use a third-party remote access application such as TeamViewer. However, there is a simpler solution, which will take literally one minute to implement. In addition, this solution does not require any third-party software other than the OpenSSH package included by default in 90% of Linux / Unix distributions.
After reading this article, you will learn how, in addition to implementing regular remote access, you can organize a socks-proxy, publish a service, connect several resources behind NAT through the double tunneling method, and much more.

How SSH tunneling works
SSH tunnel or SSH Port Forwarding, as man ssh calls it, is an optional protocol functionality that runs over the familiar regular SSH session. An SSH tunnel allows you to send a TCP packet from one side of an SSH connection to the other side and translate the IP header according to a predetermined rule during transmission.
Understanding how an SSH tunnel works is very simple: if you think of it as a point-to-point connection. As with PPP, any packet hitting one end of the connection is
will be transmitted and received at the other end of the tunnel. Further, depending on the destination address specified in the IP header, the packet will either be processed by the receiving side of the tunnel (if the packet is intended directly for it), or routed further into the network (if the destination is another network node).
The main difference between an SSH tunnel and a PPP connection is that only TCP traffic can be wrapped in an SSH tunnel. (Note: there are a few hacks on how you can send UDP over a TCP socket inside an SSH tunnel, but that solution is beyond the scope of this article).
The second difference is that in a point-to-point
connection, incoming traffic can be initiated from either side, while for an SSH tunnel, you must explicitly set an "entry point" for traffic. "Entry point" is a parameter of the form <address>: <port>

15) Should I keep ordering giftcards until the site no longer lets me for my first time?
You can order Gift cards on a specific site until your account is blocked.
Your account may be blocked for the following reasons:
- The card that you used for payment was blocked
- Device fingerprint flagged as unwanted and classified as fraudulent
- Ip-address or e-mail was blacklisted
- When buying, pay by card, an antidetect browser or a virtual machine was used, which were detected by the anifraud system
- The settings of the laptop or computer do not match the geolocation of the cardholder
- The bin of the card is included in the stop list

If your account is blocked, you can update the system settings, clear cookies and replace all equipment parameters with appropriate programs.
Then register a new account and use another card for payment.

16) After I trade the carded giftcard on for bitcoin is it safe to send the bitcoin to my own wallet that I created with no anonymity
Any Bitcoin transactions are tracked and not anonymous. All transactions are displayed and stored on the blockchain.
To maintain anonymity, you can mix your bitcoins in a reliable bitcoin mixer in order to confuse the traces.
You can also work not with bitcoin, but with any other cryptocurrency, which is more anonymous and not tracked. Crypto exchanges allow you to work with exchanging different cryptocurrencies depending on your requirements and conditions.
In addition, to register a bitcoin wallet, it is not at all necessary to indicate your real data. It is unsafe and unwise to do this.
You can get Bitcoin to your anonymous wallet easily and easily.

17) Again once I trade the carded giftcard for bitcoin on or another exchange should I create a new wallet with fake information to receive the bitcoin and then send it from the newly created wallet to my personal wallet with no protection?
When you exchange the gift card for any cryptocurrency of your choice, the cryptocurrency will arrive and be available in your cryptocurrency exchange account.
After you see that the transaction was successful and the cryptocurrency arrived and you must send the cyptocurrency to your other wallet (on another crypto exchange or just a separate private wallet), that is, do not leave the cryptocurrency on the account in which you exchanged the gift card for cryptocurrency.

You can also immediately withdraw funds or cryptocurrency from the cryptocurrency exchange in any convenient way, for example:
- to a bank account
- to the card number
- to the account in the account of an available payment system
- through the money transfer system
You can see all possible ways to withdraw funds on the crypto exchange website.
That is, gift cards do not need to be exchanged for cryptocurrency, but can be exchanged directly to your anonymous card, bank account, account in the payment system or any other available methods.
Your account must be anonymous or registered with a drop (dummy).

18) What are some steps to be the most anonymous as possible when carding?
The main points of anonymity in carding are as follows:
1. Using a vpn provider without logs as a basis
2. Using pure proxies (socks5), ssh tunnels or RDP substituting your IP address for the IP address corresponding to the cardholder
3. Each time you use the card for payment, you must have a unique fingerprint of the system. Geolocation, keyboard layout, operating system language, time and time zone must match the cardholder and not push you out.

19) What are the easiest and safest carding methods (Paypal withdraw method, stockx method, giftcards)
The simplest and safest carding methods include purchasing physical and digital goods from the generated card data. In this case, you do not need to buy a valid card at all, but rather generate its data.
But at the same time, you need to know the correct sites to which you can make a payment on it.
Likewise, the safest methods include payment for goods by invoicing according to fullz data.
In this case, you can also generate fullz data (full info) and submit them for invoicing to pay for purchases in online stores (possible only in European stores).


Reaction score
RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) is a remote desktop protocol developed by Microsoft and is used to remotely work with a computer. Despite the fact that, traditionally, vulnerabilities are regularly found in Microsoft products, and Windows servers are rarely connected to publicly accessible addresses from the Internet, RDP is used everywhere, there are few negative reviews.

Yes, you can use RDP or virtual machine. You can use them separately as well as in a joint bundle, for example, connect to the RDP through a virtual machine and vice versa.
But you should take into account that the RDP and the virtual machine are easily detected by the anti-fraud systems of the sites and the payment for your order may be rejected.
As a similar option, use vpn, ssh tunnel or proxy (socks5).

You can buy RDP access or get it for free for a test period.
It is sold by both individual private sellers and hosting companies. Prices start at $ 0.3 and it depends on how long you plan to purchase it.
RDP must be selected for full correspondence of the address to the cardholder, that is, the city and country.
You do not need to pay for any virtual machine, you can download and install it for free. To do this, you need what kind of virtual machine you want to install on your laptop or computer.

Some RDP sellers:
[email protected]

You must create an email account that meets the requirements of the cardholder. Its name must include the name, surname and year of birth. Or various similar variations. E-mail box names should not resemble a generated or fake name. The box should look convincing and believable.
You do not have to register a mailbox with services that offer temporary email addresses.

You can use any free email service. To do this, you must decide on the material of the country you plan to work with. Gmail and Hotmail is an international postal service that provides the ability to register email addresses for free. Any websites and Internet shops are friendly to them.
Of course, it is best to register your own domain and connect a corporate email account to it, as this will cause more confidence in the anti-fraud system.
In any case, when you decide on the CC with which you plan to work, find free postal services in this country and register a mailbox there.

How to change the MAC address of a network card in a minute
I will tell you how to change the MAC address of a network card in Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Linux and MacOS. Earlier I wrote about how to find out the MAC address of a computer, and today we will talk about changing it.

Why might you need to change it?
A couple of times I met controversy about the fact that the MAC address cannot be changed, because this is a hardware characteristic, and therefore I will explain: in fact, you really will not change the MAC address "hardwired" in the network card (this is possible, but requires additional equipment - a programmer), but this is not necessary: for most of the network equipment of the consumer segment, the MAC address set at the software level by the driver takes precedence over the hardware one, which makes the manipulations described below possible and useful.

What are the reasons to change the MAC address on your system?
Each Network Interface Card has a unique MAC (Media Access Control) address. This applies to all types of network cards, including Ethernet and WiFi cards. The MAC Address (Physical Address) is a six-byte number or 12-digit hexadecimal number that is used to uniquely identify a host on a network. As an example, I'll show you my test server running Windows 10. The quickest way to find out is to run the command ipconfig / all at the command line. My physical address (MAC address) is "00-0C-29-9A-EC-49".
Okay, you are our physical address, but you have to know where it is used, as this will answer the question of why the user might want to change the Mac address. At the lowest network layer, network interfaces connected to a network use MAC addresses to communicate with each other. For example, when a browser on your computer needs to receive a web page from a server on the Internet, that request goes through several layers of the TCP / IP protocol. The web address you enter is converted to the server's IP address. Your computer sends the request to the router, which then sends it to the Internet. At the hardware level, your NIC only looks at other MAC addresses on the same network as it. It knows how to send a request to the MAC address of your router's network interface.

So why do you want to change your MAC address?
Well, there are many reasons for this, mostly related to bypassing some kind of MAC address filter installed on your modem, router, or firewall. Changing the MAC address can help you bypass certain network restrictions by emulating an unlimited MAC address or spoofing a MAC address that is already authorized. This is exactly what unscrupulous users use, organizing network attacks in this way, knowing this, manufacturers make protection, for example, VMware has Forged transmits functionality.
For example, a WiFi network can only allow authorized computers to connect to the network and filter computers based on MAC address. If you can figure out a valid MAC address, you can spoof your MAC address and gain access to the Wi-Fi network. Any DHCP server also has filtering.
Another example is if you have an internet service provider that only allows a certain number of computers to connect to the internet from your home. If you have more computers to connect, you can spoof the MAC address of the authorized computer and connect from another computer. Changing the MAC address is useful when it is difficult or cumbersome to change the MAC address rules for your network.

Methods for changing the MAC address
If we are talking about the Windows system, then here we can highlight:
  • Device Manager
  • Windows Registry
  • Command line or PowerShell
  • Special utilities like TMAC
  • Through the properties of the network interface

How to change mac address through Windows Device Manager
Note: the first two digits of the specified MAC address do not need to start with 0, but end with 2, 6, A or E. Otherwise, the change may not work on some network cards
These methods will work in the same way on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 operating systems.
First, launch the Windows Device Manager. A quick way to do this is to press the Win + R keys on your keyboard and type devmgmt.msc , then press the Enter key.
Open the devmgmt.msc snap-in.
Device Manager will open.
Or you can right click on my computer icon and select properties
A properties window will open in which at the top left you can select the Device Manager item.
Opening the device manager.
In the device manager, open the Network adapters section, right-click on the network card or Wi-Fi adapter whose MAC address you want to change and click Properties.
In the adapter properties window, select the "Advanced" tab and find the "Network address" item and set its value. For the changes to take effect, you must either restart your computer or disable and enable the network adapter. The MAC address consists of 12 hexadecimal digits and must be entered without colons or other punctuation marks.
On some network adapters, the item for changing the value of the physical address may be called "Network Address".
Or you can see the name "Locally Administered Address". Further, when changing the MAC address, remove all dashes, my new value will be 000C299AAAAA.
Let's turn off / on the network interface or just reboot to check our changes. As a result, it is clear that everything worked quickly and reliably. Agree that in Windows it is very easy to change the mac address using this method.
Note: not for all devices it is possible to do the above, for some of them the item "Network address" will not be on the "Advanced" tab. In this case, you should use other methods. To check if the changes have taken effect, you can use the ipconfig / all command (for more details, see the article on how to find out the MAC address).
The list of network adapters can also be viewed through the Network Control Center, to open it, right-click on the WiFi or network connection icon in the bottom right
Let's choose to change the adapter parameters.
You will see the same list of network interfaces that also have an Advanced tab in their properties.
You can also press Win + R again and enter ncpa.cpl, you will also see a list of network interfaces.

How to change the mac address through the Windows registry
If the previous option did not help you, then you can use the registry editor, the method should work in Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP. To launch Registry Editor, press Win + R and type regedit.
In Registry Editor open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Class \ {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
This section will contain several "folders", each of which corresponds to a separate network device. Find the one whose MAC address you want to change. To do this, pay attention to the DriverDesc parameter on the right side of the Registry Editor.
After you have found the desired section, right-click on it (in my case - by 0000) and select - "Create" - "String parameter". Name it NetworkAddress.
Double-click the new registry entry and set the new 12-digit hexadecimal MAC address without using colons. Close the registry editor and restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

How to change mac address using TMAC v6.0.6
This is a small free utility, earlier I told How to install TMAC v6.0.6 / Download TMAC v6.0.6
We launch it and select the desired network interface and set the mac address you need, or press Random MAC Address to get a random one.

How to change MAC address via command line or PowerShell
After learning how to change the MAC address using Registry Editor, we can speed up this change using the reg command in the command line or PowerShell . If you need to repeatedly switch between different MAC addresses on your Windows machine, the command line is the way to go and the commands can be saved in a script file and run to speed things up. Open Command Prompt or PowerShell as Administrator, whichever application you prefer to use.
In my example, I want to change the value of the physical address from 000C299AAAAA to 000C299BBBBB.
To execute the command, you must know the folder number from the container {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}, in my example it is 0001.
Enter the following command either in cmd or in PowerShell, do not forget to substitute your MAC_address.
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Class \ {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} \ 0001 / v NetworkAddress / d 000C299BBBBB / f
As a result, the command worked perfectly, turning off and on the network interface, I can already observe the new physical address and, what is most excellent, it does everything in a matter of seconds, in my opinion, this is the most convenient method to change the MAC address in Windows.
This is how easy it is to change the MAC address of a network card in Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.

How to change mac address on macOS
Changing MAC addresses in macOS Catalina and Mojave 2020 is definitely as easy as it is in Windows. First, you must use a terminal (similar to the command line in Windows) to actually change the MAC address. Second, you need to manually define the technical name of the adapter before you can change the settings.
First, let's find out the current MAC address of your Mac. You can do this in one of two ways: through System Preferences or through Terminal. Open "System Preferences", click "Network", then click "Advanced". Make sure to select the appropriate interface first (WiFi, Ethernet, etc.).
Click on the Hardware tab and you will see the first line with the MAC address. We will need it for the command from the terminal.
Then press the Command + Space keys at the same time, type "Terminal", and then press "Enter".

There are more than 5,000 different banks in the United States and e banks are engaged in issuing credit and debit cards. Which bank to choose does not really matter. The most important thing is that the card is valid, that is, suitable for use. The card balance does not depend on the bank, it depends on how much the cardholder stores funds in his account, so you can choose any bank that will be offered in the CC store. You can also select any desired bank by defining it by the desired bin card, then use the bin search in the CC store.

You can choose any type and kind of card, the brand of the card does not really matter. The most important thing is that the card contains the correct format that can be used for online purchases. That is, the card must contain - card number, CVV code, name and surname of the owner, his address and telephone number. This data will be quite enough to make a payment.
However, I advise you to choose debit cards over credit cards. This encirclement can also be identified by the bin of the card. In any case, this is just a recommendation, if the card is valid, then payment for it will take place in any case.
The brand of the card is not critical.

You can also choose prime types of cards, such as "Gold", "Platinum", "Black", "Elite", "Infinity" and the like, since it is assumed that the balance on them will be greater than the usual classic and standard types of cards.
Service of prime type cards is usually more expensive than on standard cards, therefore it is suggested that the balance on them will be higher. By the same token, they have various loyalty programs and an increased credit limit.
But again, this is not a fact, since the balance on a regular card may turn out to be much more profitable and more than on elite cards.
You can choose any type of cards you want. The processing works the same with any type of card and the payment gateway does not give priority when paying for a certain type of card.

Proxy service providers have different packages, tariffs and terms of service.
All providers have different tariffs for proxy services. It depends on the number of proxies you purchase for a certain period.
Many services offer sale from 1 proxy.
The average cost of 1 socks5 can start from $ 0.1
The most important thing is that the proxy is clean and not included in the spam and black base, so always check its crystal clearness before using it.
1 proxy is used for payment on 1 card and must correspond to the cardholder's address, socks5 must be as close as possible and be fast in terms of speed of use.

The number of proxies (socks5) depends on the number of times that you plan to enter (log in) into your account. The proxy mask should always be identical and not very different. Only a small difference is permissible, since Internet providers can assign random IP addresses for each authorization on the Internet.
1 proxy can live and work for a long time, but also become unusable after 5 minutes of use.
Therefore, proxy providers offer a selection of similar socks for the desired mask, which will allow you to select similar IP addresses.
When paying by card, the following formula is used:
1 proxy (socks5) = 1 card (CC).
If you do not receive a rejection of an order or a decline card, then you can continue to use the same card and the same proxy (socks5), but if you received a card blocking, then you need to change the system parameters to new ones. The fingerprint of your device should be new and unique every time in the eyes of the online store and payment gateway to bypass the anti-fraud system.
The number of socks5 depends on the number of cards that you plan to use for a certain period.

Gift cards are sold in different denominations. You can choose any nominal balance of gift cards.
The average value of 1 gift card ranges from $ 50 to $ 200,
How many cards you will purchase also depends on you. If you successfully purchase a Gift card on one account, you can continue to purchase other gift cards of different brands and different nominal balances in the same account. Appetite and greed depends only on you.
The most important thing is that the card that you plan to use for purchases has the necessary balance to buy a gift card.
The Electronic Gift Card can be delivered in your personal account or sent by email.

It is a popular proxy provider for carding. This service offers various proxies (socks5) for successful work. You can purchase any package you need with a certain number of proxies and use it for a certain period of time.
This is a proxy service that provides a service in the provision of socks5, which can be selected for the necessary characteristics and parameters, for example, so that your IP address fully corresponds to the address of the CC cardholder that you plan to use for your needs. This service has good software for search and use of the necessary proxies, as well as convenient extended functionality for successful work.
A proxy server is a technology that makes it possible to change the unique address of a device on a network. The task of a proxy server or proxy server is to replace the original IP address of the user's device with another.
A proxy server is an additional link between you and the Internet. A kind of intermediary that separates the person from the visited site. Creates the conditions under which the site thinks that the proxy is a real person.

You can find reliable and trusted sellers of valid CC in this section.
Also in this section there are CC stores that offer cards with non-vbv or non-mcsc bins for sale.
Do not try to buy and use cards with non-vbv bins that are available in the public, since many of them are listed in the stop lists of an online store and you will not be able to buy gift cards with them.
It is necessary to develop your own collection of non-vbv bins, which can be used for successful purchases of gift cards.
In any CC store, you will need to register an account and also deposit the minimum amount on the balance to purchase valid CC.

"SSH" (Secure Shell) is an application-level network protocol that allows remote control of the operating system and tunneling of TCP connections (for example, for transferring files). It is similar in functionality to the Telnet and rlogin protocols. but unlike them, it encrypts all traffic, including transmitted passwords. SSH allows a choice of different encryption algorithms. SSH clients and SSH servers are available for most network operating systems".

Why SSH tunnel?
Every carder or network engineer at least once in his practice faced a situation when he needs to get access from the public Internet to the resources of his work network, hidden behind NAT and protected by a firewall.
Of course, you can set up an encrypted site-to-site tunnel or PPTP to solve this problem.
Or use a third-party remote access application such as TeamViewer. However, there is a simpler solution, which will take literally one minute to implement. In addition, this solution does not require any third-party software other than the OpenSSH package included by default in 90% of Linux / Unix distributions.
After reading this article, you will learn how, in addition to implementing regular remote access, you can organize a socks-proxy, publish a service, connect several resources behind NAT through the double tunneling method, and much more.

How SSH tunneling works
SSH tunnel or SSH Port Forwarding, as man ssh calls it, is an optional protocol functionality that runs over the familiar regular SSH session. An SSH tunnel allows you to send a TCP packet from one side of an SSH connection to the other side and translate the IP header according to a predetermined rule during transmission.
Understanding how an SSH tunnel works is very simple: if you think of it as a point-to-point connection. As with PPP, any packet hitting one end of the connection is
will be transmitted and received at the other end of the tunnel. Further, depending on the destination address specified in the IP header, the packet will either be processed by the receiving side of the tunnel (if the packet is intended directly for it), or routed further into the network (if the destination is another network node).
The main difference between an SSH tunnel and a PPP connection is that only TCP traffic can be wrapped in an SSH tunnel. (Note: there are a few hacks on how you can send UDP over a TCP socket inside an SSH tunnel, but that solution is beyond the scope of this article).
The second difference is that in a point-to-point
connection, incoming traffic can be initiated from either side, while for an SSH tunnel, you must explicitly set an "entry point" for traffic. "Entry point" is a parameter of the form <address>: <port>

You can order Gift cards on a specific site until your account is blocked.
Your account may be blocked for the following reasons:
- The card that you used for payment was blocked
- Device fingerprint flagged as unwanted and classified as fraudulent
- Ip-address or e-mail was blacklisted
- When buying, pay by card, an antidetect browser or a virtual machine was used, which were detected by the anifraud system
- The settings of the laptop or computer do not match the geolocation of the cardholder
- The bin of the card is included in the stop list

If your account is blocked, you can update the system settings, clear cookies and replace all equipment parameters with appropriate programs.
Then register a new account and use another card for payment.

Any Bitcoin transactions are tracked and not anonymous. All transactions are displayed and stored on the blockchain.
To maintain anonymity, you can mix your bitcoins in a reliable bitcoin mixer in order to confuse the traces.
You can also work not with bitcoin, but with any other cryptocurrency, which is more anonymous and not tracked. Crypto exchanges allow you to work with exchanging different cryptocurrencies depending on your requirements and conditions.
In addition, to register a bitcoin wallet, it is not at all necessary to indicate your real data. It is unsafe and unwise to do this.
You can get Bitcoin to your anonymous wallet easily and easily.

When you exchange the gift card for any cryptocurrency of your choice, the cryptocurrency will arrive and be available in your cryptocurrency exchange account.
After you see that the transaction was successful and the cryptocurrency arrived and you must send the cyptocurrency to your other wallet (on another crypto exchange or just a separate private wallet), that is, do not leave the cryptocurrency on the account in which you exchanged the gift card for cryptocurrency.

You can also immediately withdraw funds or cryptocurrency from the cryptocurrency exchange in any convenient way, for example:
- to a bank account
- to the card number
- to the account in the account of an available payment system
- through the money transfer system
You can see all possible ways to withdraw funds on the crypto exchange website.
That is, gift cards do not need to be exchanged for cryptocurrency, but can be exchanged directly to your anonymous card, bank account, account in the payment system or any other available methods.
Your account must be anonymous or registered with a drop (dummy).

The main points of anonymity in carding are as follows:
1. Using a vpn provider without logs as a basis
2. Using pure proxies (socks5), ssh tunnels or RDP substituting your IP address for the IP address corresponding to the cardholder
3. Each time you use the card for payment, you must have a unique fingerprint of the system. Geolocation, keyboard layout, operating system language, time and time zone must match the cardholder and not push you out.

The simplest and safest carding methods include purchasing physical and digital goods from the generated card data. In this case, you do not need to buy a valid card at all, but rather generate its data.
But at the same time, you need to know the correct sites to which you can make a payment on it.
Likewise, the safest methods include payment for goods by invoicing according to fullz data.
In this case, you can also generate fullz data (full info) and submit them for invoicing to pay for purchases in online stores (possible only in European stores).
The answer is too detailed, thank you.

I saw you mention debit card twice today
Could you please tell me the difference between debit card and credit card in risk control?

Thank you


Reaction score
RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) is a remote desktop protocol developed by Microsoft and is used to remotely work with a computer. Despite the fact that, traditionally, vulnerabilities are regularly found in Microsoft products, and Windows servers are rarely connected to publicly accessible addresses from the Internet, RDP is used everywhere, there are few negative reviews.

Yes, you can use RDP or virtual machine. You can use them separately as well as in a joint bundle, for example, connect to the RDP through a virtual machine and vice versa.
But you should take into account that the RDP and the virtual machine are easily detected by the anti-fraud systems of the sites and the payment for your order may be rejected.
As a similar option, use vpn, ssh tunnel or proxy (socks5).

You can buy RDP access or get it for free for a test period.
It is sold by both individual private sellers and hosting companies. Prices start at $ 0.3 and it depends on how long you plan to purchase it.
RDP must be selected for full correspondence of the address to the cardholder, that is, the city and country.
You do not need to pay for any virtual machine, you can download and install it for free. To do this, you need what kind of virtual machine you want to install on your laptop or computer.

Some RDP sellers:
[email protected]

You must create an email account that meets the requirements of the cardholder. Its name must include the name, surname and year of birth. Or various similar variations. E-mail box names should not resemble a generated or fake name. The box should look convincing and believable.
You do not have to register a mailbox with services that offer temporary email addresses.

You can use any free email service. To do this, you must decide on the material of the country you plan to work with. Gmail and Hotmail is an international postal service that provides the ability to register email addresses for free. Any websites and Internet shops are friendly to them.
Of course, it is best to register your own domain and connect a corporate email account to it, as this will cause more confidence in the anti-fraud system.
In any case, when you decide on the CC with which you plan to work, find free postal services in this country and register a mailbox there.

How to change the MAC address of a network card in a minute
I will tell you how to change the MAC address of a network card in Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Linux and MacOS. Earlier I wrote about how to find out the MAC address of a computer, and today we will talk about changing it.

Why might you need to change it?
A couple of times I met controversy about the fact that the MAC address cannot be changed, because this is a hardware characteristic, and therefore I will explain: in fact, you really will not change the MAC address "hardwired" in the network card (this is possible, but requires additional equipment - a programmer), but this is not necessary: for most of the network equipment of the consumer segment, the MAC address set at the software level by the driver takes precedence over the hardware one, which makes the manipulations described below possible and useful.

What are the reasons to change the MAC address on your system?
Each Network Interface Card has a unique MAC (Media Access Control) address. This applies to all types of network cards, including Ethernet and WiFi cards. The MAC Address (Physical Address) is a six-byte number or 12-digit hexadecimal number that is used to uniquely identify a host on a network. As an example, I'll show you my test server running Windows 10. The quickest way to find out is to run the command ipconfig / all at the command line. My physical address (MAC address) is "00-0C-29-9A-EC-49".
Okay, you are our physical address, but you have to know where it is used, as this will answer the question of why the user might want to change the Mac address. At the lowest network layer, network interfaces connected to a network use MAC addresses to communicate with each other. For example, when a browser on your computer needs to receive a web page from a server on the Internet, that request goes through several layers of the TCP / IP protocol. The web address you enter is converted to the server's IP address. Your computer sends the request to the router, which then sends it to the Internet. At the hardware level, your NIC only looks at other MAC addresses on the same network as it. It knows how to send a request to the MAC address of your router's network interface.

So why do you want to change your MAC address?
Well, there are many reasons for this, mostly related to bypassing some kind of MAC address filter installed on your modem, router, or firewall. Changing the MAC address can help you bypass certain network restrictions by emulating an unlimited MAC address or spoofing a MAC address that is already authorized. This is exactly what unscrupulous users use, organizing network attacks in this way, knowing this, manufacturers make protection, for example, VMware has Forged transmits functionality.
For example, a WiFi network can only allow authorized computers to connect to the network and filter computers based on MAC address. If you can figure out a valid MAC address, you can spoof your MAC address and gain access to the Wi-Fi network. Any DHCP server also has filtering.
Another example is if you have an internet service provider that only allows a certain number of computers to connect to the internet from your home. If you have more computers to connect, you can spoof the MAC address of the authorized computer and connect from another computer. Changing the MAC address is useful when it is difficult or cumbersome to change the MAC address rules for your network.

Methods for changing the MAC address
If we are talking about the Windows system, then here we can highlight:
  • Device Manager
  • Windows Registry
  • Command line or PowerShell
  • Special utilities like TMAC
  • Through the properties of the network interface

How to change mac address through Windows Device Manager
Note: the first two digits of the specified MAC address do not need to start with 0, but end with 2, 6, A or E. Otherwise, the change may not work on some network cards
These methods will work in the same way on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 operating systems.
First, launch the Windows Device Manager. A quick way to do this is to press the Win + R keys on your keyboard and type devmgmt.msc , then press the Enter key.
Open the devmgmt.msc snap-in.
Device Manager will open.
Or you can right click on my computer icon and select properties
A properties window will open in which at the top left you can select the Device Manager item.
Opening the device manager.
In the device manager, open the Network adapters section, right-click on the network card or Wi-Fi adapter whose MAC address you want to change and click Properties.
In the adapter properties window, select the "Advanced" tab and find the "Network address" item and set its value. For the changes to take effect, you must either restart your computer or disable and enable the network adapter. The MAC address consists of 12 hexadecimal digits and must be entered without colons or other punctuation marks.
On some network adapters, the item for changing the value of the physical address may be called "Network Address".
Or you can see the name "Locally Administered Address". Further, when changing the MAC address, remove all dashes, my new value will be 000C299AAAAA.
Let's turn off / on the network interface or just reboot to check our changes. As a result, it is clear that everything worked quickly and reliably. Agree that in Windows it is very easy to change the mac address using this method.
Note: not for all devices it is possible to do the above, for some of them the item "Network address" will not be on the "Advanced" tab. In this case, you should use other methods. To check if the changes have taken effect, you can use the ipconfig / all command (for more details, see the article on how to find out the MAC address).
The list of network adapters can also be viewed through the Network Control Center, to open it, right-click on the WiFi or network connection icon in the bottom right
Let's choose to change the adapter parameters.
You will see the same list of network interfaces that also have an Advanced tab in their properties.
You can also press Win + R again and enter ncpa.cpl, you will also see a list of network interfaces.

How to change the mac address through the Windows registry
If the previous option did not help you, then you can use the registry editor, the method should work in Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP. To launch Registry Editor, press Win + R and type regedit.
In Registry Editor open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Class \ {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
This section will contain several "folders", each of which corresponds to a separate network device. Find the one whose MAC address you want to change. To do this, pay attention to the DriverDesc parameter on the right side of the Registry Editor.
After you have found the desired section, right-click on it (in my case - by 0000) and select - "Create" - "String parameter". Name it NetworkAddress.
Double-click the new registry entry and set the new 12-digit hexadecimal MAC address without using colons. Close the registry editor and restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

How to change mac address using TMAC v6.0.6
This is a small free utility, earlier I told How to install TMAC v6.0.6 / Download TMAC v6.0.6
We launch it and select the desired network interface and set the mac address you need, or press Random MAC Address to get a random one.

How to change MAC address via command line or PowerShell
After learning how to change the MAC address using Registry Editor, we can speed up this change using the reg command in the command line or PowerShell . If you need to repeatedly switch between different MAC addresses on your Windows machine, the command line is the way to go and the commands can be saved in a script file and run to speed things up. Open Command Prompt or PowerShell as Administrator, whichever application you prefer to use.
In my example, I want to change the value of the physical address from 000C299AAAAA to 000C299BBBBB.
To execute the command, you must know the folder number from the container {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}, in my example it is 0001.
Enter the following command either in cmd or in PowerShell, do not forget to substitute your MAC_address.
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Class \ {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} \ 0001 / v NetworkAddress / d 000C299BBBBB / f
As a result, the command worked perfectly, turning off and on the network interface, I can already observe the new physical address and, what is most excellent, it does everything in a matter of seconds, in my opinion, this is the most convenient method to change the MAC address in Windows.
This is how easy it is to change the MAC address of a network card in Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.

How to change mac address on macOS
Changing MAC addresses in macOS Catalina and Mojave 2020 is definitely as easy as it is in Windows. First, you must use a terminal (similar to the command line in Windows) to actually change the MAC address. Second, you need to manually define the technical name of the adapter before you can change the settings.
First, let's find out the current MAC address of your Mac. You can do this in one of two ways: through System Preferences or through Terminal. Open "System Preferences", click "Network", then click "Advanced". Make sure to select the appropriate interface first (WiFi, Ethernet, etc.).
Click on the Hardware tab and you will see the first line with the MAC address. We will need it for the command from the terminal.
Then press the Command + Space keys at the same time, type "Terminal", and then press "Enter".

There are more than 5,000 different banks in the United States and e banks are engaged in issuing credit and debit cards. Which bank to choose does not really matter. The most important thing is that the card is valid, that is, suitable for use. The card balance does not depend on the bank, it depends on how much the cardholder stores funds in his account, so you can choose any bank that will be offered in the CC store. You can also select any desired bank by defining it by the desired bin card, then use the bin search in the CC store.

You can choose any type and kind of card, the brand of the card does not really matter. The most important thing is that the card contains the correct format that can be used for online purchases. That is, the card must contain - card number, CVV code, name and surname of the owner, his address and telephone number. This data will be quite enough to make a payment.
However, I advise you to choose debit cards over credit cards. This encirclement can also be identified by the bin of the card. In any case, this is just a recommendation, if the card is valid, then payment for it will take place in any case.
The brand of the card is not critical.

You can also choose prime types of cards, such as "Gold", "Platinum", "Black", "Elite", "Infinity" and the like, since it is assumed that the balance on them will be greater than the usual classic and standard types of cards.
Service of prime type cards is usually more expensive than on standard cards, therefore it is suggested that the balance on them will be higher. By the same token, they have various loyalty programs and an increased credit limit.
But again, this is not a fact, since the balance on a regular card may turn out to be much more profitable and more than on elite cards.
You can choose any type of cards you want. The processing works the same with any type of card and the payment gateway does not give priority when paying for a certain type of card.

Proxy service providers have different packages, tariffs and terms of service.
All providers have different tariffs for proxy services. It depends on the number of proxies you purchase for a certain period.
Many services offer sale from 1 proxy.
The average cost of 1 socks5 can start from $ 0.1
The most important thing is that the proxy is clean and not included in the spam and black base, so always check its crystal clearness before using it.
1 proxy is used for payment on 1 card and must correspond to the cardholder's address, socks5 must be as close as possible and be fast in terms of speed of use.

The number of proxies (socks5) depends on the number of times that you plan to enter (log in) into your account. The proxy mask should always be identical and not very different. Only a small difference is permissible, since Internet providers can assign random IP addresses for each authorization on the Internet.
1 proxy can live and work for a long time, but also become unusable after 5 minutes of use.
Therefore, proxy providers offer a selection of similar socks for the desired mask, which will allow you to select similar IP addresses.
When paying by card, the following formula is used:
1 proxy (socks5) = 1 card (CC).
If you do not receive a rejection of an order or a decline card, then you can continue to use the same card and the same proxy (socks5), but if you received a card blocking, then you need to change the system parameters to new ones. The fingerprint of your device should be new and unique every time in the eyes of the online store and payment gateway to bypass the anti-fraud system.
The number of socks5 depends on the number of cards that you plan to use for a certain period.

Gift cards are sold in different denominations. You can choose any nominal balance of gift cards.
The average value of 1 gift card ranges from $ 50 to $ 200,
How many cards you will purchase also depends on you. If you successfully purchase a Gift card on one account, you can continue to purchase other gift cards of different brands and different nominal balances in the same account. Appetite and greed depends only on you.
The most important thing is that the card that you plan to use for purchases has the necessary balance to buy a gift card.
The Electronic Gift Card can be delivered in your personal account or sent by email.

It is a popular proxy provider for carding. This service offers various proxies (socks5) for successful work. You can purchase any package you need with a certain number of proxies and use it for a certain period of time.
This is a proxy service that provides a service in the provision of socks5, which can be selected for the necessary characteristics and parameters, for example, so that your IP address fully corresponds to the address of the CC cardholder that you plan to use for your needs. This service has good software for search and use of the necessary proxies, as well as convenient extended functionality for successful work.
A proxy server is a technology that makes it possible to change the unique address of a device on a network. The task of a proxy server or proxy server is to replace the original IP address of the user's device with another.
A proxy server is an additional link between you and the Internet. A kind of intermediary that separates the person from the visited site. Creates the conditions under which the site thinks that the proxy is a real person.

You can find reliable and trusted sellers of valid CC in this section.
Also in this section there are CC stores that offer cards with non-vbv or non-mcsc bins for sale.
Do not try to buy and use cards with non-vbv bins that are available in the public, since many of them are listed in the stop lists of an online store and you will not be able to buy gift cards with them.
It is necessary to develop your own collection of non-vbv bins, which can be used for successful purchases of gift cards.
In any CC store, you will need to register an account and also deposit the minimum amount on the balance to purchase valid CC.

"SSH" (Secure Shell) is an application-level network protocol that allows remote control of the operating system and tunneling of TCP connections (for example, for transferring files). It is similar in functionality to the Telnet and rlogin protocols. but unlike them, it encrypts all traffic, including transmitted passwords. SSH allows a choice of different encryption algorithms. SSH clients and SSH servers are available for most network operating systems".

Why SSH tunnel?
Every carder or network engineer at least once in his practice faced a situation when he needs to get access from the public Internet to the resources of his work network, hidden behind NAT and protected by a firewall.
Of course, you can set up an encrypted site-to-site tunnel or PPTP to solve this problem.
Or use a third-party remote access application such as TeamViewer. However, there is a simpler solution, which will take literally one minute to implement. In addition, this solution does not require any third-party software other than the OpenSSH package included by default in 90% of Linux / Unix distributions.
After reading this article, you will learn how, in addition to implementing regular remote access, you can organize a socks-proxy, publish a service, connect several resources behind NAT through the double tunneling method, and much more.

How SSH tunneling works
SSH tunnel or SSH Port Forwarding, as man ssh calls it, is an optional protocol functionality that runs over the familiar regular SSH session. An SSH tunnel allows you to send a TCP packet from one side of an SSH connection to the other side and translate the IP header according to a predetermined rule during transmission.
Understanding how an SSH tunnel works is very simple: if you think of it as a point-to-point connection. As with PPP, any packet hitting one end of the connection is
will be transmitted and received at the other end of the tunnel. Further, depending on the destination address specified in the IP header, the packet will either be processed by the receiving side of the tunnel (if the packet is intended directly for it), or routed further into the network (if the destination is another network node).
The main difference between an SSH tunnel and a PPP connection is that only TCP traffic can be wrapped in an SSH tunnel. (Note: there are a few hacks on how you can send UDP over a TCP socket inside an SSH tunnel, but that solution is beyond the scope of this article).
The second difference is that in a point-to-point
connection, incoming traffic can be initiated from either side, while for an SSH tunnel, you must explicitly set an "entry point" for traffic. "Entry point" is a parameter of the form <address>: <port>

You can order Gift cards on a specific site until your account is blocked.
Your account may be blocked for the following reasons:
- The card that you used for payment was blocked
- Device fingerprint flagged as unwanted and classified as fraudulent
- Ip-address or e-mail was blacklisted
- When buying, pay by card, an antidetect browser or a virtual machine was used, which were detected by the anifraud system
- The settings of the laptop or computer do not match the geolocation of the cardholder
- The bin of the card is included in the stop list

If your account is blocked, you can update the system settings, clear cookies and replace all equipment parameters with appropriate programs.
Then register a new account and use another card for payment.

Any Bitcoin transactions are tracked and not anonymous. All transactions are displayed and stored on the blockchain.
To maintain anonymity, you can mix your bitcoins in a reliable bitcoin mixer in order to confuse the traces.
You can also work not with bitcoin, but with any other cryptocurrency, which is more anonymous and not tracked. Crypto exchanges allow you to work with exchanging different cryptocurrencies depending on your requirements and conditions.
In addition, to register a bitcoin wallet, it is not at all necessary to indicate your real data. It is unsafe and unwise to do this.
You can get Bitcoin to your anonymous wallet easily and easily.

When you exchange the gift card for any cryptocurrency of your choice, the cryptocurrency will arrive and be available in your cryptocurrency exchange account.
After you see that the transaction was successful and the cryptocurrency arrived and you must send the cyptocurrency to your other wallet (on another crypto exchange or just a separate private wallet), that is, do not leave the cryptocurrency on the account in which you exchanged the gift card for cryptocurrency.

You can also immediately withdraw funds or cryptocurrency from the cryptocurrency exchange in any convenient way, for example:
- to a bank account
- to the card number
- to the account in the account of an available payment system
- through the money transfer system
You can see all possible ways to withdraw funds on the crypto exchange website.
That is, gift cards do not need to be exchanged for cryptocurrency, but can be exchanged directly to your anonymous card, bank account, account in the payment system or any other available methods.
Your account must be anonymous or registered with a drop (dummy).

The main points of anonymity in carding are as follows:
1. Using a vpn provider without logs as a basis
2. Using pure proxies (socks5), ssh tunnels or RDP substituting your IP address for the IP address corresponding to the cardholder
3. Each time you use the card for payment, you must have a unique fingerprint of the system. Geolocation, keyboard layout, operating system language, time and time zone must match the cardholder and not push you out.

The simplest and safest carding methods include purchasing physical and digital goods from the generated card data. In this case, you do not need to buy a valid card at all, but rather generate its data.
But at the same time, you need to know the correct sites to which you can make a payment on it.
Likewise, the safest methods include payment for goods by invoicing according to fullz data.
In this case, you can also generate fullz data (full info) and submit them for invoicing to pay for purchases in online stores (possible only in European stores).
thank you so much


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Hi, I'm a beginner please help me with phone verification. I tried to card through giftcard purchasing on website such as and Everything was going good until the phone verification step. I need any phone number that match the location of the card holder for receiving the code but I'm not living in the card holder's country. Please help me outta this


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Hi, I'm a beginner please help me with phone verification. I tried to card through giftcard purchasing on website such as and Everything was going good until the phone verification step. I need any phone number that match the location of the card holder for receiving the code but I'm not living in the card holder's country. Please help me outta this
i recommend its a service that generates throwaway phone numbers which you can use to receive OTP codes and then erase the number forever. its a fairly inexpensive service and works very good most of the times.


Reaction score
i recommend its a service that generates throwaway phone numbers which you can use to receive OTP codes and then erase the number forever. its a fairly inexpensive service and works very good most of the times.