Getting Using Real Info on Nov's


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[email protected]
Interesting read from SC. Enjoy.

I just spent $220 on a Nov and wanted some insurance that it wouldn't be gone in a week. This is what I came up with.

1) Surf over to or a site like that. *Alot of them make you pay to send e-mail, so make sure it's free.
2) Setup an account as a desirable member of the opposite sex. Make sure that you use a zip in the state that your nov. will be from (preferably in the center of the state).
3) Now you can run searches based upon height, weight, age, etc. Eventually you will get a 100% match on the characterisics unless you're incredibly weird looking. If nessecary, communicate with that person until you have all the information you need, minus the DL#.
4) Contact someone who can get the persons DL# when supplied with their full name, age, state. Right now I believe Z***** is the only one on SC reviewed to sell such information, but there are other people who can get it too.

Hypothetically everything should go good for a traffic stop or if a packy owner calls the cops because he thinks the nov is a fake.

a. While its generally a bad idea to use your nov in-state, or hand a nov to a police officer, you should be especially careful in certain states. Not my state, but some have the persons picture come up when the information is entered in to the officer's computer. That happens and you're fucked.
b. You may want to spend the extra money to get a background check done on the person to make sure they are not a convicted felon. As an alternative to that, you could try social engineering. Maybe say something along the lines of "I think bad boys are so hot. Have you ever been to jail?" when you are communicating with the person.