From technology to paralysis: DARPA reveals new danger of VR helmets for soldiers

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The protection program is aimed at preventing the influence of enemies on the brain of a serviceman.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration (DARPA) is launching an Intrinsic Cognitive Security (ICS) program to protect Mixed Reality (MR) helmets from potential "cognitive attacks" that can paralyze soldiers on the battlefield.

According to the notification from DARPA, cognitive attacks are defined as any hostile action aimed at exploiting the close connection between users and MR equipment. Attacks can include:
  1. Virtual data injection: Adding or modifying virtual objects in mixed reality, which may mislead the user or prevent them from performing tasks.
  2. Flood of information to increase latency: Providing too much information to slow down the user's response or cause them to become paralyzed from too much data.
  3. Manipulation of physical objects: for example, placing real objects in such a way that they create false signals of attention in a mixed reality system.
  4. Interaction with tracking devices: for example, using eye movement trackers to determine where the user is looking and then influence their perception.

The main technical hypothesis of the program is the assumption that formal methods can be extended to protect users of mixed reality from cognitive attacks. DARPA wants to mathematically represent cognitive models of human perception and create a universal defense against cognitive attacks.

However, not everything is going smoothly. Tests of HoloLens mixed reality helmets conducted by the US Army in 2022 showed that after a few hours of use, soldiers began to experience headaches, eye irritation, and nausea . The joint development project with Microsoft, called the Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS), encountered a number of technical problems and delays, which raised concerns about the effectiveness of the funds invested in it.

However, DARPA is confident in its approach and intends to develop protection methods for mixed reality systems before such systems become widespread on the battlefield.