Free manual for working with logs


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Note: This article does not claim to be a super manual. These are just my thoughts and notes that can help many find a new direction for themselves.

Good afternoon dear friends.

I've seen a lot of different trends in the carving industry .

Clamping the Add Money button in PP
Driving into Ebay with purchased cc and brute Amazon
Refs Boom in hotel and aviation topics and many many other topical areas for work.

But all the topics someday die or temporarily become irrelevant, due to stagnation and lack of knowledge of the solution to the task (verif, fraud, lack of mat). Although from the above, almost all themes work. Only the approach has changed, and they have become not as widespread as then.

Today, I want to share my thoughts on working with logs .

I chose this direction for myself last year and completely devoted myself to studying and looking for loopholes in it. To this day, my groupmates and I show excellent results in this direction. I always try to teach to bet on "What would work, you need to treat business like work." For example , observe some nuances in the work :

Wake up early in the morning to have time to buy fresh material
Check the work done every few hours
, so as not to miss some detail and many other nuances that must be observed in order to increase the % of success . That is, if every nuance I have observed isadd at 5-10% to success , from the 10 completed works I will profit not from 1-2 , and from 3-4 for example, that would be a great result and will be well-compensated for their work by me.

I know that some people who work with logs are currently experiencing a problem both with the quality of the purchased material and with the degree of completion of this log before you.
As for me, this is due to the fact that most sellers of installations, as well as logs from our forum and not only, are uploaded in a circle at the same exchanges (publishers).
Also, there are unscrupulous log sellers who like to CRUSH1 log for 2-3 requests and sell.

What to do and how to be?

There is one direction that many people underestimate . Namely - to work with logs + purchased CC. That is, we take the most screwed up log , where there is access to at least some used mail from the owner of the log , we register any shop with which we will work with it (I do not advise taking very large stores like AmazOn , ebay ). Further, we register on some public services such as tweeter , redirect, or use the links that are in the log. Stuffing cookiesin the shop with which we will work, and on social sites.

You ask why and what is the difference between self-registration and this method?

The answer is simple - Cookies . Most of the sites where you go (they even sometimes offer to agree to their rules control cookies on the bottom or top of the site), read your cookies and see where you went , what sites previously visited . Using mail from logs, where there are already real cookies , gives a% to the passability, which I wrote about above.

The next nuance that I would like to tell you about is acting .

Yes, you heard exactly the acting . Try to imagine for the duration of your work that you really need this or that lot that you will buy . How would you buy it? I am sure that you would not go to the site, find something in the search that costs more than $ 200-500 and would buy it within 5-10 minutes .

Acting is another nuance that should be observed when working not only with logs, but in all directions . For example the G o o g l an e compares to what sites you went yesterday and the day before and a month ago, and how you behave today. Doesreport and issues on request via cookies .
For example, if we do 2-3 days of monotonous work such as checking email, FB, YouTube, tweeter, Twitch, redit as well as view other sites with a description of the product that we're going to buy , it's 100% + will give us in this karma order.

Let me tell you a little secret about PP . If, during payment with PP, it asks you to enter an SMS confirmation code , you can leave it for rest and try in 1-2 days. I have more than 50%In some cases, you can get around this by relaxing and stuffing cookies . Cookies get used to it.

Also, a big nuance that must be observed is the proximity of your IP with a zip from under the inserted material (in our case, ss or pp).

According to my statistics, I will tell you this - it is better to choose an IP for a zip of a drop or material than to look for a transparently clean IP of which there are almost no left.
Under the zip of the material - when we work under the redirect or hold
Under the drop
- when we work with the drive on the drop or in the middle.

Another nuance for you to increase your profit ...

Stop thinking that it is always profitable to drive Apple and liquid staff , for which there is Additional Fraud in almost all shops . Yes, it's an additional one. Not only do you need to go through an anti-fraud shop and a bank to write off, but also fraud for super liquid goods .

Work with buyers who have a good% for non-liquid assets . Non-liquid stock - taps , fans , vacuum cleaners for dogs , digital locks , perfumes , pipes , filters for water and pools, chairs and so on. All this is included at least 30% better than top-end liquid or electronics .

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Total that we get

Observing a few simple tricks, you can increase the permeability and open up new horizons for work. Do not throw out a log with a spent Amazon or ebay . And continue to work on these cookies as on the giving platform .