Fraudulent scheme "Triangle".


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On various purchase and sale sites, such as Avito, Yula and the like, scammers quite successfully use the theme called "Triangle"
The victims of a fraudster are simultaneously two people who do not know each other and do not suspect that the fraudster is one of them.
The essence of the criminal act is as follows:
A bona fide seller places an ad for the sale of any product. Usually in the middle price category
The fraudster places a similar ad for the sale of the same product.
A bona fide Buyer, without suspecting anything, became interested in buying a product based on an ad published by a fraudster.

The fraudster enters into correspondence with them. Answers all questions about the product offered in detail. Sends additional photos if necessary. At the same time, the fraudster corresponds with a Bona Fide Seller and asks him to send the photos that the Buyer requests. For example, if the Buyer asks the Fraudster for a photo of the product against the background of a piece of paper with some inscription, the Fraudster will immediately make a similar request to the Bona Fide Seller
When the negotiations are completed, the Fraudster asks for a partial or full prepayment from the Buyer (as it turns out), but at the same time gives the card number of a Bona Fide Seller with whom he conducted parallel negotiations on the purchase of goods, allegedly intending to purchase it.

Thus, the Buyer sends money to a Bona fide Seller, who receives it and sends the goods to the fraudster. And the fraudster receives the goods without paying a single ruble. A conscientious Seller, in turn, thinks that he was paid by the one who was presented to him as the buyer.
It turns out that a Bona Fide Buyer was left without goods and without money, and a Bona Fide Seller who received money from the Buyer, but sent the goods to a fraudster, has problems with the police, because a Bona Fide Buyer will certainly write a statement that he was "thrown"
This is a very old scam technique. Back in the early twentieth century, a famous Parisian jeweler and a famous psychiatrist were deceived in a similar way at the same time.
If you are interested in what it was like , I will tell you.
In the meantime, be vigilant!