Fraudsters-carders began to massively generate fake bank card photos via Telegram chatbots


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Fraudsters have started massively generating fake bank card photos via Telegram chatbots — they are sent to potential victims from hacked accounts of relatives and friends in order to increase trust, the Izvestia newspaper writes.

At the first stage, attackers break into a person's messenger account and ask their friends to transfer money to a bank account. Then they send a bank card to which you allegedly need to transfer the amount. The photo shows a plastic card, allegedly issued by a major bank, with the name and surname of the person from whose name the messages are sent.

Such images are forged by hackers using special bots in Telegram. The card numbers on them are real, but the bank account belongs to the fraudster and is located in another bank, smaller and more visible, said Nikita Chugunov, Senior Vice President of VTB.

Thanks to this scheme, fraudsters manage to gain time to withdraw the stolen money — the victim of fraud first turns to the bank whose design was used by the attackers, and only then realizes that he sent funds to another credit institution. During this time, criminals manage to cash out the money received.

Fake bank card photos have been found before, but these were isolated cases. Now this process is automated with the help of Telegram bots, and fake images are created faster, says Chugunov.